Strafe Run

Posts: 2181
I don't find the strafe a problem in teamgames, you just have to have one guy build early t70, AAht and then ISU's. I find it more of a problem in 1v1 where you don't have any AA if you choose T4. (except for isu and is2 which are rarely seen in 1v1)

Posts: 1108
Strafing run still too good for 120munition costs, maybe swap the German strafing run with the Soviet one for 1 week, then everyone will agree that.
bullshit. They nerfed it to the ground and its good as it is for a 3 CP unit. Get two AA's problem solved. The soviet "strafing" run is more powerful and thats why it needs 6 CP.
there's something wrong, when he´s using it every 2 minutes...endless munition cheat.... Oo

Posts: 954
bullshit. They nerfed it to the ground and its good as it is for a 3 CP unit. Get two AA's problem solved. The soviet "strafing" run is more powerful and thats why it needs 6 CP.
there's something wrong, when he´s using it every 2 minutes...endless munition cheat.... Oo
Bullshit? Perhaps you need to keep yourself civil
I don't want to argue a 3CP 120 munition 80 radius,auto-seeking instant pin is better or a 240 munition 6CP barely hit something is better.
Get 2 AA problem solved? You ever used a quad for AA purpose before? If you never tried, then try to use quad to AA, or Quad is good for AA is just your assumption.
Don't even assuming Quad is a good AA unit before you try it out.

Posts: 525
bullshit. They nerfed it to the ground and its good as it is for a 3 CP unit. Get two AA's problem solved. The soviet "strafing" run is more powerful and thats why it needs 6 CP.
there's something wrong, when he´s using it every 2 minutes...endless munition cheat.... Oo
It's called Opel Blitz cheat...
And no,it's not more powerful as I said IL-2 sucks,flies slower, cost twice as much, it doesn't have as big of AOE and has less passes...and I didn't said it should be nerfed,I said it should be more expensive and moved to 6 CP, in the last 5 games all Germans have been abusing it

Posts: 194
At that point, your best bet has already been demonstrated here - quad AA. It's not a guarantee but if they're that hard into it you're going to need to bring a counter.
You won't see strafe spam in 1v1 or 2v2 because it's a losing strategy. If you are losing to that in 1v1 or 2v2 you're just being outplayed. Each truck represents an absent squad and is killable by literally anything, and Ost not getting things like LMG or FHT is going to be struggling.
All that being said, I think it went from "game breaking" to "still really good" after the last nerf. It could maybe use a small cost increase to 150 or indirect nerf by changing AA mechanics to have higher % kill on each pass or something, but it's more or less good right now.

Posts: 480
The strafe is only really perhaps OP in big team games. One guy can just forgo getting any LMGs, not get a flamer HT, not worry about upgunning ACs, etc and just hold out for strafe spam. Or perhaps even more likely, you're seeing 2 people use it and alternating and assuming it's one guy who just keeps spamming it.
At that point, your best bet has already been demonstrated here - quad AA. It's not a guarantee but if they're that hard into it you're going to need to bring a counter.
You won't see strafe spam in 1v1 or 2v2 because it's a losing strategy. If you are losing to that in 1v1 or 2v2 you're just being outplayed. Each truck represents an absent squad and is killable by literally anything, and Ost not getting things like LMG or FHT is going to be struggling.
All that being said, I think it went from "game breaking" to "still really good" after the last nerf. It could maybe use a small cost increase to 150 or indirect nerf by changing AA mechanics to have higher % kill on each pass or something, but it's more or less good right now.
Um, while someone *just* saving up munitions to strafe isn't going to have much of a shot in most 1v1 maps, strafe is really much more powerful in 1v1 than bigger games. Partly because you won't have both T3 and T4, getting AA halftracks as a response is much less feasible, partly because it suppresses a much bigger area of the map and it's much easier to pen someone in on 1v1 after forcing a retreat.

