The IJA faction would recieve slightly less ammo and fuel than the other factions to represent its shortage of resources, however they would recieve an increase in mp at the begining to compensate, along with a few other units and structures (oil wells for fuel, ammunition carriers to increase resource income, among a couple other) which would help manage this but at the same time require some extra investment to build, becoming then into the faction that recieves the most resource income, however dont allow the enemy to destroy or take over these crutial investments.
The IJA army faction can construct many of its base buildings in any order and on any captured territory on the map, although a few of these might require the Engineering regiment building to be made beforehand. With the notion that the IJA had several command posts and meeting points scattered around as a safety measurement, some of these base buildings can also become into retreat points for infantry units, only one retreat point can be activated at a time.
Building-Field Headquarters (the HQ base is an avarage size but fortified concrete building, part of the HQ complex resembles a small hill were a command bunker is placed underneath, in case the main concrete building is destroyed by enemy fire the underground bunker will still be able to call in infantry squads, however they will take longer to field). link link
- Rifle Infantry- 5 member squad armed with Type 38 rifles (very good accuaracy, avarage damag, slower reload),
- Abilities:
-Fires its Type 2 40mm AT rifle grenade: disables enemy vehicles link
-Type 89 'knee mortar' to fire 50mm HE shells: fires a 50mm HE shell (less range than a mortar, it can also be used at closer range as a grenade launcher, when on set up position the infantry squad will deploy it as a short range light mortar to automatically target enemy units, setting up the squad like this will take a bit, this ability costs no ammo), link link
-Banzai: infantry can charge at enemy without getting suppressed but recieving more damage while doing so.
-can place booby traps (Tier 1 building upgraded needed)
- Upgrades:
-Infantry squad recieves 7.7mm Type 99 rifles (increases damage and firing range slightly),
- Abilities:
- IJA Officer- an infantry officer with two subordinates armed only ceremonial nambu pistols will support nearby infantry by increasing their fighting performance (improves reload speed and defence of nearby infantry unitis, mainly to give the IJA an early infantry advantage push, only one officer can be called at a time) link
- Abillities:
-improves the performance of nearby infantry (abillity allways active)
- Abillities:
- -HQ building upgrade- a medical and water purification unit building is upgraded on the HQ, this building will heal several wounded infantry around the HQ area at once.
Tier 1 Building- Engineer Regiment (from HQ a construction material truck is called offmap with a pair of engineer squads is called, the engineers will then build a frontline camp while the truck will become into a mobile worskop) link link
- Engineers- 4 member squad, armed with carabines,
- Abilities:
-build barbed wire,
-wooden improvised tank traps (stops light and medium tanks, easier to destroy),
-fortified bunkers (have more hitpoints and can garrison up to three squads although they are slightly more expensive, a total of three upgrades can be made with either one HMG, an lmg, a light Type 97 AT rifle, a knee mortar with timer grenades or a cammouflage net with optics to improve line of sight and mantain the bunker under cover, each of these uprades will occupy a slot, these require the heavy engineering tools upgrade from the base building), linklink
-place Type 96 light mines, link
-builds small wooden oil wells (improved caches that provide more fuel than standar chaches and have more hitpoints, although these cost twice as much and take longer to build, requires heavy drilling tools upgrade for engineer squads) link
-builds improvised wooden bridges from scratch anywere on the map (these bridges have less hitpoints and allowes all infantry to pass, although only two light vehicles can be on top at a time or only one medium tank at a time, no heavy tanks can pass, requires Heavy Bridge Building equipment upgrade for engineer squads)link link
- Upgrades:
-Type 100 flamethrower, link
-mine detector,
-heavy Drilling tools (increases repair speed and allowes the construction of oil wells and mining tunnels, need heavy drilling tools upgrade from Tier 1 building),
-Field Bridge Building equipment (increases repair speed, also allowes engineers to build improvised bridges from scratch anywere on the map, needs heavy drilling tools from Tier 1 building)
-only one upgrade can be made for each engineer squad-
- Abilities:
- Type 98 So-Da ammunition carrier- these cargo tankette can get filled with additional resources from captured ammo or fuel territories to then unload these on the HQ building (once the carrier arrives to the captured territory it will start loading resources and when done it will automatically bring them to HQ for unload, once unloaded it will head back to its already preselected point to keep on gathering resources, only one So-Da carrier can operate a territory at a time and only a maximum of two carriers can be built at a time) link
- Abillities:
-either transport two infantry squads or carry resources (up to four infantry squads can be transported with the cargo tray upgrade)
- Upgrades:
-an additional cargo tray can be attached at the back of the So-Da carrier (this cargo tray will allow twice as much resources to be carried, although it will take longer to load), link
- Abillities:
- Type 97 Se-Ri recovery vehicle- this light recovery vehicle armed with a single MG can build and repair very fast, salvage destroyed vehicles for resources or put a destroyed vehicle back to working conditions (when salvaging destroyed vehicles it will recieve a small amount ammo and fuel, however the process of repairing destroyed vehicles back to working conditions will take some time and cost a certain of resources depending on the vehicle being recovered, only destroyed light and medium vehicles can be recovered, not heavy tanks). link
- Abillities:
-repair and build very fast,
-salvage destroyed vehicles for resources (more than sturmpios, see above)
-recover destroyed vehicles back to working consditions (takes some time and can be costly) link
- Abillities:
- -Tier 1 building upgrade- Heavy engineering tools can be unlock for engineer squads (Heavy drilling tools and Heavy bridge building equipment can be used by engineer squads, only one of these two can be equipped by each engineer squad)
- -Tier 1 building upgrade- a giant search light can be built as an upgrade for this base building (this search light which is better used in defensive situations, temporarily reveals a selected part of the map covered by fog of war, however the base building as well as all friendly units which in the path of the search light will also be revealed to enemy, the search light ability has a limitted reach and will also need a short reload time after every use due to heavy electricity consumption).
