How about we stop complaining that tank destroyers are able to hurt tanks? Just because you invest in a Heavy Tank doesn't mean you should be invincible to stock units.
Exactly this.
Posts: 1653
How about we stop complaining that tank destroyers are able to hurt tanks? Just because you invest in a Heavy Tank doesn't mean you should be invincible to stock units.
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
How about we stop complaining that tank destroyers are able to hurt tanks? Just because you invest in a Heavy Tank doesn't mean you should be invincible to stock units.
Posts: 4928
I find wrong that a T3 "medium tank" destroyer is better than a T4 "heavy tank" destroyer while 2 that are still more cost efficient are far better...
In addition I find wrong that firefly can Alpha strike and kill a Panzer IV vet 3 in 8 secs with very little reaction time and with 100% chance to hit and penetrate the same PZIV at range 60 20 units before the PZIV can even fire...
Posts: 70
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
That's a problem with the Panther, not with tank destroyers being too good. Tank destroyers need to destroy tanks. If you take that one simple purpose from the StuG, you cripple Ostheer immensely.
Posts: 181
Imo it is actually a problem of the TDs and not the Panther. The Panther was in good spot before WFA and some people where even complaining of it being OP.
So what happened that made the unit UP since it has seen little change in stats?
Two of it's advantages went down the drain, Extra HP and Armor had less value than before.
Extra HP become irrelevant when M-36 and Firefly where introduced and took it out in 4 shots.
Armor become of less value when bazooka and Piat blob did deflection damage and when M-36/firefly/su-85 got enough penetration to punch thru its armor, out of range, reliably...
My suggestion is not to nerf Stug. My suggestion are:
1)Remove deflection damage of hand held weapon to medium tanks including Panther
Reason: promotes blobbing reduces the effectiveness of medium tanks vs infantry.
2)Reduce the penetration of "medium tank" hunters (su-76/Stug possibly m10 that should be closer to the penetration of Puma)
Reason: This units do not need 100% penetration at max range to be effective vs mediums and are currently far more cost effective than their heavy brothers (Panther ,Su-85) both vs mediums and vs heavies. The change actually promotes teching.
3)Reduce damage of M-36/firefly to 160 and use target tables to increase it vs Super heavies.
Reason: stop Fireflie's alpha strike to medium, makes 800/400 units actually benefit from the extra HP.
4)Reduce chance to hit from 60 range units vs medium either by reducing accuracy or size.
Reason: Gives some room to sorter range units maneuver.
This chances imo would help the Panther,PZIV, Churchill and Kv-1 by giving them some breathing space, and establish the concept that T3 units are better at fighting T3 units while T4 units are better fighting T4 units or super heavies, and give an actual advantage when teching to T4...
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Before the buffs to TDs the Panther was not easily counterable. The Allied factions (pre-UKF) didn't have the stock tools (infantry AT and reliable TDs) to deal with it and had to rely on call-ins. The problem is that its lacklustre offensive capabilities weren't addressed when it acquired counters.
As to your suggestions:
1). .. and probably wouldn't do much anyway (due to penetration and armour values). "Promotes blobbing" is an issue with price and availability rather than the weapons themselves.
2). I agree that the Su-76 and Stug could do with a slight penetration reduction to better encourage the use of heavy TDs but the Puma has horrific penetration at long range (50% against Allied medium tanks). The SU-76 and Stug would be better served by a fairly constant penetration profile (perhaps 180/170/160?).
3). Target tables for specific units make the game harder to learn and balance and also reduce authenticity. Should we give the kubelwagon, UC, M3 etc. partial immunity to AT weapons because they aren't useful in late-game? It would be better to use accuracy and target size rather than target tables. The heavier (damage and penetration-wise) the gun, the lower its accuracy and turning rate should be to prevent it from completely obsoleting units (the problem with the Tigers, IS-2, Comet, etc.).
4). Better to go all the way, balancing accuracy/target size for all vehicles. It would help fix the problems with light units being balanced entirely around shock value.
Posts: 1217
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
In a perfect scenario with which I mean every shot hits and every shot penetrates, the Panzer IV is simply superior:
Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17
Posts: 2742
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
If we start peppering the game files with random rules, it will become an intractable problem for somebody to pick up what we have left to even make any meaningful modifications.
