Ok, so the 47mm AT gun also used on the Chi-Ha, when first introduced in 1941 it had difficulties getting through the Shermans armour. However later on during the mid of the conflict in late 1943 or so, it recieved upgraded shells which replaced the early ones in the most part, these were then used on most battles afterwards.
The 47mm gun was then able to pen 110mm at close to mid range being 250m or so, this according to US tests made after the Battle of Leyte (1945), source:
Enemy on Luzon, an intelligence summary. Headquarters, Sixth Arny, Dec. 1945, page 94.
Thus the 47mm gun was able to easily pen the Shermans sloped armour at such range (250m) and technically, reliably beat any other medium or heavy tank with less than 110mm of protection at least.
A few more tests were done regarding the performance of the 47mm gun, such as a US report based on the Battle of Okinawa were it was reported that the improved shell was able to pen an M4a3 Sherman at 450m, source:
Okinawa, The Most Effective japan Tank, Intelligence Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 10 June 1945 and Vol. 3 No. 11 July 1945, page 24, Vol. 3 No. 11
A separate report also based on Okinawa stated that the 47mm gun was able to pen any of the M4a6 Shermans armour at any range up to 730m, source:
Japan's Battle of Okinawa, April - June 1945, Leavenworth Papers, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, pages 68, 69 and 70.
Lastly, a report based on the Battle of Iwo Jima were US personel request the delivery of the M26 Pershing due to the now extreme vulnerability of the M4a3 Sherman by the 47mm gun, source:
Annex "Jig" to Fourth Marine Division Operations Report, Iwo Jima - 4th Tank Battallion Report, page 20
This is for those asking for sources.
So therefore, the 47mm gun was then able to reliably pen the Shermans armour at a range of 750m and so it could against any other medium tank similarly armoured at this range, while at closer ranges were the gun reached the 110mm of pen, it had a much better chance against more protected vehicles, being most of what the allies field, including some heavy tanks.
The only allied vehicles I can think of were the 47mm gun would have trouble fighting against, are the Sherman Jumbo, the Pershing and especially the late war Churchills, which I believe the latter did saw some limited combat in the Pacific. While Soviet heavy tanks such as the IS2, used during the 1945 Manchuria invasion, would also be protected on the most part by the 47mm gun, only getting pen on a couple of areas from the front.
Either way, if heavy tanks such as the Jumbo, the Pershing or the IS2 were to be used, Japan would still have other weapons to deal against these more effectively though.
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