They also advertised it as not P2W and a DCE that was actually worth a fuck 
I am not sure about P2W but yes, I thought the Deluxe Edition that was 100 bucks was going to be a more more "exclusive" so to speak, and worth a shit as you said.
Sadly not the case, and I even made a complaint topic on their forums, to which they just replied that they never said that no other DLC commanders will be added to the game that were not part of the Collector's edition of the game.
So everybody that bought it, thinking they'd support the game, including me, were hard fucked, thinking we were their most loyal of fans that wanted to support them.
I was really disappointed that I was stuck with a lot of useless/obsolete commanders while somebody with 5 bucks could just buy one of the new DLC commanders and roflstomp me.
And they advertised it around the Eastern Front. The promise is broken.
That too, but I had a hunch something like this would happen, they could add so much to the Eastern Front.
But in all honesty I think something along the lines of the Eastern Front being representative of the early war, that is, the invasion of the USSR and Operation Barbarossa for 1941/1942 while having the Italian Front as 1943 to introduce the German-Italian and British Armies to the game and adding the USF and OKW in a final 1944/1945 expansion to the game like they did.
Instead we get Eastern Front Armies that span from the invasion of the USSR to almost the end of the war or whatever, at least 1943/1944 and then we get the USF and OKW in 1944 around the Battle of the Bulge, and then we get the crossing of the Rhine in 1945 with the British, just doesn't make sense to me.
I am of course not saying that my way is the best way to do it, I'm just suggesting a possible way on how to do things, which is of course a bit too late but eh.
Maybe another route to take was to start with Africa possibly, and introduce the Afrika Korps and Italian/Italian-German Army and the American and British Armies for the Allies, and THEN move to a later part of the Eastern Front or something like that, I honestly don't know.
But a 6th Army is missing, I'll just say that.