Posts: 1108
Bullshit? Perhaps you need to keep yourself civil
I don't want to argue a 3CP 120 munition 80 radius,auto-seeking instant pin is better or a 240 munition 6CP barely hit something is better.
Get 2 AA problem solved? You ever used a quad for AA purpose before? If you never tried, then try to use quad to AA, or Quad is good for AA is just your assumption.
Don't even assuming Quad is a good AA unit before you try it out.
bullshit because I have watched full metal jacket a few minutes ago

I've had good experience with two AA's.In 2vs2 four AA's. Each player should have two AA's... anyway but switching to 6 CP is an overkill...

Posts: 915
And some posters are right, if he is spamming strafe with the ridiculously munition reliant Germans you are doing something horribly wrong. It's real easy to hunt down opels once you realize he has gone that doctrine. I almost cannot believe some soviet players are still crying about this. Adapt to the battlefield conditions and come up with a different start instead of "sniper guards su85s" lol.

Posts: 8
Sorry for my English

Posts: 480
LOL are you kidding me!??!? Strafe has been nerfed to oblivion. Sometimes I even see it pass through once and then just fly around wasting time and waving at soviet troops. I have switched to soviets in last patch and t3 is completely viable now. Spammig t34s is a real good strat now as it should be. Some of you may still be stuck in ur op su85 strat thinking its the only way to deal with Germans when its not.
And some posters are right, if he is spamming strafe with the ridiculously munition reliant Germans you are doing something horribly wrong. It's real easy to hunt down opels once you realize he has gone that doctrine. I almost cannot believe some soviet players are still crying about this. Adapt to the battlefield conditions and come up with a different start instead of "sniper guards su85s" lol.
See, this is my problem with the counter-arguments in this thread.
For any other 120-200 muni off-map, the counter is usually to move out of the way, pay attention and not clump up too much. For the 3cp, 120 muni strafing run the counter suggested is to use a very specific build and never get pushed off the map even for a moment.

Posts: 525
LOL are you kidding me!??!? Strafe has been nerfed to oblivion. Sometimes I even see it pass through once and then just fly around wasting time and waving at soviet troops. I have switched to soviets in last patch and t3 is completely viable now. Spammig t34s is a real good strat now as it should be. Some of you may still be stuck in ur op su85 strat thinking its the only way to deal with Germans when its not.
And some posters are right, if he is spamming strafe with the ridiculously munition reliant Germans you are doing something horribly wrong. It's real easy to hunt down opels once you realize he has gone that doctrine. I almost cannot believe some soviet players are still crying about this. Adapt to the battlefield conditions and come up with a different start instead of "sniper guards su85s" lol.
Firstly no it wasn't nerfed to oblivion,example,as I said before it strafed all my infantry situated in the south part of the map Steppes
Second try spaming T34's vs a Panther,a little hint : Panther wins...more decent vs Panzer though but SU85 still being vital
Third no I didn't do nothing wrong,held victory point,held fuel,why would I go in his base,or search the whole map for a f*****g truck,is this some kind of new obligation?
And what is the purpose of Opel Blitz,fuel caches weren't enough ?
Fourth I don't spam snipers or Guards because I feel they are useless,button being the only good thing about Guards,my build was 5 conscript squads,2 whitch crewed stolen MG's,and 2 squads of Penals,two T34's and one SU85,latter AA truck whitch proved futile,aka no I don't use this "sniper guards su85s" of yours
Off-Topic:Why put a Recon Plane and Bomber in the same doctrine??

