
russian armor

new AEC is overpowered

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25 Jan 2016, 09:03 AM
avatar of Doggo

Posts: 148

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Jan 2016, 08:30 AMruzen
So... AEC happened ESL NA Finals:snfPeter:
AEC Still fine?
-If able to rushed(!) Its timining is insanely fast.
-Blast radius is ridiculously large!
-You just cant have anti-everything unit at tier2

My Solution:
-Research time has to be increased 30 seconds.
-Create a decision upgradable for AEC, armor or speed upgrade ( to achive current stats costing 60AMU each).
-Reduce blast radius by 30-40%
-Decrease MP cost -80, Increse fuel cost +5.

I would be fine with this, if it comes alongside a buff to PIATs to put them on the same effectiveness as Panzershrecks with little-to-no scatter, or cost reduction to 6 Pounder AT Gun or cost reduction/effectiveness buff to the Sniper.

Nerfing the AEC is going to leave the British Forces to get dominated by light tanks and vehicles like pre-AEC Buff.
25 Jan 2016, 14:14 PM
avatar of RiCE

Posts: 284

I dont think the AEC would be too much.
Volks + schrecks can be just as fast, so its not really a problem for OKW.

I would like to see OST 222 replaced with Puma, so it could be counter AEC along with the fausts.

If none of these, then maybe a little delay in AEC timing would be great. Performance like its not bad imo.
25 Jan 2016, 18:34 PM
avatar of Zyllen

Posts: 770

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Jan 2016, 09:03 AMDoggo

I would be fine with this, if it comes alongside a buff to PIATs to put them on the same effectiveness as Panzershrecks with little-to-no scatter, or cost reduction to 6 Pounder AT Gun or cost reduction/effectiveness buff to the Sniper.

Nerfing the AEC is going to leave the British Forces to get dominated by light tanks and vehicles like pre-AEC Buff.

AEC didnt get buffed AT wise. So the whole brits are vulnerable to lv/lt rushes is a bogus argument. the previous AEC and flak emplacement could deal with lv/lt rushes just fine. what is needed is a buff to the IS and bren carrier. nerf the the aec back to its previous state or increase the fuel cost to 95 because for all purposes its more a medium generalist tank.

It doesnt surprise me that the same idiots that are defending this unit are also the ones that defended 80 dps partisans.
25 Jan 2016, 19:14 PM
avatar of Spinflight

Posts: 680

"So... AEC happened ESL NA Finals"

Do you think Luvnest would have lost to the same build? AECs dominated a couple of games due to no paks ( or was it 5 lost Paks in one of the games?) or other AT.. Great to see the Brits doing well for once but the response was a bit iffy if the chat comments were anything to go by.

I'd pay for an acceleration buff for the AEC, but not speed or armour, which is paper thin at 40 anyway. Its a pig. Doubt I'd even notice if the armour was nerfed.

Still as a crutch it has worked wonders for the UKF which were nigh on pointless before. Personally I think Relic played a blinder here.
26 Jan 2016, 07:48 AM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
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Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

Needs cost increase to 90 or 100, or should only be good vs snipers.

Right now ITS A FUCKEN 2013 50 fuel T70 with smoke.
Nerf it NOW.
Ostheer is unplayable cuz of this ugly little shit vehicle. Pak is a piece of shit, only a blind person could lose their AEC to a pak. 222 is sand paper. gets blown away in 2 hits. Maybe 222 spam is a good idea. Shrek pgrens might be a good counter but I'm scared cuz this thing snipes better than any vehicle in the game, and probably comes before you can even get shreks.

OKW puma can beat it in regards to timing, shrek volks and poopchin are great. But of course said puma promptly becomes useless CUZ IT CANT KILL INFANTRY, and allez are known for their op ass infantry. I've tried luchs and puma and it's too much fuel.. So either buff puma to kill infantry or delete/ nerf AEC and replace with staghound.I take back my first post in this thread and I apologize. Boy was I wrong. AEC is singlehandedly ruining my axis expierience. Stuart is not nearly as annoying cuz it doesn't fire nuclear shells or have smoke.

People are doing double, triple AEC starts and as Ostheer I have no idea what to even do about it. AECs just fuck my ass repeatedly with no lube. If we want to extend the light vehicle phase give every faction an AEC/Stuart like unit. /rant

26 Jan 2016, 07:54 AM
avatar of Doggo

Posts: 148

They could nerf it/delay it, but in compensation buff PIATs so they perform like Panzershrecks so that UKF actually has AT.
26 Jan 2016, 08:37 AM
avatar of Highfiveeeee

Posts: 1740

Needs cost increase to 90 or 100, or should only be good vs snipers.

