I hate demos they are one wipe wondwrs that shouldnt be in game. You literaly start with -1 squad as a is if you look at it from long perspectivd because no matter how much you try you must get eithet 2 sweeper squads (less mp for fighting squads) or lose at least 1 squad to demos thorough whole match. Thats a poor desing, demos shouldntbe there, not in this demonstration.
Adding a tweak to demo's this patch would make my day complete!
Overall interesting stuff that will be a treat to play around with! Will there be any "supply bonus with mod" events coming up to gather more feedback?
One thing I found curious was the change to the Panzerwerfer - I have the impression it is one of the weaker "arties" in the game, what gives?
What happens if an ability that disables turret rotation, e.g. Target Weak Point, is used on a vehicle that has a static turret, e.g. a SU-85? Just a plain old waste of munitions or is there a hidden benefit?
A thought about demo's - do they need to be invis? Think they'd be more suitable being visible to all and rely on sneaky placements (behind building/sight blockers).