Wow all these BabyRaging allies mains in this thread it's so delicious
It's indeed fun to see. Some nerfs for the sov infantry is too much, but the rest is nice. indirect fire and light verhicles have owned the axis long enough.
Posts: 1653
Wow all these BabyRaging allies mains in this thread it's so delicious
Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4
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Posts: 2066
No fix for OKW folks faust range ?
Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17
I'm mainly playing osther during this patch and was very happy to see the usf mortar finally nerfed.
So i decided to play some 2 vs 2 as USF against 2 osther player who started each one by building 2 mg42 followed by a wehrmacht mortar.
Well, because of the range nerf, ennemy mg42 could almost fire on my mortar when i was using it to counter the mg42 and the damage were .. bad. (at least against garizoned mg42).
I guess you tried to make a mobile mortar to allow usf to put smoke barrage there, flank then moove again the mortar and repeat .. but against double MG42 covering each other, you can't only use flank and smoke.
The problem is that the usf mortar damage was low, easily countered by grenadier rifle grenade because of the low range and VERY HEAVILY countered by osther mortar, especially at vet1 when it got its ability.
sadly, i didn't save the replay.
But you might maybe consider buffing a bit usf mortar range in order to make it viable.
i felt like it would be easier to upgrade smoke grenade & rush pak howitzer, just like in the old days.
no need to thanks you again for the time spent on this balance mod.
222, I like it but will give some more free room to the M20
M20: if you make the zook cost 50amo, make the skirt free. How can you imagine people investing 100 manpower on something that die in 2 shots so early in game.
Sounds to me that nobody will pay the zook and thus become a useless ability. Thinking more about it, well, who will even think to upgrade the zook, who will even think "I'll upgrade the zook so if I face a 222, I'll jump out of my car so...." no no no, noboby is gonna buy the zook. If your M20 get destroy you lose it and lose 50amo for nothing.
M15: Due to the changes made to the Stuart , the M15 needed to be brought in line to prevent it from becoming the new dominant meta choice. To me it sounds like bullshit.
we are talking about a high fuel unit that delay for quite a long time hard AT capacity (it is not like Sov T3 giving you access to Su76 or OKW having ATgun from the start), so it better be good at AI. thing you simply removed. So here again, what will be the purpose for this unit, you cannot say it is a wipe machine today since it is not. It is also completely unable to chase retreating squad. Every squad I have wipe with the M15 are squads players were not retreating in time. In time like 10-15 seconds firing at them non-stop before ending killing the last model.
Last point, since it is not a wipe machine and not really super mobile, it is not like you vet it up really fast, so less damage output but same vet requirement = You'll never see this unit reaching vet2 anymore.
251, good buffs, but the munition cost reduction is definitively too much, this + free medic kits on Sturmpio sound to me like "hey guys, just spam Volks STG, you don't need to choose where to spend your munition".
Piat: spam/blob is the new shreck spam/blob.
Posts: 181
Penal: Remove Flamers + increasing popcap are two good points. shouldn't go further.Their accuracy bonuses were too high. Mind you they were triple buffed last patch and are now dominating all axis infantry in live game, vet or non-vet. Well-deserved adjustments.
Guard: I would have simply reduce the squad size to 4 men. The main issue vs guard is their resilience to damage. 4 men squad make them vulnerable vs sniper/hmg/mortar and grens.That wouldn't feel natural, in other words, not practical at all.
M17: Remove suppression on the move is a good change, but why do you nerf it more, I really don't buy your explanation.Because it is rushed way too often and cripples axis mobility, suppresses the R43 on the first shot. Pretty broken. The damage is pretty high as well. Remember, this patch aims at adjusting the dominance of light vehicles, and the Quad is the second or third offending unit on the list.
I don't really understand the buff on Pioneer, Pioneer vs Engy/RE matchup is a question of cover at the moment. Don't you fear that they simply become too good vs their respective counterparts?Pioneers cost more, don't have access to demos, 30muni TM35, and lose at all ranges expect CQC. It is such a trivial change that you won't be able to notice the buff. Try the mod.
Stug-E, every nerf on it is a good nerf. Can't count how many games I have won by spamming them like no brain.@7CP, easily countered by the Su76 which arrives 5 minutes earlier at least. AEC, Stuart and ATGs are other viable options. Destroying rank 200000 noobs with a unit does not prove it it is OP. The cost was increased to address the spam meta. Nerfing the AI damage to (almost) the same level of regular StuGs is not justified at all. It doesn't do jackshit against in the preview mod.
M1919M1919 on RE is not a problem to begin with. Rifelmen's recieved accuracy, and the fact that they can pick up two are what made this upgrade broken. These issues are addressed now.eny its access to RE so you can't have cheap troops carrying M1919.
triple buff on Sturmpioneer. Great news...Cost adjustment for medical crates and faster construction rate @ vet 1. They are kinda better at their role as engineers now.
251, good buffs, but the munition cost reduction is definitively too much, this + free medic kits on Sturmpio sound to me like "hey guys, just spam Volks STG, you don't need to choose where to spend your munition".STG Volks is a different issue, and yes they do need some adjustments.
Piat: spam/blob is the new shreck spam/blob.Agreed
AEC: I don't follow you on your statements, the AEC is quite balance today in my opinion.It is a light TD. It was designed to be a light TD. Not a generalist. The LMGs on the pumas were nerfed, even though they don't hit anything. The reason is simple, they are TDs.
Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1
You made some interesting statements about the M20 and the 222. Now try to read them together, one after the other and see where you contradict yourself.
Bonus points: Now that the forced zook is gone, you can upgrade Elite Vehicle Thompsons, if that's what rocks your boat.
The M15 received a major anti-vehicle efficiency buff, due to the fact that the vehicles it should counter have become significantly more expensive.
Since the M15 is the most reliable form of AT in the tier, it had to lay down on the anti-infantry efficiency. If I am not mistaken, the M15 is the only suppression platform that can suppress while moving.
The smoke ability used to cost exactly 0 munitions. Now it costs 25 munitions at Vet0 and 15 munitions at vet1.
Try to blob 30-range PIATs vs 35-sight range tanks, and tell us how that worked out for you. Brits don't have snares.
If you manage to pull the PIAT blob off, make sure you post a replay so that we can review it and make adjustments.
Pioneers cost more, don't have access to demos, 30muni TM35, and lose at all ranges expect CQC. It is such a trivial change that you won't be able to notice the buff. Try the mod.
@7CP, easily countered by the Su76 which arrives 5 minutes earlier at least. AEC, Stuart and ATGs are other viable options. Destroying rank 200000 noobs with a unit does not prove it it is OP. The cost was increased to address the spam meta. Nerfing the AI damage to (almost) the same level of regular StuGs is not justified at all. It doesn't do jackshit against in the preview mod.
M1919 on RE is not a problem to begin with. Rifelmen's recieved accuracy, and the fact that they can pick up two are what made this upgrade broken. These issues are addressed now.
Cost adjustment for medical crates and faster construction rate @ vet 1. They are kinda better at their role as engineers now.
Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17
Have you ever try to face a piat blob with a Pz4/Panther/Ostwind? You constantly need to move to avoid skill shots. So the skill shot is gone, welcome homing missiles. 30 range is peanuts, it will never be a argument to not blob. There is a reason why Relic removed shreck from volks and not tried to reduce even more the shreck range. Pz4 35 vision vs piatblob 30 range, you'll always get hit somewhere in your micro vs a a-move blob. Only option = full retreat your tank = blob wins.
I'll give a credit to your argumentation, I don't own Brit so it will not happen any time soon.
Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1
Then why the hell are you commenting about Brits changes on the balance forum?
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
I'll give a credit to your argumentation, I don't own Brit so it will not happen any time soon.
Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17
And what about my comments on USF stuff?
Posts: 289
Regarding British, we had some changes in mind to do with Double Brens, but to prevent double Brens it required some other changes to compensate which were out of scope and cut by Relic. We are working on ways to try and include this in a more concise way so we can get this through.
Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1
In the live version, you only go USF T1 if you want to rush the enemy. The downside of T1 is that due to the cost efficiency of certain OKW/OST vehicles this can leave a huge gaping hole in the AT department (in the live version).
Our goal with USF T1 changes is:
1. Slow down the shock factor on the enemy, so that they have a chance to react to the various threats you want to throw at them.
2. Make T1 sustainable for the late game. Give a reason for USF players to consider back-teching.
Currently, if you want to lay mines as USF you have to unlock the lieutenant 200MP + 50 FU, and then buy a 340MP + 20FU minelayer.
If, for some reason, your M20 gets destroyed, you need to pay an additional 340MP + 20FU for a replacement minelayer.
All you want in the late-game is a damn minelayer, and nobody has pockets deep enough to afford 880MP in the late game, just so that they can afford to lay mines. Armour skirts also don't make a difference in the late-game. Your M20 is still going to go down in two shots.
As a direct consequence of USF T1 changes you need to plan out strategically how to transition from no-AT to some-AT:
- Are you going to buy Bazookas on your M20 crews, just so that you dont have to pay for the fuel unlock?
- Are you going to go commando with the M20 and try to bait over mines?
- Are you going to build an M15 and use Riflemen AT nades to cover the blind spots?
- Are you going to unlock bazookas and equip some of your Riflemen/Rear Echelons?
- Are you going to tech captain and rely on the Captain's bazooka
- Are you going to tech captain and buy some AT gun?
That is a ton of options to choose from. Moreover, as a side-effect of OKW/OST changes, you also have more time to plan out your strategy and see how you want to counter their counters. At the same time, the enemy cannot predict which option you are going to go for.
If we would give any of the features back to the M20, we would have to hike its price up. And then, nobody would ever want to back-tech to T1. Thus, we took out everything that we consider optional for the late-game.
In the late-game, nobody gives a damn if their minelayer:
- Can have good DPS vs infantry the moment it rolls out
- If it has 240HP or 320HP, since vehicles lack retreat, and the m20 will still go down in 2 shots
- If the vehicle crew (i.e., the weakest infantry in the game) gets access to 1 bazooka or not
All people want for their late-game is a damn minelayer, and teching to USF T1 will reward people with that.
Posts: 875 | Subs: 6
Now you do not really respond on why the M15 damage has to be nerf by 50%, this is a huge nerf for a unit that already doesn't burst any squad.
The M15's damage nerf was only against infantry. Not only does it still have incredible suppression, it still shreds the 222 and OKW Flak Half Track just as fast, regardless of the 222 now costing 250mp and 30 fuel, as well as the M15 costing less manpower.
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