
russian armor

Have Relic abandoned the game?

24 Feb 2017, 14:31 PM
avatar of notrollo

Posts: 11

It sure as hell feels like that, how many staff have they got working on the game? 1-2 people in a skeleton role?

Are relic even bothering with fresh content or self-made maps?

We were waiting for a patch to address balance like 7-8 months ago, and now the "winter" balance patch is not even releasing in winter at all.

The game is dying relic, do something.

24 Feb 2017, 14:35 PM
avatar of aerafield

Posts: 3027 | Subs: 3

dat nickname Keepo
24 Feb 2017, 15:10 PM
24 Feb 2017, 22:11 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

It definitely feels like it, but at the same time I still have SOME hope left that they'll come back with another Axis Army or at least a few more commanders as a parting gift, or hell I don't know.

What I know is that they milked it to the very end, that is all, and they will continue to do so until they go bankrupt because of their greed, which I hope is soon.

I'd rather not play any more games from them than have stupid people feed the money machine that SEGA has created out of pure greed, same thing happened with the Total War series games, since SEGA took the publisher role Total War has also become a DLC shit fest with pay2win or at least pay2play content, and they continued that with Total War Arena, altho the premium units there weren't as OP, however I think that's about to change with Wargaming taking over development of the game.

Sad, was looking forward to it, not anymore.

I burned myself once with WoT and War Thunder, not gonna happen again, same with Enlisted.

Those greedy Russian companies can go choke on a vodka bottle.
24 Feb 2017, 23:12 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

It definitely feels like it, but at the same time I still have SOME hope left that they'll come back with another Axis Army or at least a few more commanders as a parting gift, or hell I don't know.

What I know is that they milked it to the very end, that is all, and they will continue to do so until they go bankrupt because of their greed, which I hope is soon.

which means no coh at all. Do you ever listen to yourself?

also, you complain about p2w commander and want new commanders at the same time ? logic o_O?

also, i bet if i gave you 200$ to buy all you can, i'd still win against you without using a single commander ability
25 Feb 2017, 00:14 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

which means no coh at all. Do you ever listen to yourself?

also, you complain about p2w commander and want new commanders at the same time ? logic o_O?

also, i bet if i gave you 200$ to buy all you can, i'd still win against you without using a single commander ability

No, no CoH2, DoW2 and DoW3, or at least no CoH2 and DOW3 since DoW2 had mostly cosmetical DLC.

I want more content, like a new Army and some balanced commanders with no OP units or abilities in them.

And I am not about to play with some die hard 1v1 competitive "pro" that thinks he'll prove a point by winning a match in an online game.

Make sure to use some common sense next time and remember, stupid tactics like trying to twist a person's words in your own favor don't work with me.
25 Feb 2017, 05:37 AM
avatar of LimaOscarMike

Posts: 440

This remind me of rainbow six siege. If any one have some hope on "money thrower" what they've said. well better count me out

Rainbow six siege provide free content while they still sell season pass ,yet im willing to buy it to support them and for those who dont they still love it because they have a purpose to gain their renow to pay for. COH2 new content wont allow us to buy with ingame currency but i understand that people who work hard to create it they need something in return

If new content was bad i'd assume it as fail design thing not customer who paid for what they want or what ever their purpose is non of my bussiness

And i do spent a lot of time for society work care for criminal victim,disadvantage child,teaching law if that what "money thrower" purpose was

PS.if any contempt word including in my sentence please be know that i didn't mean to disrespect anyone
25 Feb 2017, 08:15 AM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

I hope they are planning a new game. I don't think this game is going to make a ton of money, so having a 6 year cycle doesn't seem like a sustainable thing to me.
27 Feb 2017, 15:36 PM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

Relic was doing great with coh2 from the release. But each time they released a new commander it was a bullet to the foot, and the deal sealer was the British. After the British where released it was clear that they had no idea what they are doing in the balance department, god only knows why Cynthia left as well as brad. Relic has always been their own worst enemy.

People like stormless with his tournaments is what I look forward to seeing or hearing about, tho I never personally participate, the tournaments are what brings this community closer as well as attracting new and old players to the game.