Tier 2 Building- Infantry Regiment (this base facility is a cheap and easily to set up camp and can be built by both engineer squads or rifle infantry although it doesnt have as many hitpoints as other base buildings, when built by rifle infantry the base building will cost a bit more and take slightly longer to build, it can be built anywere on the map as long as its a captured territory and can also become into a retreat point, only one Infantry Regiment building can be made at a time).
- Marksman- 4 member squad armed with Type 99 lmgs (similar to bren, good at all ranges while avarage at close),
- Abilities:
-throws a Type 99 hand grenade.
- Upgrades: link link
-telescopic sights for lmg (increase accuaracy and maximum fiering range, veterancy needed),
-an improvised camo net can be used (requires Tier 2 building upgrade)
- Abilities:
- Heavy machine gun team- 4 member crew equipped with a Type 92 HMG (very accuarate on targets although it fires short bursts, descreasing suppression on surrounding enemy infantry), link
- Abilities:
-HMG emplacement (the HMG team places sandbags to becomes into a static emplacement, these sandbags around provide the HMG crew with green cover. The tripod support now gives the HMG a 360 degrees rotation, building and dismantling the defensive emplacement takes time).
- Upgrades:
-AA reticle (allowes the HMG to target low flying aircraft),
-telescopic sight (increase the HMGs maximum firing range and line of sight, veterancy needed)
-improvised camo net (requires Tier 2 building upgrade)
- Abilities:
- Recon Squad- a two member unit armed with a 6.5mm Type 97 sniper rifle (less range although with low flash ammo it gives better camouflage than other snipers) link
- Abilities:
-nearby infantry detection on fog of war (veterancy needed).
-can place booby traps (these can be placed by the recon squad on abandonned buildings, uncrewed HMGs, AT guns and vehicles, as well as on frindly captured points)
- Upgrades:
-recieves a 7.7mm Type 99 sniper rifle with a x4 telescopic sight (increases fiering range and line of sight), link
-metal body armour (doubles protection although it decreases the movement speed of the squad).link
- Abilities:
- -Tier 2 building gained ability- with knowleadge from the environment that sorrounds them and some basic first aid training, all IJA infantry will be able to heal only their own squad, however while doing so they will move slowly and wont be able to fire.
- -Tier 2 building upgade- camo nets can be researched as an upgrade for some infantry units, although not as effective as sniper or scout camo nets (Marksmen, HMG squad, Type 41 75mm field gun). link
- -Tier 2 building upgrade- trenches and sandbag are built around the Infantry Regiment building to increase its protection and allow infantry squads to take cover inside these, a wooden watchtower is also built inside the complex to increase its line of sight.
