
russian armor

OKW stuka balance (possibly OP)?

7 May 2018, 19:25 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

I feel like every rocket arty in the game has seen decent nerfs apart from this thing, at the moment it's a delete button for all your enemies vet AT guns and MG's. It should not be as consistent at deleting units once their spotted. As an allied player you have like a second or two to react at best

IMO the rockets should be made to fire slower, giving you time to react and at least move one team weapon and dodge if you have two in range.

This was the nerf applied to the landmattress and it fixed it pretty good, do the same to the stuka
7 May 2018, 19:27 PM
avatar of Alphrum

Posts: 808

they already nerfed it,
7 May 2018, 20:48 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

werfer is the only one i find bullshit atm with its autowipe alpha strike at close range. I do however and have always thought that the stuka does to much dmg to vehicles and to the actual decrewed support weps themselves. 2 hits by a rocket and it will destory an mg or at gun for good
7 May 2018, 21:35 PM
avatar of Alphrum

Posts: 808

nerf the werfer and stuka anymore, might as well just remove them from the game
7 May 2018, 21:56 PM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

it is true that stuka could get its full damage reduced while getting better AoE profile to achieve same effect against infantry. That way it is at least not going to kill tanks and decrewed weapons so often.

On the other hand the previous scatter nerf was pretty harsh, so at the same time I could see slights improvements either here, or even by improving AoE profile more to slightly mitigate lower accurancy.
7 May 2018, 22:12 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

nerf the werfer and stuka anymore, might as well just remove them from the game

Lol since when was werfer nerfed? its by far the only op arty atm still even pins squads as well. It needs a major lethality nerf it erases vet 3 infantry every time used properly.
7 May 2018, 22:17 PM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

jump backJump back to quoted post7 May 2018, 22:12 PMRocket

Lol since when was werfer nerfed? its by far the only op arty atm still even pins squads as well. It needs a major lethality nerf it erases vet 3 infantry every time used properly.

Why do you think werfer needs nerfs? Yes, it is lethal when used at short range. But you risk a lot doing that. Apart from katyusha, no other arty needs to do that and even the soviet one can fire in an effective manner from further than werfer. The pwerfer is also behind huge tech wall compared to other artillery.
7 May 2018, 22:51 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

Why do you think werfer needs nerfs? Yes, it is lethal when used at short range. But you risk a lot doing that. Apart from katyusha, no other arty needs to do that and even the soviet one can fire in an effective manner from further than werfer. The pwerfer is also behind huge tech wall compared to other artillery.

Other arty is far from guaranteed wipes tho, katy from far range and both calliopes and land matress at any range only wipe badly wounded squads with rng also tied to docts, they most just area denial or gib squads and support weps, werfer tired of vet 3 rangers fully upgraded or a vet 3 vickers etc, one click there erased. In 1v1 it is prolly a lot more risky but 2v2 the tech wall dosent matter as much many times they can afford two of them by the late game, and the way axis plays defensively they can remain relatively safe when moving fwd to barrage behind mg and pak walls even better sometimes okw flak truck so it gets to the point where you cant even cap a vp or they instant wipe your vet infantry every time or vet support weapons and it just leads to a downhill situation. they are also scoping katy for nerf this patch so even the more so werfer should see some kind of a lethality nerf at close range but maybe lethality buffs from farther range (more in line with allied rocket arty)
7 May 2018, 23:30 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

I like how Rocket is trying to make a point that rocket arty cares whether or not your squad is wounded or full HP. Rockets will delete any model it hits no matter the HP or piece it comes off from. Land mattress got plenty of wipes this weekend in UTT finals, so did literally every other piece except the calliope since it wasn't used (or USF).
8 May 2018, 00:03 AM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

And they want to nerf Katyushas...
8 May 2018, 00:12 AM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

jump backJump back to quoted post7 May 2018, 22:51 PMRocket

Other arty is far from guaranteed wipes tho, katy from far range and both calliopes and land matress at any range only wipe badly wounded squads with rng also tied to docts, they most just area denial or gib squads and support weps, werfer tired of vet 3 rangers fully upgraded or a vet 3 vickers etc, one click there erased. In 1v1 it is prolly a lot more risky but 2v2 the tech wall dosent matter as much many times they can afford two of them by the late game, and the way axis plays defensively they can remain relatively safe when moving fwd to barrage behind mg and pak walls even better sometimes okw flak truck so it gets to the point where you cant even cap a vp or they instant wipe your vet infantry every time or vet support weapons and it just leads to a downhill situation. they are also scoping katy for nerf this patch so even the more so werfer should see some kind of a lethality nerf at close range but maybe lethality buffs from farther range (more in line with allied rocket arty)

I can't agree that moving forward with a 160hp unit is not a risk. Even if you have a pak wall through the whole map. I also can't agree that allied artillery can't do the same. Yes, some allied weapons should be buffed, like calliope for example, but katy is definitely lethal as well on short range with first barrage against single or clumbed squads as werfer. You simply either retreat or die. Most rocket launchers also have shorter time to target than werfer which makes them good at wiping as well. Finally I cant agree with proposed changes to make werfer more "in line" with katy. It should never happen. This is one of the few units left that has its identity. Hands off its design. I would be first to ask for nerfs if it really was OP, but really, werfer redesign is just madness.
8 May 2018, 00:33 AM
avatar of cheese tonkatsu

