
russian armor

Strongest Faction?

Strongest Faction?
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Total votes: 137
24 May 2018, 02:22 AM
avatar of Darth

Posts: 44

What do you guys think the strongest faction is at the moment? I am primarily a 2v2 player (~rank 50 currently with Brits and USF) although I will admit lately my axis ranks have been struggling.

Soviets: Extremely strong (potentially strongest faction) when used correctly and also relatively easy to play. Many viable strategies with cons, t1, t2, or any combination thereof. Not as punishing for mistakes with 6 man squads and very powerful lategame abilities and artillery/kats.

Ostheer: Potentially very strong but also very hard to use. They remind me of terran in sc2 in that they are extremely strong if used correctly but all but the best players aren't really able to use them to their full potential. I find myself struggling to do well, especially against late game allied infantry/TD and arty. I think ostheer is probably the faction that gets punished most for mistakes and in many cases 1 mistake can cost you the game.

OKW: Not as much potential as ostheer but also requires nowhere near as much micro. Not as punishing when you make a mistake so in many cases ends up being stronger. Can often bully other factions in the early game and snowball to a victory but is also extremely vulnerable to certain strategies like mg spam and snipers. Raketenwerfers can also be hard to use.

USF: Another extremely strong faction (can't decide if Soviets or USF is strongest atm). Not as much diversity as the soviets but makes up for it with the best mainline infantry in the game as well as the best TD (Jackson). Priest is almost impossible to counter vs a competent player and Pershing is also strong if used correctly.

Brits: Meh. My favorite faction but I feel like lately they have been pretty weak. Doesn't really have much going for it atm with pretty much its whole roster having been nerfed over the last couple of patches. Churchill is great and sections are still pretty good with double brens. Like OKW, they are very vulnerable to certain strategies (mostly indirect). I feel like Brits have the potential to be strong in more of a supporting role with a good teammate.

Ranking all the factions from strongest to weakest, imo it would be:


In the hands of a top player with better micro than myself, Ostheer is probably one of the stronger factions but for everyone else this is my ranking.

What do you guys think?

24 May 2018, 04:19 AM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

4 votes when I posted and no replies. Why .org polls are bad, they become skewed by people who either don't take the time to explain their reasoning or don't understand enough to actually make a legitment addition.

On topic: It's honestly hard to say which is the absolute strongest faction in just general terms. OKWs opening 5 minutes are generally very strong with how cost effective and spammable volks are in combination with sturm starter and potential kubel. Lategame though they're just not up to par.

If micro is not included when arguing here Ostheer is easily one of the best, if not the best faction currently. Yes it is the hardest faction to play micro wise, but they have their own set of abusive things that can really propel them as an incredible faction.

Soviets from my own personal experience do require more micro than people tend to give them credit for imo. Maybe I'm just not well versed enough in them, but they do tend to have an incredible amount of combined arms play as well micro demand. Their lategame arsenal is fantastic and their mainline infantry is incredibly versatile. There are a few niche things I could pick out from them as needing a look into the buffs/nerf department.

USF is decent early game, but an absolute monster lategame. Probably the best mainline infantry as well as argueable tank arsenal currently especially with doctrines. The only draw back to this faction when I play them is micro limits, which can be very overtaxed by lategame USF if you don't use the correct commanders.

UKF has its strong suits, but where it has weaknesses it has massive holes in its design. As such, playing to the factions strenghs of using tommies significantly and cover usage they can be very difficult to push around. But with no consistant, mobile indirect it leaves a lot to be desired by them. Although I will say that currently commandos do allow for a bit of a crutch for that.

Overall: Soviets > Ostheer = USF > OKW = Brits
24 May 2018, 06:19 AM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

IMO 4 of the 5 factions are play relatively well into each other, each either being stronger than its counterpart at specific times IE OKW into Sov/USF early or in team games balance well in synergies (No more OKW/OKW, USF/USF, or SOV/SOV dominating team games).

Out of all factions I'd say OST is the most well balanced overall faction, while hard to play they get basically everything you need to succeed while having doctrines that fill what would be consider holes in their non-doc. You get a solid front line infantry unit with excellent support weapons. They just get punished for mistakes very harshly which other factions have an easier time coming back from.

Weakest is Brits for sure, they are just flawed as a faction, 4 man tommies are barely worth 280 mp considering they lose at any range closer then far green cover to grens who are 40 mp cheaper and lose to both axis mainlines early if forced to move, no mobile indirect without a doctrine, and easy to overwhelm early and prevent them from scaling. The only situation that would seem to work for them would be in team games in a support role to USF or Soviets.
24 May 2018, 07:32 AM
avatar of zarok47

Posts: 587

Why, it is the faction my enemy is using.
24 May 2018, 07:36 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

24 May 2018, 07:49 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2018, 07:32 AMzarok47
Why, it is the faction my enemy is using.

