With AECs which you should never lose untill 15m+ mark, worst case scenario trade them for pumas and stugs, mb even something heavier, you should have free map control, easily harass his leigs, and protect your mortar pit.
(+ all the other good advice) I'm in top 150 in 2s with Brits, so don't lose the AEC unless I'm trading it for something expensive anyway (i.e. stuka, werfer, panther+). Mostly using Spec Weps right now, as I got quite good with it back when AEC was bad (Dank hunters are great against Luchs and that AT nade levels the field vs P.IVs and Panthers when it pens). Just started using Vanguard more for the glider and Air Landing Officer (that charge is hilarious with double Brens!) but it lacks the lategame arty punch that Spec Weps has (delete buildings/strongpoints when combined with Croc flares).
Trying to avoid the unoriginally named 'Tactical Support' regiment (Tac support is also USF Calliope!) as it's pretty cheesy right now, borderline cheating - maybe I should abuse it more, not as if my opponents wouldn't do the same. Shame that the Fwd Obs Post is garbage and the doc lacks elite infantry/armour.
I disagree with the 'free map control' point you make about AEC though. Any OKW player that's worth his salt will keep his schreks together/support with snare inf, lay mines, bring up a Raketten and use cover and sight blockers to make life difficult, meaning the most you can do is harass and poke with the occasional dive, rather than running rampant like you can in 3s and 4s against clueless blobbers.
Lately I've found mortar pit to be a bigger risk than a sniper on most maps, as it becomes a magnet for both opponents to attack, and all it takes is a single volks squad to slip past unseen (or double LeIG ofc) and that's 400MP down the drain.
Oooh, just watched the first V3E match, and though the allied team did make some pretty big mistakes later on (Royal Arty doctrine lolwut), even after a decent earlygame they were still struggling to stay on the map with calliopes. Even at top, tournament level play there was instances of volks blobbing, and when you combine it with Vet fireflies bouncing panthers and tigers, whilst getting 2-hit by the JT it makes you want to just give up on this game. I'll watch more and hopfully it won't completely kill my remaining faith in relic to balance this mess  |
Gonna sound funny but many may change after fixing vet bug. Brits suffers the most currently on it. Corrected vet bonusses should mostly help against okw infantry.
That'll potentially help quite a bit as the game progresses, especially at vet 3 now that scoped Lee-Enfields are getting fixed. However, we don't know for certain when the vet fix is going to happen. I fear it won't be enough anyway.
In the upcoming patch, with AEC (deservedly) nerfed (though typical double nerf from Relic), many of the other issues are still unaddressed.
Sure, UC may no longer delay teching as much (though MP was more the issue than fuel), but it'll still get 2-shot by schreks and cost you that 90 munis flamethrower upgrade, as the vickers one is still garbage.
25lbs get less scatter? Great start! Now they may actually hit something. But again, that wasn't the main issue with them - there's no point being able to hit something if it has no AOE damage. Again, I'd rather have shells that occasionally go a bit wide that are actually a threat, than a slightly more consistent fireworks display.
As for everything else, i.e. Suxton, valentine, over-priced croc, 17lber pop-cap, PIATs, garbage AT-snare, etc. It's still going to suck. But of course the real elephant in the room is not the Brit issues, it's the volks-schrek design. It's just awful, throws risk/reward right out the window and creates a huge imbalance in micro requirement. On top of FREESIDETECH™, it just makes OKW an awful faction to fight.
Recommend watching vet3event games, it's 2v2 turney and from what i remember there was games vs double okw. Well played and casted game should be more educational than my post
Cheers, I'll check it out. It'd gone completely under my radar - kinda embarrassing as I personally know Kristof!
TL,DR; I think Brits are going to resume their Pre-AEC suckfest after this patch as virtually all the issues are unaddressed. |
It seems almost impossible to play against OKW in 2v2 if the player has half a brain.
The most effective (and common) strat is Volks (-/+ double strums depending on map) into BGHQ, then LeIG (x2 if facing emplacements), fusiliers, optional raketten (early vs AEC), Schwerer, Panther. If game drags on JT/KT ensure Brits can't match it.
As usual, OKW schreks multiple the volks, keeps LeIG(s) for rekking emplacments or smashing sections in cover, and always pushes with inf en mass (though not always blobs ofc). Sections in equal cover don't exactly beat volks convincingly until blostered, and fusiliers just walk over all infantry and threaten the sniper with G-43s. Schreks force the AEC to keep it's distance and any slight mistake either costs you a big bit of HP (and free vet for the volks) or the AEC, especially when fusiliers can get an AT nade off.
In contrast, Tank hunter IS nades are useless vs luchs unless you score 2 penetrating hits with the rifles first. But that's more piss poor balance than anything else.
What's the best options against this build? It seesms that UKF is outmatched at all stages and you need to invest significantly more micro into high risk/reward units (Sniper, OP AEC) to stay in the game. Of course, if the game drags on and you end up facing anything bigger than a panther it's over unless they enemy over extends and throws their supertanks away.
