<-- what is this, seriously, ppl who cant counter snipe in this game whines something about this ? and dont give me that BS usf cant do anything for ostheer sniper, they got best light vehicles of game, they can get pathfinders , upgraded rifles melts snipers, there is also mortar. Seems LIKE THIS DECISION IS AGAIN, MADE BY SOME FKING NOOB WHO CANT COUNTER SNIPER ??? JUST WOW. USF is only allied faction which has to counter sniper with infantry, REST OF ALLIED FACTIONS HAS SNIPER, AND ITS UR OWN CALL IF U CANT COUNTER SNIPER WITH SNIPER. Everybody knows this is about ostheer sniper. soviet sniper gets one missplay and you are instantly melted by infantry, UKF sniper shot time is rediculous long, you cant even use it vs blobbing. Snipers cannot cloak until out of combat for 3 seconds Im not sure, miragefla and buddies, but 3 sec is fking long time for sniper to not cloak, this timer must be joke ? GL with running away with ost sniper from USF blobs. And yes please, correct me if i understood something wrong about this rediculous sniper camourflage changes

Penal flame removing was ++++++ but also nerfing them -----
Manpower cost reduced from 340 to 240 (on m20) <-- wow, suffer ostheer sniper oh, and 30 fuel on sc, NICE.
Only positive camourflage change here, is this, that for example JLI cant camourflage on retreat/during firefight. ONLY

My question is, where is that slight grenadier upgrade ? maybe we wouldnt even need to use sniper in this game anymore soon !