
russian armor

WTF Bofors?

11 Jan 2016, 19:58 PM
avatar of DakkaIsMagic

Posts: 403

Op, I hope this wasn't because of my Current Video in Trending.

Yeah I can hold its on for quite a bit, It should, it shouldn't be countered easily with just some Mortar fire/Leig fire. It should be countered by a well done assult, not some -A move my volks blob!- Type stuff.

Plus, if you see one, just avoid it. Happens to me all the time, and I end up wasting the fuel and Manpower on a Bofors that rarely sees action.

Sometimes, you just can't counter it at the moment, and must avoid it or take it out, thats just how it is. I really don't want to see it get nerfed to the ground because some Axis players just can't get over the fact they can't A-move/Leig party everything.
11 Jan 2016, 20:24 PM
avatar of Yunohh
Patrion 26

Posts: 33

because I'm a biased axis fanboy right....

Well given you've been crying 'BOFORS OP' this whole time despite knowing nothing about Brits as a faction -i.e. self repair aka 'Stand fast' is doctrinal from Royal Engineers regiment alone, I'd recommend you keep your mouth shut on any and all balance issues given you're only looking at it from one side.

How about you put aside you schrek blobs and 'defend ze fatherland from allies fanbois!' forum warrior attitude for one minute, play some f**king games as allies then come back and tell us how balanced certain units really are.

Jesus, I thought Katitof was an intolerable allied zealot at times, but you make him look like a moderate (that said, he's been pretty mild as of late).

Gopher. Play UKF. Build Bofors for your self and see how 'invincible' it truly is.


As for this whole thread, it's a partly down to a terribly campy, narrow map that favours static play and makes any indirect fire and area denial all that more potent. I hate to sound cliche'd but the rest is L2P issues.

This happened because it was placed behind a shotblocker

So why are you not throwing incendiary grenades over said shot blocker for free damage?

As for double LeIGs - the only way you could have failed to kill it was by switching targets. Constant bombardment from 2 mortars or ISGs will wreck any brit emplacement after enough time, all the brace and stand fast in the world will do is buy it a bit longer, as any sappers attempting to repair will inevitably get rekt along the way.

Flame weapons deal 30% bonus damage to structures, so stuff like smoke + volks nades/flame HT work wonders, even killing it through brace. Hell, you can even kill it with a volks blob provided you don't get suppressed on the way in - 3-4 schreks will seriously threaten a bofors and the moment it braces it's not fighting back, all you have to do is wait ~25s then throw an incendiary grenade or two.

Like many have said, best option is to force it to brace then hit it hard when the ability expires 30s later.
11 Jan 2016, 21:19 PM
avatar of GenObi

Posts: 556

For a Tier two, build engineers first then a upgrade on top of that? Hell no, it's really a over exaggerated MG bunker. For 150 and 60 mun with my free engineers I can have area denial without a Tier or upgrade requirement as wer.
11 Jan 2016, 22:14 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

It seems to be that any unit which can impede a volkshrek blob is deemed 'OP'.....most strange.
11 Jan 2016, 22:21 PM
avatar of GenObi

Posts: 556

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Jan 2016, 22:14 PMGrim
It seems to be that any unit which can impede a volkshrek blob is deemed 'OP'.....most strange.

Volk is love, Volks is life.

On a serious note, if anyone would of told me me years ago that Volks was going to be the most problematic unit in Coh, I would been GTFO here!
11 Jan 2016, 23:02 PM
avatar of Jespe

Posts: 190

So only thing before tanks is Incnade and MortarHT against it?
How about if you are ost and don't use that doctrine? You have to wait until Stug?

Bofors itself is Ok. Only thing that makes it pain in the backside is that standfast... It would be ok if it would use repair one encamplacement, or make it so that on repair that encamplacement cannot do anything else Like that tank repair thing...
Britts have serious issues with repairs and they need doctrines like this but not as powerful as this is...
11 Jan 2016, 23:05 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Jan 2016, 23:02 PMJespe
So only thing before tanks is Incnade and MortarHT against it?
How about if you are ost and don't use that doctrine? You have to wait until Stug?