Right now I'm trying 2-3 sections + vickers in the early game, into sniper, AEC/Bofors + sappers. Then Tank hunters if Spec weps, or glider if vanguard. Then ATG (x2 if it's going badly) bolster, mortar as needed or tech. Cromwell/Comet depending on timing and income.
AEC deserves the nerf it's geting, but I fear this is only going to get worse after the patch, as OKW is still untouched (volks-schreks, side tech, fastest throwing grenade)
Whatever they do I would not like to see a snare on Volks, it makes them too much like every other infantry squad.
+1 on that
Whilst I don't think snares would be game breaking, Pre-AEC Brits are a prime example of what can happen to a faction without some sort of vehicle CC. They get rekt early-midgame. Hard. Then again, OKW has a cheap, T0 retreatable, cloaking AT gun and base defenses that prevent light vehicles diving.
Would be interesting to see balance preview mod. |
where can I find the esl casts?
Last week's EU cup
Last week's NA cup
Haven't watched the NA cup yet, though the EU one featured the first(!) appearance of UKF in a tourney stream (and they didn't get rekt - though the mid game did look a bit hairy). I'm told Paul did very well with them in NA.
3/4 allied armor cant penetrate, well based off what i see, the following are a match for if not better than the panther
-Cromwell at closer ranges
*churchill on closer maps
'a match for' implies a straight up fight, of which only the Pershing and IS-2 will beat the panther (+ Firefly if it lands both Tulips and doesn't get turret kited to death), everything else has to act in a supporting or flanking role with other units screening and spotting.
Try to 1v1 a panther with a Comet and see how that turns out.
SU-76 is ' a match for if not better than the panther'. Totally
If you seriously think Ostheer is 'On life support' I'd suggest trying to watch some ESL, as you'll see it's clearly not the case. Most of Ost's issues stem from other factions' units - i.e. fuel cost of AEC/Cromwell, but unlike those factions, Ost doesn't need to rely on OP stuff as a crutch. |
the AEC still came earlier than the puma (at least WAY earlier than the ost puma), and outclassed the puma in pretty much every aspect apart from range. also, the AEC is (or was) supposed to counter pretty much everything BUT the puma, so that comparison is void in and off of itself. 222s and HTs (flames?! where does ostheer get the ammo for that from? flame HT means 0 mines, no schrecks, no LMGs, no NOTHING) can be countered by small arms, especially if you do have some dedicated AT along with it.
Munis? For what? Yeah, cos you totally needed that early teller or schreks vs Brits. God forbid they might be stupid enough to build a UC. Grens trade pretty well vs the more expensive unblostered IS. Not to mention you'll always out-cap brits.
Since when has AEC ever 'outclassed puma in every way'? That's some pretty biased crack you're smoking. In a straight up fight (ignoring the Puma's range advantage) they're IDENTICAL.
120 Damage
0.03/0.05 Accuracy (F/N)
3.98s Reload time
18 Target size
400 HP
120 Damage
0.03/0.05 Accuracy (F/N)
3.98 Reload time
18 Target size
AEC has 40 armour to the Puma's 25, but since they both have much higher pen (100 AEC, 120 Puma), that's irrelevant.
Stats Source
As I've already said, the issue with the AEC presently is the pacing. As for comparing with the Ost puma - that comes out too late anyway, could do with lower CP timing. |
...and at the moment the decision to take AEC is a no-brainer, because your cromwell will still come at roughly the same time because of your increased map control with the AEC. that is if the game lasts long enough for a cromwell to even hit the field ;-)
Not so much a no-brainer as a necessity. Unless you go with the premium Spec Weps regiment, you'll get walked over by Luchs, flame HT or even 222 if it doesn't dive you. The only problem with the AEC right now is the vision and timing aspects that make it a tad strong vs Ostheer. At least grens have fasuts to punish over-aggression.
The reason it was buffed in the first place was due to it being an overpriced, worse Puma (40 range to 50) that needed side tech. It was far from 'fine' as many are advoctaing |
All right all right. How about. Spawns with 1 shreck. Que side tech that unlocks mp44s and faust for volks. And a second shreck becomes purchasable for 90 munitions. While squad costs like 320. And gets vet bonuses for camo and such?
I'd just really like to see relic add a new unit for shrecks for okw. Because volk shrecks not only look fucking horrid. But it has always been a balance nightmare for okw.
Volk panzershreck was probably one of the sole reasons for removing okw resource penalty. Because they keep balancing around making volks viable without making them OP as hell because of the panzershreck.
All of which can be fixed. By a med HQ shreck squad.
Though I like the idea of 1 schrek with later upgrade, an alternative would be for this tank hunter (Panzerjäger squad?) to start out with double Panzerbüchse 39 AT rifles (they're already in the game in the ToW missions), with an option to upgrade to dual schreks as a 'heavy AT package' for something like 120 munis. Would give them decent early-game punch against light vehicles and make them easier to distinguish when upgraded. |
I mean we can just drop the cost to like 200. Look at zeroing artillery. Thats 300 and its utter trash.
If you think zeroing is utter trash, you're using it wrong. Keep vision and you can wipe whole armies with it, heavy tanks and all. |