Tier 3 building- Mechanized Infantry Regiment (Type 89 tank mobile command post, the tank can be deployed as an emplacement to function as a base and retreat point, its 57mm short gun and three MGs provide effective support only against enemy infantry and light armour, a smoke artillery barrage can be called on the sector this base has been set, the tank command post can be dismantled allowing the it to move to another position) link
- Toyota 4x4 Su-Ki Amphibious Truck-- an amphibious truck capable going through deep water areas, transporting up to three infantry sqauds and reinforce these. link
- ]Abilities:
-transport up to three squads and reinforce infantry squads
- Upgrades:
-first aid and Type 5 81mm recoilless rifle crates (these are transported by the truck and can be picked up by infantry squads, although this upgrade will occuppy two slots, the recoilless rifles most be researched from Tier 4 base building beforehand, picking up these supplies from the truck also costs ammo)
- ]Abilities:
- Type 98 Ko-Hi AA prime mover- a field modified halftrack with a Type 98 20mm AA gun mounted on (avarage against aircraft although it suppresses enemy infantry) link
- Upgrades:
-the halftrack is equipped it with a double 20mm AA gun mount
- Upgrades:
- Type 41 mountain gun- 5 member crew equipped with a 75mm field gun to provide both direct fire with its Type 2 HEAT shells and indirect HE support (the HEAT shells deal consistent damage against most armoured vehicles with its 100mm of pen) link
- Abilities:
-HE barrage (fires an indirect HE barrage effective against infantry and emplacements),
- Upgrades:
-a camo net can be used to cover the AT gun and its crew (while using the camo it will move slowly, needs infantry camo Tier 2 building upgrade)
- Abilities:
- Type 95 Ha-Go light tank- fast moving tank armed with a Type 98 37mm gun and a pair of MGs (great accuaracy even on the move and effective against infantry and other light armour, with a maximum pen of around 55mm), link
- Abilities:
-full speed (uses a blitz like speed which can make enemy fire to miss)
Tier 4 building- Armoured Regiment (this is a concrete building with a couple small garages that can only be built by engineer squads, this facillity can also be built on any captured territory on the map and can become into a retreat just like the other base buildings)
- Abilities:
- Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tank- a maneuvrable tank armed with three MGs and a short 57mm gun for support (greatly effective against infantry and emplacements thanks to additional HE fillers, can also deal damage against light armoured vehicles and some medium tanks with its HEAT shells) link
- Upgrades:
-smoke dischargers (these can be equipped to release smoke screens),
-Shinhoto turret upgrade (vastly improves AT firepower and reload speed although it worsens anti-infantry combat)
- Upgrades:
- Shinhoto Chi-Ha medium tank (unexpensive individual upgrades from Chi-HA tanks)- tank armed with a semi-automatic Type 1 47mm gun (although lighter calliber this tank is able to reload twice as fast than most of its counterparts and is effective against most armoured vehicles with a maximum pen of around 115mm - 120mm, it would also be cheapper and have a slightly less popcap than some of the other medium tanks, however still with somewhat less health and protection in comparison), link
- Abilities:
-precise shot (increses the probability of stunning enemy vehicle crew or disabeling a vehicle module).
- Abilities:
- Ho-Ni II SPG- an SPG/TD armed with a 105mm howitzer to provide AT fire and indirect support (fire HEAT shells when engaging in AT combat causing great damage to all vehicles thanks to the fully packed explosive fillers and a maximum penetration of 120mm, although reload is somewhat bulky and takes longer), link
- Abilities:
-HE barrage (fires a long range HE barrage which is mainly effective againt infantry and buildings, the indirect barrage has more or less the same range as an m7 priest or a German lefh 16 howiter),
-flares (these can also be fired to reveal enemy positions, veterancy needed).
- Upgrades:
-an improvised camo net can be used (requires vehicle camo Tier 4 building upgrade),
-gun shield MG (a double porpouse MG is placed on top of the gun shield).
- Abilities:
- Type 94 TK scout tank- these fast moving tankettes are armed with a 7.7mm MG on turret and have a good line of sight (extremely cheap, fast to build and can capture enemy territory, however with its single MG it deals constant but avarage damage even against enemy infantry and due to low protection its frontaly placed engine can become damaged when under heavy fire). link link
- Abilities:
-infantry suppression (when not moving the tankette could fire precise and constant bursts over enemy infantry to try and suppress them, veterancy needed).
- Upgrades:
-improvised camo net can be placed (requires vehicle camo Tier 4 building upgrade),
-optics (a periscope can be equipped to increase line of sight when still).
- Abilities:
- -Tier 4 base upgrade- 81mm recoilless rifles are unlock for infantry units to pick up from the Armoured Regiment Building (these explosive filled 81mm HEAT projectiles deal considerable damage against all armour, however these have a somewhat short range). link
- -Tier 4 base building upgrade- improvised camo can be used as an upgrade for some vehicles, although while being equipped movement speed of vehicles is reduced (Ho-Ni II SPG, Type 94 TK tankette)
- -Tier 4 base building upgrade- a couple of small undeground bunkers with Type 1 37mm guns can be built for base defence, these two AT guns are placed at the front of the Armoured Regiment building although they will have a terrible accuaracy against enemy infantry and will only deal damage effectively against light vehicles and maybe a couple of other medium armoured units.
Commander Ideas (outdated)