Fixing the raketen further would mean having its projectile spawn from higher up than where the gun is visually at 
At the very least the accuracy boost will make it fire fewer fence-hitting shots.
How about removing terrain collision?
those 6 digit accuracy number look a bit odd

There some other issues with rakketen as well.
1) retreat unit take for ever to turn and retreat, either speed up rotation speed on retreat or allow it to retreat without turning first, or change retreat plan...
2) Scaling.
Vet 1 and 3 revolve around camo and nerfing camo also nerf scaling
Raketenwerfer 43 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher vet bonuses
No movement penalty when in camoflauge
-25% reload, +25% penetration
For first shot fired out of camouflage +100000 penetration & +25% damage
+15% speed +10% range
+12 sight radius, -10% reload
3) Garrison although the unit can garrison it gives up camo, retreat and vet bonus in doing so, in addition garrison trench or bunker is rather pointless because limits to firing angle.
1) fix retreat
2) camo become vet 1 ability with no moment penalty
3) Unit in garrison get buff like extra range
4) UKF commander detection is removed or made smaller
5) trenches and bunker allow rakketen 360 fire
6) vet bonuses increase performance in garrison
7) maybe tone down vet 3 a bit.
8) add some damage reduction to AOE or extra HP for crew?