That's a no-go.
Posts: 345
To give you an extreme example:
- We know that the 222 can easily kill the m20
- We also know that the Puma can effortlessly kill the 222
- Thus it is very likely that the Puma can also effortlessly kill the m20
If we start using target tables we may introduce a bug such that m20's main machinegun deals 90000000% more damage vs Pumas. Obviously, none of us have either the will or the time or the motivation to go through every single one of those 2500 combinations to ensure that such freak errors do not occur, and will never occur in the future.
Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17
Well, you only have to check target table entries related to the 2500 combinations you are talking about.....
Posts: 345
That's provided that I know that the M20 can cause this.
In order to verify that no matchup presents issues, I will have to do either or both of the following:
- Check each of these entries by hand
- Play out every single of the 2500 combinations in the live game
No go.
Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17
well, if you see a puma evaporized in front of a m20, sure you won´t start searching in the entries of the target table related to churchills....but ok, no go....
and...why the hell are you going to have 2500 combinations???? you know you won´t end with that amount of combinations as you only need to have target tables for a very low number of those combinations...
Target tables are best utilized in case by case scenarios to tweak a matchup that is imbalanced when there is otherwise a significant level of balance. It's a last resort option when you have a unit that is completely entrenched in a balanced fashion, but there's a specific unit that breaks that balance.
It is at THAT time that something like, a received accuracy bonus or penalty versus snipers is warranted. Or more specifically, a an accuracy penalty on AT guns when targeting infantry to not snipe entities all the time. It's a way of preserving what might otherwise be a functional unit without having to fundamentally change the unit. But that's about as broad a classification as I would get.
Making broad changes with target tables is probably one of the worst applications since it homogenizes units into cookie cutter roles, or completely upends any possible sense of balance or function the unit might currently occupy.
Target tables are a last resort when you run out of options because everything else is working well. I would strongly caution against using target tables outside of that context.
Posts: 345
Today it might be the Centaur vaporising the Centaur (which could be solved by offsetting other parameters; e.g., penetration). Tomorrow it might be the P4 vs the Cromwell (which could easily be solved by lowering Cromwell's armour).
If we start arbitrarily adding ad-hoc rules to "regulate" some weird matchup, I will need to read considerably more information to get a grip of what's going on.
For instance, I regularly consult to get a grip of what's going on with a particular weapon. Look at the page for the T-34/76 gun for instance, and how few lines I need to read:
Just look how small the page is, and how much time it takes for your eyes to take in every single bit of information.
1) Adding arbitrary parameters means that an entire web of support tools will become unusable:
- will need to be updated
- I'll have to update my DPS calculator
- Cruzz will also have to update his tools.
At some point the effort of keeping up will be too much, and those guys might decide to "you know what? I think I'll give up".
Then I will have nobody else to cross-reference any data I gather.
2) Adding per-target rules
As I hinted before, if I am given an 1-dimensional array of parameters, I can rank them from better to worse. And by ranking them I can reuse anything I learned about a unit to apply to its counters and its counters' counters and so on.
If you are given a 2-dimensional array, how do you even begin ranking things? For every single matchup I need to consider, I will have to start from scratch.
3) Finally 1000 times this:
Posts: 1323 | Subs: 1
How about we stop complaining that tank destroyers are able to hurt tanks? Just because you invest in a Heavy Tank doesn't mean you should be invincible to stock units.
Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17
ok, it is clear you won´t use target tables and that´s fine....your arguments though....
1. did you need to surf the whole webpage in order to check t34/76 data??? do you???
2. I prefere a balanced game without a webpage where I can find data, that a inbalance game with a great webpage with stats of the imbalanced game..
3. so you won´t use one of the availabe tools, becasuse others tools of your own would stop working?
4. You say "Finally 1000 times this:" and at same time you insist that using target tables imply that target table will have 2500 (you only use for verry specific cases) or another....not both mate.
"NO NO" is not the way to go...
"I don´t want modify my own toools..." is not the way to go....
anyway, Thanks for your answers and the great effort done by you and others balancing this awsome game, but man, you are the one to get a better game, and you should hear what community want to tell you (no whay I say that I don´t have the knowlegde to balance this game, but others....), just my opinion.
Posts: 181
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