Posts: 829
Firstly no it wasn't nerfed to oblivion,example,as I said before it strafed all my infantry situated in the south part of the map Steppes
Second try spaming T34's vs a Panther,a little hint : Panther wins...more decent vs Panzer though but SU85 still being vital
Third no I didn't do nothing wrong,held victory point,held fuel,why would I go in his base,or search the whole map for a f*****g truck,is this some kind of new obligation?
And what is the purpose of Opel Blitz,fuel caches weren't enough ?
Fourth I don't spam snipers or Guards because I feel they are useless,button being the only good thing about Guards,my build was 5 conscript squads,2 whitch crewed stolen MG's,and 2 squads of Penals,two T34's and one SU85,latter AA truck whitch proved futile,aka no I don't use this "sniper guards su85s" of yours
Off-Topic:Why put a Recon Plane and Bomber in the same doctrine??
If you are building 5 conscripts start, you are doing it all wrong dude. Sorry.
If you gonna go with 5 conscripts opening, do what I do.
4 conscripts
eng flame upgrade
connscript (roll them out until you get rifle guards)
Heal station
(try to guess which one you need first, Heal or AT nades)
rifle guards (no more conscripts, you have plenty. They become semi-useless as game goes on. Don't waste them needlesly, promote)
rifle guards
Mortar (if you need it for heavy mg/mortar)
rifle guards
rigle guards.... (keep rolling them, but keep watch on your CP, you wanna have enough MP for T34/85 when you have enough CP)
You should after T34/85 just roll out some eng + flame/mine detector) mine the shit out of the map
If you are going with heavy conscript opening, by teching up you are only hurting yourself.
Choose commander with T34/85, rifles and IS2 (or whatever the number is) You have everything you need to win. Thats what commander is made for
Kv8 with IS152, you can use that one 2.....
Remember this is micro intensive and very aggressive tactic, keep pressure, cap cap cap and lay as many mines you can.... If you can, cap entire map and be present everywhere. Harass, harass, harass......... No stopping, no setting up defenses...
I just played 2 1v1 games.. in one I killed PIV with 2 conscripts and 3 rifle squads, in other one I killed Ostwin with 2x rifle (ostwin hit the mine

Both games I had 90% of map, and after my opponents seen 2x T3485 they both quit, before I even got to heavy armor.....
Good luck

Warning, you will be, most likely, called: %*& noob spammer, mother$&%$, and some other I might say, very inventive attributes

Posts: 829
Um, while someone *just* saving up munitions to strafe isn't going to have much of a shot in most 1v1 maps, strafe is really much more powerful in 1v1 than bigger games. Partly because you won't have both T3 and T4, getting AA halftracks as a response is much less feasible, partly because it suppresses a much bigger area of the map and it's much easier to pen someone in on 1v1 after forcing a retreat.
IDK about that Blovski,
I played 4v4 game few days back, I think all 4 Germans have strafe. It was just f....g never ending. LOL
Each one blocks half the map for infantry, and it does more damage because you have infantry from 1,2 or even 3 players in range... As soon as one is done, next one comes
%$%$!!!! was my choice of vocabulary for that game

Posts: 1108
Off-Topic:Why put a Recon Plane and Bomber in the same doctrine??
search and destroy

Posts: 2425
Permanently BannedRecon and Bomb on same Doctrine is fine, at cost.
Spamming Strafe is expensive, and a Quad negates this element of the doctrine pretty fine, at cost.

Posts: 829
I uploaded replay, if you wanna have a look. It says a lot more than words can.
P.S. I don't have those 2 games I was talking about saved up. I had to play new one, but this one shows how rifles are useless as well.
My opponent wasn't excellent player, or he was overwhelmed, so I wasn't fully concentrated (if someone is gonna pick up, few fuck ups lol)

Posts: 525
@ Joker
I uploaded replay, if you wanna have a look. It says a lot more than words can.
P.S. I don't have those 2 games I was talking about saved up. I had to play new one, but this one shows how rifles are useless as well.
My opponent wasn't excellent player, or he was overwhelmed, so I wasn't fully concentrated (if someone is gonna pick up, few fuck ups lol)
Thanks for feedback dude but usually I start with 2 Conscripts->Molotovs->2 Conscripts->AT Nades and Healing thingy,best start for me...just made one more to crew MG
@Nullist 120 ammo is expensive?
And yes Recon and Bomber in the same doctrine is perfectly fine,you can bomb the s**t out of everything you want with no actual effort,gg

Posts: 2425
Permanently Banned
Posts: 85

Posts: 525
Yes, it is perfectly fine. Im glad you agree.
I'm glad that you are glad that I agree

@Adamant I always build T3 with at least two T34's,I'm confused about the AA capabilities of that halftrack,it just stands there burst two or three times and the Strafing plane continues to pin/massacre my infantry with no worries whatsoever...

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