-JLI veterancy requirements from 660/1320/2240/3520/4400 to 520/1040/2080/3120/3970; reinforcement time to 6...
Currently reinforcement times (and cost) are all completely inconstant with some units following the reinforcement cost rule while other not. For instance pg reinforce to slow while Osttruppen too fast.
Standardize reinforcement time across all the board(and cost probably with assault infantry have a discount) according to unit "type" from longer to sorter:
Support weapons (mg/mortars)
"Elite" infantry
mainline infantry
Support units
In addition currently JLI (and storm-troopers) have very little shock value for using infiltration since they come rifles.
1) Allow all infiltration units to be build from base for normal cost and add a premium when these are called in to spawn from ambient building.
2) JLI could spawn with the G43 to allow them to counter sniper more effectively.
3) Add utility to JLI and Pathfinders by adding counter sniper ability. Unit has a hold fire ability that allow the unit to fire only vs sniper.