Bofors itself is Ok. Only thing that makes it pain in the backside is that standfast... It would be ok if it would use repair one encamplacement, or make it so that on repair that encamplacement cannot do anything else Like that tank repair thing...
Britts have serious issues with repairs and they need doctrines like this but not as powerful as this is...

Hmmmmm...I see you ignored my suggestions. Jump back a few pages to where I posted, your answer is there.
11 Jan 2016, 23:46 PM
avatar of Jespe

Posts: 190

Hmmmmm...I see you ignored by suggestions. Jump back a few pages to where I posted, your answer is there.

- Yup, something about jump light tanks and go straight to mediums... Like i write "...BEFORE TANKS..."
- Or did you mean that Smoke it and FlameHT? sure i can smoke it, then pro-brits just attack ground trought the smoke... (I have to admid that this works well if (S)he is unaware whats happening aka "braindead" and doesnt brace&standfast when missed the attack ground and starts to take damage.) I've destroyed many bofors with this way but none of them did not know how to attack ground...

BUT like i said its not the bofor,s bofors itself is ok... IT's the stand fast doctrine in urban enviroment that makes too good... If you cannot manage to kill it before its build find some other route or Glitch with 88mm trought buildings...
12 Jan 2016, 00:37 AM
avatar of Jackas4life
Benefactor 115

Posts: 486 | Subs: 1

Post invised for Homophobia, play nice guys.
12 Jan 2016, 02:37 AM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

Look above and look at my post bruh, there is nothing hard core about it. There is no hardcore bias suggestions. There is no nerf the shit out of the bofer. In fact. I suggested it needs to stay lethal for the price and the fact that it's unable to move. So before you think I'm yelling out nerf, check yourself before you reck yourself. My only "nerf" is to not have 2 abilities active at the same time on it... haters gonna hate.. your funny Kid, I hope I don't hit a nerve on this one..
12 Jan 2016, 04:10 AM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

Simcity is OP like fuck if the Brit Mayor knows what he is doing.
12 Jan 2016, 04:18 AM
avatar of Yunohh
Patrion 26

Posts: 33

And you're completely missing my point - you can't comment on balance if you don't have any understanding of 3 of the 5 factions. It's like being asked to judge a baking contest but you only try one of the contestant's cakes.

It's not a personal attack - there's people that do it on both sides to the detriment of the community. The sooner people start being more open minded and actually trying to see things from more than their own narrow view, the sooner these counter productive fanboy crusades can end.

As for the combination of Brace and Stand fast being active concurrently, it seems to be part of the doctrine design - Royal Engineers sacrifices a lot of utility (besides the free recon plane from the command vehicle, which I think needs changing) for the ability to keep emplacements in the fight longer - indeed a lot of Brit emplacement potency is owed to this doctrine. The Flame barrage is probably the most situational ability in the game, 120 munis easily countered by hopping out of a house. Even a well-micro'd blob (oh the irony) can evade the biblical aim time of the AVRE.

As we've seen in this thread, I wouldn't be surprised at all if many of the 'Emplacements OP' posts stem from confusion around the fact that this is a doctrinal ability. Hell, even some top players I've spoken to didn't realise that Brit emplacements receive abilities/bonus stats from being garrisoned or built within range of a forward assembly. Knowledge like that can only be acquired by playing with the faction, as only playing against it means you'll miss a lot of the intricacies of certain combinations/strategies, such as the timing, co-ordination and micro involved. Since most aren't willing to accept their own failings, or explore their opponent's moves further, it leads to them coming to the conclusion that 'this is OP' and 'that is OP'.

Give Brits a try, you may even like them! Just don't expect any miracles from IS or base howwies at the moment :snfCHVGame:

12 Jan 2016, 04:21 AM
avatar of WhySooSerious

Posts: 1248

Have you seen how much punishment a brace structure with self repair can take? Assuming the guy isn't an idiot and has the structure properly supported it can be near impossible..