Iv always said this and I'm convinced I'm right,

"Relic introduced a 5 year plan, which means people have a job for 5 years, which means if you polish the game in let's say 3 years, then your out of a Job for 2 years"

So honestly I'm not expecting any real fast movement anymore as well as let's say this WBP, relic is gonna do something completely unpredictable, like over buff the is2 for example, a unit that isn't at all in discussion but they need to break something so they have something to fix in 5 months..
27 Feb 2017, 17:27 PM
avatar of nee

Posts: 1216

Because CoH2 was the sort of game you abandon after a while.

What did you expect Starcraft? At best only half of Relic did, the other half was CoD DLC milkfest.
27 Feb 2017, 21:11 PM
avatar of spajn
Donator 11

Posts: 927

Relic made the ingame shop as the last feature, then dropping the game when everything was in place for them to profit from microtransactions. Relic is indeed lead by unintelligent management.
27 Feb 2017, 23:20 PM
avatar of GenObi

Posts: 556

Would you like some cheese with that wine?
27 Feb 2017, 23:22 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

28 Feb 2017, 08:13 AM
avatar of Highfiveeeee

Posts: 1740

Yes they have, there is only one guy left who looks after CoH2. All the other Relic staff is working on DoW3.
28 Feb 2017, 18:05 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Why I fear that once final patch will be online in coh2 and meta will stability most of coh2 community will either leave or move to vcoh, because it is better designed ?
28 Feb 2017, 18:35 PM
avatar of Walther
Donator 11

Posts: 94

Vcoh? Come on mechanic of vcoh is in 2017 almost ancient, people will move to new RTS, one will show tomorrow on the horizon - Division: Normandy 1944. I'am hyped for it, dont care about coh with its one balance patch a year with so obvious OP stuff and boring meta.
1 Mar 2017, 02:01 AM
avatar of Storm Elite

Posts: 246

They haven't abandoned it. They've just utterly failed at developing it.

Just look at the Winter Balance Patch.

It's taken them TWO AND A HALF YEARS to address model positioning/bunching that's been making the Wehrmacht unplayable against anyone with any semblance of skill due to instant wipes.

And every major balance patch over the past two years has been buffing the Wehrmacht and OKW because of how utterly wrong the USF faction game design is (Riflemen: five model squad with insane durability that rewards the player for rushing directly into enemy fire and into an enemy infantry squad's face in a tactical game where all other factions have to use cover to have any chance).

As someone above said, Relic are, in fact, their own worst enemy.

They haven't had a single proper game designer on their team since DoWII.
  • Instant squad wipes from AoE
  • Broken formation mechanics
  • Instant first model death upon engaging any threat even in cover (WM 4-man squads with no armor or health boost to compensate)
  • ENTIRE SQUADS THAT DO NO DAMAGE (WM Pioneers, OKW Volksgrenadiers)
  • Units that lack survivability to such a degree that certain units simply couldn't be used for ages (222 still takes bullet damage)
  • Utterly unusable upgrade distribution (such as the Panzerschreck upgrade being on Volksgrenadiers for TWO YEARS)
  • Anti-tank guns hard countered by tanks (this years after releasing a game where AT weapons properly snare vehicles)

The list goes on and on and on and on and on. All these kinds of issues have either been fixed extremely slowly in previous major balance patches, are about to be fixed in the Winter Balance Patch, or have yet to even be addressed and may never be.

Any other game developer failing this hard would've been laughed out of the gaming industry ages ago.
1 Mar 2017, 04:28 AM
avatar of Gbpirate
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 1153 | Subs: 1

They haven't abandoned it. They've just utterly failed at developing it.

Just look at the Winter Balance Patch.

It's taken them TWO AND A HALF YEARS to address model positioning/bunching that's been making the Wehrmacht unplayable against anyone with any semblance of skill due to instant wipes.

And every major balance patch over the past two years has been buffing the Wehrmacht and OKW because of how utterly wrong the USF faction game design is (Riflemen: five model squad with insane durability that rewards the player for rushing directly into enemy fire and into an enemy infantry squad's face in a tactical game where all other factions have to use cover to have any chance).

As someone above said, Relic are, in fact, their own worst enemy.

