My suggestion is not to nerf Stug.
Reduce the penetration of Stug
On the topic of target tables, I do not want to see target tables used for anything other than broad classifications, and even then used only sparingly.
Good stance. I remember CoH1 was a hot mess of rules due to extensive use of target tables. How are you supposed to know that Engineers are equal Panzergrenadiers? Lets say Panzergrenadiers out of the box are worth 3 Volksgrenadiers, and we know 3 Volksgrenadiers will destroy Engineers. We also know that Panzergrenadiers can hold off an Infantry Section, which the strongest starting unit. Therefor Panzergrenadiers should destroy Engineers, but they don't because CoH1's DLC was balanced around target tables.
This is a lesson Relic learned and is why CoH2 shipped without target tables. They only implemented them begrudgingly as a way to balance special match-ups. Like scout cars vs snipers, because snipers could retreat and outrun the scout car beforehand, but upping scout car DPS would imbalance everything else. They introduced target tables so that a scout car could chase down an unprotected sniper.
Can you give me a single precise matchup that you consider imbalanced in the game that absolutely requires the use of target tables to solve?
Because, I currently cannot.
Penal PTRS

Nah but really, it could be useful if you wanted to make rework airplane fights to go off 'time under fire' instead of 'chance to kill'. But aircraft do not abide by normal game rules, so that is acceptable imo. I'm sure there's areas it could have it's uses, but I cannot think of any right now either. Target tables are a special tool for when every function works except one, and changing that one will break all the others. See scout car - sniper example.