I have never used spearhead against Bofors. I just start damaging it with a mortar or 2 then he goes into brace and then I rush my whole army in there even if he is self repairing. The Bofors wont be able to defend itself and while its braced and self repairing I'll kill the supporting units and Bofors as much as I can. Usually I have an mg or 2 to help with that. As OKW though I just start hitting it with an ISG or a Stuka and when it goes into brace i rush in and spam incendiary grenades and shoot as many shrecks as possible up its ass.
12 Jan 2016, 05:08 AM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

I have never used spearhead against Bofors. I just start damaging it with a mortar or 2 then he goes into brace and then I rush my whole army in there even if he is self repairing. The Bofors wont be able to defend itself and while its braced and self repairing I'll kill the supporting units and Bofors as much as I can. Usually I have an mg or 2 to help with that. As OKW though I just start hitting it with an ISG or a Stuka and when it goes into brace i rush in and spam incendiary grenades and shoot as many shrecks as possible up its ass.

Not that easy if the Bofors supported by 2 mortar pits and a bunch of Pack howie, US smoke and M1919 blobs.
12 Jan 2016, 06:18 AM
avatar of robertmikael
Donator 11

Posts: 311

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Jan 2016, 05:08 AMPorygon
Not that easy if the Bofors supported by 2 mortar pits and a bunch of Pack howie, US smoke and M1919 blobs.

Why should it be easy? Especially if the USF and Brits chose to cooperate in this way and focus on a specific area on the map.

Show a video of this or some other case where the Bofors seems to be OP, and let the people value if you could do something in an another way.
12 Jan 2016, 16:19 PM
avatar of whitesky00

Posts: 468

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Jan 2016, 05:08 AMPorygon

Not that easy if the Bofors supported by 2 mortar pits and a bunch of Pack howie, US smoke and M1919 blobs.

And how did you let him accumulate 1000+ MP and time to BUILD all those emplacements? Play much?
What were you doing while he was building all 3 structures with no support?

If he has a USF ally... what in world's name is YOUR ally doing? Lol, l2p issue.
12 Jan 2016, 16:43 PM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

And how did you let him accumulate 1000+ MP and time to BUILD all those emplacements? Play much?
What were you doing while he was building all 3 structures with no support?

If he has a USF ally... what in world's name is YOUR ally doing? Lol, l2p issue.

Same logic, how did one letting OKW getting 5 Volks accumulating 1000+ MP, 450 muni and time and killing all his tanks and whine on forum?

How about play against a good Simcityer and STFU? :)

We did play against a good Simictyer, inspite winning at the last moment, and learnt how difficult to crack a good Great Wall of British Simcity (3+ Mortar & 3+ Bofors). It is boring, rage inducing and not fun to play and play against, but it works.
12 Jan 2016, 19:32 PM
avatar of whitesky00

Posts: 468

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Jan 2016, 16:43 PMPorygon

Same logic, how did one letting OKW getting 5 Volks accumulating 1000+ MP, 450 muni and time and killing all his tanks and whine on forum?

How about play against a good Simcityer and STFU? :)

We did play against a good Simictyer, inspite winning at the last moment, and learnt how difficult to crack a good Great Wall of British Simcity (3+ Mortar & 3+ Bofors). It is boring, rage inducing and not fun to play and play against, but it works.

LOL! Says the person with less than 40 games ask UKF. This is irrelevant and you're going on a tangent.

OKW 5 volks can be built at T0. It also has a forward retreat point. It serves to have map control early game and AT throughout the entire game. They are also RETREATABLE and reinforce-able, and MOBILE.

You're comparing it to a non-reinforceable (only repairable), non-retreatable, statis (non-mobile) position.

Great comparison... i think someone should learn to STFU and make legit comparisons. Get to top 10 with random players or 1v1 ranks and I'll actually respect your opinion. 3+ mortar 3+ bofors... lol, this is ludicrous. Must be Axis camping all day and letting UKF build positions non-stop. BTW, UKF has the LOWEST win rate in team games. GG and QQ more Axis fanboi. Since... you exclusively play Axis... I don't
12 Jan 2016, 20:48 PM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

LOL! Says the person with less than 40 games ask UKF. TSince... you exclusively play Axis... I don't

Wut the fuck? :loco:
I had been playing 2v2 exclusively Brits since in the alpha and over 300 games.

That's how we Simcity.

That's how we struggle but defeat good Simcity

Without Ostheer it is extremely hard defeating Simcity, there is no smoke, no decent flame weapons, no Pak that can actually outrange the Bofors. Multi-ISGs alone cannot do anything to the loop of Brace/Standfast.
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