They haven't had a single proper game designer on their team since DoWII.
  • Instant squad wipes from AoE
  • Broken formation mechanics
  • Instant first model death upon engaging any threat even in cover (WM 4-man squads with no armor or health boost to compensate)
  • ENTIRE SQUADS THAT DO NO DAMAGE (WM Pioneers, OKW Volksgrenadiers)
  • Units that lack survivability to such a degree that certain units simply couldn't be used for ages (222 still takes bullet damage)
  • Utterly unusable upgrade distribution (such as the Panzerschreck upgrade being on Volksgrenadiers for TWO YEARS)
  • Anti-tank guns hard countered by tanks (this years after releasing a game where AT weapons properly snare vehicles)

The list goes on and on and on and on and on. All these kinds of issues have either been fixed extremely slowly in previous major balance patches, are about to be fixed in the Winter Balance Patch, or have yet to even be addressed and may never be.

Any other game developer failing this hard would've been laughed out of the gaming industry ages ago.

Wow there's a bit of bias here and a lot of hyperbole that really isn't justified.

No faction has been unplayable, really. Sure, the model positioning has been an issue and it's taken Relic way to long to address it but to say that Relic is utterly failing is a bit harsh and unwarranted.

They're certainly not failing because they've got DoW3 on the way and *hopefully* CoH 3 being planned and on the way. There's all that $$$$$ from SEGA. Not to mention the beautiful city of Vancouver. Have you seen their web page? https://www.relic.com/#pictures
1 Mar 2017, 06:14 AM
avatar of Storm Elite

Posts: 246

Wow there's a bit of bias here and a lot of hyperbole that really isn't justified.

No faction has been unplayable, really. Sure, the model positioning has been an issue and it's taken Relic way to long to address it but to say that Relic is utterly failing is a bit harsh and unwarranted.

They're certainly not failing because they've got DoW3 on the way and *hopefully* CoH 3 being planned and on the way. There's all that $$$$$ from SEGA. Not to mention the beautiful city of Vancouver. Have you seen their web page? https://www.relic.com/#pictures

Failing at game design isn't exclusive with having other games in development or anything else.

I should NEVER, EVER have had a SINGLE squad instawiped from full health throughout the entire 3.5 years of the game's life cycle. NOT ONCE.

THAT is proper game design.

But I did have squads wiped non-stop for YEARS regardless of any tactical positioning or awareness, while USF players and Soviet players alike got off scott free, being able to directly rush infantry units into enemy fire like it's Starcraft (actually, no, Starcraft units actually take damage from incoming fire). And I wasn't the only one to experience this, obviously.

And this isn't hyperbole or exaggeration, but the result of playing and also observing hundreds, if not thousands of matches over TWO AND A HALF YEARS, since the release of the Western Front factions.
  • It's objectively unfair for MY Tier 1 armored car to be NOT actually armored and killable by bullets, while my opponent's armored car is armored and COMPLETELY IMMUNE to bullets.
  • It's objectively unfair that MY infantry squads lose a model INSTANTLY upon engaging ANYTHING, while my opponent's five-man Hercules squads not only run DIRECTLY into enemy fire and don't lose any health or models, then murder my squads in melee range without a care, but can actually OUTNUMBER my faction on the field.
  • It's objectively wrong game design for a TANK to hard counter an ANTI-TANK gun.
  • It's objectively wrong game design for ANY infantry to be able to survive being bruteforce micro'd across an entire screen's worth of distance at enemy squads, while taking fire, being able to WALK AROUND the cover the enemy squad is using, and murder that squad there, in a tactical game where other factions have no choice but to use cover and clever positioning at all times. That should literally never be possible. It's objectively wrong.

I can keep going, but you should see the pattern here.

Game design is not subjective. It's not a matter of opinion. It isn't a matter of win/loss ratios. It isn't up for debate.

There are objectively correct ways of designing things in a game, and there are objectively wrong ways of designing things.

Relic have allowed objectively wrong game design to persist in CoH2 for TWO AND A HALF YEARS.

That is inexcusable, and that is, in fact, utter failure.

Anyone who takes pride in their work and is honest with themselves wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that the people for whom they've built such a badly designed product will experience blatantly cancerous gameplay and an unfair disadvantage.

But it's easy to not give a damn about your users when, as mentioned above, you've got sacks of SEGA money to sleep on.
1 Mar 2017, 08:55 AM
avatar of Puppetmaster
Patrion 310

Posts: 871

The bias is strong with this one.
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