Russian M42 crew is drunken and once they see some small craters (eg going through yellow cover created by mortar shells/tank rounds) they start to crawl like if they were in snow fering they drunk too much vodka and can hit the floor any minute.
This is serious issue, I encountered it when I played with findeed one game in balance patch 1.3
We haven't changed anything with respect to M42. So, that's a live-version bug. I'll have a look to see whether craters affect M42 movement etc, and whether this is related to the soviet sniper crawling thing.
Here is bug outside of the WBP. I was experimenting with a weapons team style for USF. So I decided to use Cheap Team Weapons bulletin for well cheaper weapon teams. I noticed that while is says cost of these weapons will be reduced by 5% it only really does about 1 or 2%. I think the problem is that it only applies to the cost of the weapon itself and not the crew members.
The location of the bulletin is upgrade\intel_bulletins\ardennes_rewards\support\cheap_team_weapons, in case if you all have trouble finding it.
Most likely, that's the case. Can you please open a separate thread in the bug-section of these forums? That way it's easier to keep track of things.
Watch this. Teller bug for centaur
We don't know how to fix Teller bugs using mod-tools alone yet. Thus, we haven't fixed it.
We've found a reliable way to reproduce the bug is to place teller mines inside craters.
When commet gets abandoned that second when it fires phosphorus shell, shell colides with comet and possibly killing it in that process.
Also comet anti infantry grenades are sticky to tanks like new penal satchels
Shells will not collide with friendly vehicles, however they will collide with neutral/enemy targets. It looks like a bug, but this is how the engine works. Can't fix.
Comet grenades are sticky to tanks (just like mortarHT delayed-fuse barrage). That's where the idea for sticky satchels originated from.
Now, I appreciate all of you people reporting bugs to making sure they get fixed. However, this thread is reserved for WBP bugs only.
If you are encountering a bug that's also present in the live version, please open a new thread in the bug-report section of this forums.
Piggyback-ing irrelevant bugs in this thread means that if I ever forget your post, the bug will never get fixed.