Posts: 105

they already nerfed it,

they only nerfed hp that's not called a nerf for rocket unit. it shoots demol rocket with no misses at rhe any range.
what we calls nerf is like landmattress. caliop
s. so shut up. you axis fan boy
8 May 2018, 01:24 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

jump backJump back to quoted post7 May 2018, 22:51 PMRocket

Other arty is far from guaranteed wipes tho, katy from far range and both calliopes and land matress at any range only wipe badly wounded squads with rng also tied to docts, they most just area denial or gib squads and support weps, werfer tired of vet 3 rangers fully upgraded or a vet 3 vickers etc, one click there erased. In 1v1 it is prolly a lot more risky but 2v2 the tech wall dosent matter as much many times they can afford two of them by the late game, and the way axis plays defensively they can remain relatively safe when moving fwd to barrage behind mg and pak walls even better sometimes okw flak truck so it gets to the point where you cant even cap a vp or they instant wipe your vet infantry every time or vet support weapons and it just leads to a downhill situation. they are also scoping katy for nerf this patch so even the more so werfer should see some kind of a lethality nerf at close range but maybe lethality buffs from farther range (more in line with allied rocket arty)

if you want to lower the damage of the werfer, it should at least get 240 hp.
8 May 2018, 01:30 AM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

jump backJump back to quoted post7 May 2018, 22:12 PMRocket

Lol since when was werfer nerfed? its by far the only op arty atm still even pins squads as well. It needs a major lethality nerf it erases vet 3 infantry every time used properly.

IIRC, the damage on garrisoned squads was nerfed because you couldn't get the squad out in time, and the squad was always deleted.

The calliope was overnerfed, but it doesn't matter because other than the 1919's, that commander is bad.
8 May 2018, 02:17 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

Calliope shoulda been a sherman upgrade with a muni cost to fire to help balance off the great munitions ability in the commander instead of nerfing the ever loving hell out of it
8 May 2018, 04:39 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

nerf the werfer and stuka anymore, might as well just remove them from the game

Like Katy?
Or Calliope?
8 May 2018, 06:27 AM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

PW and stuka need:
-the right moment to use,
-an unfocused enemy
-sight to the right point where the enemy teamweapon sit
+ has high risk to be destroyed by a anything because of low HP and no armor
+ high cost (stuka)

look what u get with the LM:

you can fire without aim a partiell target and will wipe anything (look the last 2v2 tournement games from sunday) ..even units on retreat
+ low cost
+easy recrewable and so you dont lost this unit if u managed it to gift it not the enemy

katjuscha and caliope are very good at any range and dont need a target..shot in the area where you presumed the enemy. no sight on target need
8 May 2018, 08:03 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

PW and stuka need:
-the right moment to use,
-an unfocused enemy
-sight to the right point where the enemy teamweapon sit
+ has high risk to be destroyed by a anything because of low HP and no armor

Just like any other rocket arty.

+ high cost (stuka)

That is bullshit as stuka costs as much as katy.

look what u get with the LM:

you can fire without aim a partiell target and will wipe anything (look the last 2v2 tournement games from sunday) ..even units on retreat
+ low cost
+easy recrewable and so you dont lost this unit if u managed it to gift it not the enemy

LM is also doctrinal, a weapon Team that costs 50 fuel, can be stolen contrary to regular rocket arty and STUKA is the uncontested master of wiping squads easily from any range.

katjuscha and caliope are very good at any range and dont need a target..shot in the area where you presumed the enemy. no sight on target need

You can easily walk out of area of barrage when ist being fired blind form max range, because it is not going to hit anything reliably.
8 May 2018, 08:07 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

The main advantages of each style of rocket arty is also its weakness.
Axis rocket arty is predictable. You as an axis player know that in this area death will be had.... But so does your enemy... They can likley predict the juicy targets and move them and then thats it. Wipe or fail.
This also means a that if the axis player can predict the enemy's dodge pattern (is it full retreat? Is it soft retreat? Is ot move to the left? The right?) They can still make lemonade.

Similiarily the allied rocket arty is a cluster fuck of nobody knows where the rockets arw going to land outside of "here...ish" the unpredictability makes it dangerous on the receiving end and frustrating on the dishing side.
The main upside to allied rockets is that they are easy to use, the main downside is skill and predictability won't really help counter an enemy counter. Its got a low ceiling for reward because it cant really be controlled (yes, a katy can drive up and fire at min range for maximum reliability but if they feel they can do that and risk the unit or go unpunished you have goofed up damn hard.
8 May 2018, 08:26 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Imo Stuka could be changed into using incendiary munition as default.

The salvo could be changed to fire them in pairs and CD lowered. That would make the unit good at dealing with support weapon and garrison but allowing the enemy to react while being more consistent than the current hit and obliterate everything or miss weapon.

The vet ability could then replace the incendiary rounds with HE.
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