And you beat me to it.
24 May 2018, 07:59 AM
avatar of |GB| The Hooligan486
Senior Referee Badge

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2018, 07:32 AMzarok47
Why, it is the faction my enemy is using.

You forgot about brits :foreveralone:
24 May 2018, 13:04 PM
avatar of Spielführer

Posts: 319

For me it is Soviets.

Easy to play, viable strategies, very potent allround commanders and stuff like ISU, Penals and Guards.
24 May 2018, 14:10 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

For me it is Soviets.

Easy to play, viable strategies, very potent allround commanders and stuff like ISU, Penals and Guards.

Says Soviets are easy to play.

Has played a grand total of 2 games as Soviets.

Seems legit.

24 May 2018, 16:38 PM
avatar of numbernin6

Posts: 18

In terms of how complete a faction is, as in how many tools/units it has available to them and how accessible they are through resource and tech line I would say it goes Wehrmacht, Soviets, Brits, Okw, USF.

24 May 2018, 19:12 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

Just like to give the community props for not derailing this thread instantly with fanboyism... I just jinxed it didn't I? Sh*t.

I think for the most part each faction has its own problems with dealing with certain things. For example Soviets can have a hard time relying on just Non-PPSH Cons if they start to fall behind or USF can have a hard time dealing with players who try to turtle. And so on and so forth. Don't think any faction is overtly strongest but each faction can shine in certain situations or with certain unit compositions.
24 May 2018, 21:15 PM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

Damn, who voted for brits? :snfCHVGame:
24 May 2018, 21:55 PM
avatar of Lugie
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 327

I would say OKW if played right. The Sturmpioneers can act like a much more mobile mg42, perfect at taking and holding early-game strongpoints. To me, early-game is everything, and OKW really shines there where the Soviets and Americans dont. Securing and then getting resources is key, and in my case, especially munitions (Nobody ever bothers to get minesweepers?).

Ostheer a close second, as mentioned above, getting a MG42 into a good position can completely lock-down whole swathes of map before the enemy can counter it with anything.
24 May 2018, 22:27 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

I think soviets are overall strongest because they’re not as hard to play as ostheer and are very versatile and strong at the same time. Ost is probably second IMO but I agree with what you said about it being much harder to play. Nothing beats actually having all the tools to succeed.
24 May 2018, 22:59 PM
avatar of JohnSmith

Posts: 1273

Clearly Soviets, followed by OST.
24 May 2018, 23:49 PM
avatar of F1sh

Posts: 521

I think it's Soviet or Wehrmacht. I don't think the factions will ever be truly balanced, there are too many factors to take into consideration.
25 May 2018, 01:01 AM
avatar of SturmTigerVorgo

Posts: 307

I bet that those who voted OST played very few games with OST if any.
Soviets are obviously the best faction, followed by USF in the hands of a good player.
25 May 2018, 01:26 AM
avatar of skemshead

Posts: 611

Please add in a "Who f#*king cares option"

Seriously the the game now is so boring and so tedious thanks to smith and panther and all the other know it all idiots that had a hand in the recent patches that it is completely irrelevant which faction is strongest.

I have never disliked the meta as much as what is currently on show and sadly this is what we will be left with forever unfortunately.
25 May 2018, 05:15 AM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

Tough call between Ost, Sov and USF.

It's absolutely not the brits, and I think Ost is a bit better than OKW, so it's not them.

It might not be Sov after the recent patch, but I haven't played enough to really tell.

That just leaves Ost vs. USF, which is incredibly hard to call, imo. On the one hand, the MG42 is incredibly dominant, as is T2 and T3, but on the other, with the Mortar nerf, T1 isn't nearly as strong as it used to be. Meanwhile USF has arguably the most versatile (and possibly strongest) mainline inf that scales incredibly well across the entire game, as well as the Jackson, which is possibly the best non-doc TD in the game. They do have the problem of T1 being sort of non-viable, but T2 offers a lot, especially against players who didn't get early AT. In addition, they have mobile healing and the only non-punishing FRP, which gives them a lot of field presence.

25 May 2018, 05:39 AM
avatar of Not

Posts: 46

You call soviets strongest faction? Huh, the weakest early game, main inf cons that can't kill anyone without another unit support.
Now SU-76 costs munis to pay for weak ZiS-3 HE shells. (both tanks in T3 can be exploded by 1 OST mine for just 70muni, that need to be patched.)
But T4 is something good for their cost-efficient, if not taking into consideration camouflaged raketeen squads, that will waste your time repairing your tanks at base for few minutes.
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