Yes, I think that in the urge to ballance the game, part of the community forgot that the primary goal and struggle has always been increasing the playerbase. People like to play ballanced games, but not if they are not interesting and shallow. In fact, most of the playerbase doesn't care about ballance and most of people who do really shouldn't. Interesting, deep and diverse design is much more important. Especially as you can always allow mirror matches in tournaments if competitive players complain about lack of ballance.
Ballance is important, but these changes invalidate its very purpose. And they are even questionable when it comes to ballance itself.
Disclaimer: I wouldn't like to watch mirrored tournaments, but if competitive community is going to force everybody to play mirrored factions instead, then it is the better solution.
I used to play a game called StarFleet Battles.
A Star-Trek based Starship tactical boardgame with dice. Basically a simulator.
You had 'regular' play with campaigns, scenarios and so forth. Which were balanced on points.
Each ship costing a given amount of points.
And then you had TOURNAMENT PLAY. Which actually had it's own ships, calibrated around mirror
stat balance (with a touch of flavor thrown in). This way, "E-sport" tournament balance didn't
have to upset the regular game.
... Here... well... people want the regular play to be balanced for e-sport tournaments,
which inevitably pushes the entire game into bland generic "tournament balance".
Learn about Star Fleet Battle's "Tournament handbook". It's all explained in there.
I've been saying it for years.
COH2 needed it's own Tournament-balanced factions. To save the actual game.
Red Queen hypothesis balance will drive people completely insane in context to
tournament. Or even Ranked pvp play.
Put Tournament factions in PVP automatch, and there you go.
T34/85 with Panther stats.
Sherman E8 with Panther stats.
Churchill with Tiger stats.
IS-2 with Tiger stats.
Wehr having 5x men squads
Soviets having 5x men squads
British having 5x men squads
All having exactly 1x LMG upgrade of equal value, stats, and price.
Then the game can be purely about skill
We already know we can have 'tournament' commanders, too, as those exist for TOW.
(3 commanders for soviet and 3 for ostheer, I believe?)
And don't tell me my idea is stupid. It's already going in that direction.
Except of having a version with flavor, and a bland tournament version, everything
is turning bland mirror stat version.
That's what we've been going towards. The mirrorification of all factions.
OKW wanting bunkers, snipers, mortars and cheaper, better tanks
USF wanting snipers and stronger armored Pershing
OST wanting 5x men squads and STG44s and cheaper, better tanks
SOV wanting in-field healing.
Every faction wanting every tool. And no in form of commanders. In form of core.
Exemple : Soviets wanting T34/85 as non - doc
USA wanting E8 to be non-doc
OST wanting Tiger to be non-doc and to come earlier
OKW wanting King Tiger to be cheaper, faster, double armor and to 1 shot allied tanks.
We have those who want balance at all price.
And we have those who want flavor to be retained.
Two different communities. As for splitting the community, it's already split.
And these people do their own thing already.
Custom people who hate that PVP people get all the attention.
And PVP people who are annoyed that the non-PVP people don't exclusively do PVP.