This is a topic solely dedicated to RM and bars/M1919, not just a general point of view about the vet fix. There are already multiple threads about that.
We have to take a look at their vet bonuses first;



Suggested Vet 3 adjustments;
Reduce their non-vet stock received accuracy and completely remove the -%20 received accuracy bonus at vet3; In my opinion it would be the best tweak. They are meant to shine early game, excelling at mid and close range. Their big target size is in contradiction with their role and actualy they suffer from MP-Bleed early game unless blobbed.
Completely remove the -%20 received accuracy bonus and instead reduce their reinforcement cost; Many folks suggested a reduced reinforce cost once they hit vet 3. I think that's the best idea regarding this "vet 3 terminator blobs" issue. The original MP bleed issue will be resolved but their invincibility is toned down.
Or alternatively
No double LMGs 2x bars is ridiculous. They render any and all kind of axis Close-range/midrange units useless and a single one is quite potent as well. And once at vet 3 they enter the invincible mode. And we won't be speaking about 2xM1919 as I am sure everyone has been molested by that at one point in his life at least.