Right now ITS A FUCKEN 2013 50 fuel T70 with smoke.
Nerf it NOW.
Ostheer is unplayable cuz of this ugly little shit vehicle. Pak is a piece of shit, only a blind person could lose their AEC to a pak. 222 is sand paper. gets blown away in 2 hits. Maybe 222 spam is a good idea. Shrek pgrens might be a good counter but I'm scared cuz this thing snipes better than any vehicle in the game, and probably comes before you can even get shreks.

That's pretty much everything you can say. +1

AEC is not counterable as Ostheer because of its speed and smoke.
The PaK sucks and needs 3 shots to kill it, while the AEC will retreat with smoke or simply circle the PaK and decrew it with 2-3 shots. The shot blockers (trees and stuff) are the AEC's best friend. And CoH2 maps have plenty of them.
Shreck Panzergrens die like flies. 222 is also a piece of garbage.

Ostheer's Puma commander is also not viable, as the Puma is shit and you're wasting 70 Fuel only to counter the Brit's AEC which will break your neck afterwards. (Being said that the Puma won't win against the AEC with ease).

Katitof's suggestion with Tellermines is also absolutely not viable. You usually have about 90 munition (or less) when the AEC arrives. So you can plant ONE SINGLE Tellermine. If the AEC does NOT hit that particular mine, it is literally gg. As soon as the AEC is behind your lines, you can surrender.

Osttruppen is also no viable counter because not everyone (including me) has Osttruppen.

I (as a 'regular skilled' and absolutely no pro player) have not won a single game against Brits in 1v1 as Ostheer since the patch.
26 Jan 2016, 08:41 AM
avatar of Pancake Areolas

Posts: 230

Permanently Banned
Whoa, people are finally seeing the light eh?
26 Jan 2016, 08:43 AM
avatar of Obersoldat

Posts: 393

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Jan 2016, 07:54 AMDoggo
They could nerf it/delay it, but in compensation buff PIATs so they perform like Panzershrecks so that UKF actually has AT.

Buff piats? Thats clearly L2P (attack ground) :sibHyena:
26 Jan 2016, 15:21 PM
avatar of Thunderhun

Posts: 1617

Either a cost increase or a time delay should be added (build time and research time).

Its a fucking joke that it can be rushed out before 5 min and rekts the entire ostheer army. If somehow ostheer can stall this piece of crap then it starts sniping and wiping all your infantry while you can't kill it coz of the smoke.

26 Jan 2016, 17:21 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

The unit's power feels nice, but the cost is too low, and it timing too soon. Its ability to snipe models is so high that retreating is no guarantee of escape, causing it to be overly punishing to infantry. Osteer is particularly vulnerable to this unit.

Just repeating what was said above, and I agree with Cookie and Highfive.
26 Jan 2016, 17:24 PM
avatar of whitesky00

Posts: 468

Just correcting terminology. It's not good at "sniping" models as that was not changed in the patch. All it got was an aoe buff/damage. It's value at sniping models remain the same but repeated AOE hits will kill a model. So it probably needs a aoe debuff since it's value was changed to be too high. Probably never noticed the "sniping" before because nobody used it before. Bofors was the preference then but why get a bofors now when you can have aoe on the move?
26 Jan 2016, 17:55 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

Just correcting terminology. It's not good at "sniping" models as that was not changed in the patch. All it got was an aoe buff/damage. It's value at sniping models remain the same but repeated AOE hits will kill a model. So it probably needs a aoe debuff since it's value was changed to be too high. Probably never noticed the "sniping" before because nobody used it before. Bofors was the preference then but why get a bofors now when you can have aoe on the move?

It's good at vaporizing models now, I think that's a better word for it
26 Jan 2016, 19:56 PM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

The issue is not only the aec. The AEC being overpowered is the symptom of a bigger issue.

Does anyone remember why the aec was buffed? It was buffed because ukf had no true counter to the luchs, and because the aec was a dead end tech unit. If you return the aec to its old stats, we go right back to the old patch issues for brits. If you delay the aec, you pretty much kill okw vs. Ukf.

What is the answer? In my opinion, what needs to be done is a delay of all light "tanks" to the same rush speed as the t70.(yes, this includes the stuart).

This way, all factions have time to prepare for said armor rushes, and aren't overly punished by losing field presence rushing for counters to the light armored threat.

Another, simpler fix would be to give the brits a snare on their infantry/ sappers, and return the aec to its old stats (with maybe a small buff to its AT accuracy).
26 Jan 2016, 20:13 PM
avatar of Rappy

Posts: 526

What about the idea of giving every faction a starting AT weapon?
26 Jan 2016, 20:16 PM
avatar of Dullahan

Posts: 1384

Does anyone remember why the aec was buffed? It was buffed because ukf had no true counter to the luchs, and because the aec was a dead end tech unit. If you return the aec to its old stats, we go right back to the old patch issues for brits. If you delay the aec, you pretty much kill okw vs. Ukf.

The AEC was only buffed against infantry. It was already a really solid anti-vehicle unit.

It never needed to be good against infantry.

Adjusting its cost will be the full retard move though you are correct.

Just slightly reduce the AoE again (not back to what it was, but maybe about half the increase) so it isn't turbomurder against infantry and it'll be fine.

Really, the nerfs to brit sniper are the reason they are so desperate for a snare. Not only did it have critical shot vet 0, but it had a passive chance of a temporary snare. They SHOULD have nerfed the sniper against infantry instead by increasing its aim time and making it more of an anti-tank unit.

Once again Relic demonstrates that they should A. Not listen to this community and B. their original faction design is almost always superior to everything they change later on.

26 Jan 2016, 20:17 PM
avatar of whitesky00

Posts: 468

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Jan 2016, 20:13 PMRappy
What about the idea of giving every faction a starting AT weapon?

I feel this would make USF OP. They would spam riflemen, ambu, and AT and dominate map presence? :(
26 Jan 2016, 20:25 PM
avatar of Dullahan

Posts: 1384

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Jan 2016, 20:13 PMRappy
What about the idea of giving every faction a starting AT weapon?

Literally every faction has extremely early access to AT weaponry.

Sov- AT grenades
Ostheer - Panzerfaust
USF- Bazooka
OKW- Raketen
Brit- Has to tech 2, but gets weapons racks/AT gun/Sniper for 30 fuel.

Not to mention that every faction that isn't USF gets mines straight from the beginning of the game.

The reality is that AT weapons are readily available long before vehicles hit the field. If you neglect to purchase them or proper utilize them and lose the game because of it, it's your own mistake.
26 Jan 2016, 20:36 PM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

The AEC was only buffed against infantry. It was already a really solid anti-vehicle unit.

It never needed to be good against infantry.

Adjusting its cost will be the full retard move though you are correct.

Just slightly reduce the AoE again (not back to what it was, but maybe about half the increase) so it isn't turbomurder against infantry and it'll be fine.

Really, the nerfs to brit sniper are the reason they are so desperate for a snare. Not only did it have critical shot vet 0, but it had a passive chance of a temporary snare. They SHOULD have nerfed the sniper against infantry instead by increasing its aim time and making it more of an anti-tank unit.

Once again Relic demonstrates that they should A. Not listen to this community and B. their original faction design is almost always superior to everything they change later on.

You only read half of my words. The AEC was buffed because it was a dead end tech unit. It literally did nothing besides counter light tanks (anything weaker than a puma). Once its role was complete, it was useless, because of its buggy vet 1 and inability to kite.

If you went for the AEC and the opponent didn't buy a luchs, you just delayed your cromwell for no reason. If you don't go for it and a luchs arrives, you lose. It was a damned if you do damned if you don't unit, and that was bad.

However, at its current rush speed, any reasonable AI at all on this unit is overperforming because of the fact that the AEC will beat every other vehicle onto the field and bleed manpower with little counter.
26 Jan 2016, 20:56 PM
avatar of Pancake Areolas

Posts: 230

Permanently Banned
The issue is not only the aec. The AEC being overpowered is the symptom of a bigger issue.

Does anyone remember why the aec was buffed? It was buffed because ukf had no true counter to the luchs, and because the aec was a dead end tech unit. If you return the aec to its old stats, we go right back to the old patch issues for brits. If you delay the aec, you pretty much kill okw vs. Ukf.

What is the answer? In my opinion, what needs to be done is a delay of all light "tanks" to the same rush speed as the t70.(yes, this includes the stuart).

This way, all factions have time to prepare for said armor rushes, and aren't overly punished by losing field presence rushing for counters to the light armored threat.

Another, simpler fix would be to give the brits a snare on their infantry/ sappers, and return the aec to its old stats (with maybe a small buff to its AT accuracy).

Remove self spotting 50 sight range for normal 35.

Increase research time by 45 seconds. Increase 5 fuel. Drop 60 mp. Fixed.
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