
russian armor

Relic must act !!! OKW need tone down & Brtis need buffs

6 Dec 2015, 03:40 AM
avatar of drChengele
Patrion 14

Posts: 640 | Subs: 1

Yeah, Relic! Do not balance for 3v3s or 4v4s!

There is, after all, no interest for team games in the player base. No siree. I mean, look at DotA 2 and LoL, literally the most played games in the world. I bet they are rolling in that mad dough because they are balanced for 1v1.

Also while we're at it, Relic, please make sure to ignore and fuck over the experience of the majority of your player base because of an elitist vocal minority on the forums.

In fact, make CoH3 for top 200 1v1 players only, that way you can sell guaranteed 100 copies to cover all the uber balancing costs.
6 Dec 2015, 03:52 AM
avatar of NigelBallsworth

Posts: 266

Yeah, Relic! Do not balance for 3v3s or 4v4s!

There is, after all, no interest for team games in the player base. No siree. I mean, look at DotA 2 and LoL, literally the most played games in the world. I bet they are rolling in that mad dough because they are balanced for 1v1.

Also while we're at it, Relic, please make sure to ignore and fuck over the experience of the majority of your player base because of an elitist vocal minority on the forums.

In fact, make CoH3 for top 200 1v1 players only, that way you can sell guaranteed 100 copies to cover all the uber balancing costs.

Oh yeah. This. This guy right here. + 5 000 000 000.

So sick of that BS elitist attitude, and absolute ignorance of the truth; team games are a very popular game mode, and thus, a big deal. But hey, like this guy said, you "elite" players have fun playing the same group of guys, when team games finally dies out from player frustration and eventual abandonment.
6 Dec 2015, 04:02 AM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

Yeah, Relic! Do not balance for 3v3s or 4v4s!

There is, after all, no interest for team games in the player base. No siree. I mean, look at DotA 2 and LoL, literally the most played games in the world. I bet they are rolling in that mad dough because they are balanced for 1v1.

Also while we're at it, Relic, please make sure to ignore and fuck over the experience of the majority of your player base because of an elitist vocal minority on the forums.

In fact, make CoH3 for top 200 1v1 players only, that way you can sell guaranteed 100 copies to cover all the uber balancing costs.

Oh yeah. This. This guy right here. + 5 000 000 000.

So sick of that BS elitist attitude, and absolute ignorance of the truth; team games are a very popular game mode, and thus, a big deal. But hey, like this guy said, you "elite" players have fun playing the same group of guys, when team games finally dies out from player frustration and eventual abandonment.

The problem with the vocal 4v4 majority, is that they are casuals who don't know shit about balance. Every time something is changed they spam a hundred threads demanding massive nerfs and buffs. They never try to play differently, it is always: "My strat doesn't work anymore the game is broken." 5 minutes after a patch is released. Metas take weeks to develop, that is why Relic lets patches sit for two-three months before the next one dedicated to balance. The next patch(in January) will probably be for hotfixes for anything that is still blatantly OP and bug fixes and maybe optimization.
6 Dec 2015, 04:22 AM
avatar of NigelBallsworth

Posts: 266

I don't use strats. That does mark me as a casual player, but there it is. I read the guides, and the forums, to get a sense for what works and what doesn't, but I've never been a "take this house, build this cache, make X troops, profit" guy. I actually enjoy the chaos of large team games, and for the most part I fly by the seat of my pants, relying on a solid knowledge of the units themselves, and a little micro. In fact, I would venture to say that large team games are tougher; none of your meticuously researched, and carefully planned strats mean anything in team games, with the exception of ATs who actually coordinate. Not only that, but I ve always thought it kind of lame that a player could memorize a formula that enabled him to win 99% of the time. Anyway, it's for those reasons and more that I play team games. At the same time, I don't often bitch about OP this or that, but this patch is indefensible. I do understand the sentiment from OKW players; as a long-time Allied player, I was overjoyed when Brits hit the field. They had punch, they had power....to the point that I knew they would get nerfed hard. Now they have. So I totally get why OKW players think there's nothing wrong with this patch.
6 Dec 2015, 04:29 AM
avatar of NigelBallsworth

Posts: 266

....and, for what it's worth, I do try to adjust to changes in the game. I don't call for nerfs or buffs, just because my standard stuff doesn't work. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
6 Dec 2015, 07:58 AM
avatar of Robbie_Rotten
Donator 11

Posts: 412

Nope. What you just wrote is worthless.

Soviet=AT nades
USF=AT nade

All of which are viable at potentially stopping a light vehicle 'GG'.

Brits have what?

Anyone using a light vehicle in a "skilled" manner would never let it get snared anyways.

Im not saying Brits shouldn't have one. I'm just saying "X can't beat the good usage of X" isn't a good argument, because its basically saying "If my opponent is playing better than me I lose" which is how the game works.

Also, Brits have mines, AT guns, and the AEC. The luchs doesn't even come that fast in 1v1.
6 Dec 2015, 09:38 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

Anyone using a light vehicle in a "skilled" manner would never let it get snared anyways.

but the tactic require to avoid a tank snare will limit the light vehicle's potential. The ability affect the game just by its presence alone.

Axis vehicles in general can be significantly more daring and aggressive against British because they don't need to worry about snare or a tracking projectile.
6 Dec 2015, 10:15 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

The problem with the vocal 4v4 majority, is that they are casuals who don't know shit about balance. Every time something is changed they spam a hundred threads demanding massive nerfs and buffs. They never try to play differently, it is always: "My strat doesn't work anymore the game is broken." 5 minutes after a patch is released. Metas take weeks to develop, that is why Relic lets patches sit for two-three months before the next one dedicated to balance. The next patch(in January) will probably be for hotfixes for anything that is still blatantly OP and bug fixes and maybe optimization.

So we can close the forum, because the true minority of skilled players aren't bothering coming there to speak on those forum. Actually it is a fight between a minority of 1vs1 average skilled players fighting a majority of 3vs3+ average skilled players.

Oh and I love how, in since a couple of months we have the ultra minority of 2vs2 players who are now arguing the game should be balance around their mod but not around others, thanks for having 2 fake strategists adept of 2vs2 lobbying on this forum days after days.
6 Dec 2015, 10:41 AM
avatar of Cultist_kun

Posts: 295 | Subs: 1

Someone could rolfstomp OKW anymore, what a shame.

Blob problem? Oh please, it feels like only OKW can blob, USF\UKF have the most powerfull blobs for ages, blobs are problem in general, not only for specific faction.

Early PzII ? Only brits can suffer from it to be honest, but again you can have everything to counter it. You just have to play "outside" your meta and instead of using your regular build, think for a second "hmm and what if he would bring PzII".

OKW simply is in line with other factions now, its hard to beat right of the bat. The only problem I see for new OKW - Panzerschreck. As I said 100 times now - "Give volks 2x panzerbuchse + faust upgrade insted of Panzerschreck".
6 Dec 2015, 10:53 AM
avatar of lanciano

Posts: 210

Feel like okw could do with some more price adjustments still. The balance between the resource income, price of units and unit effectiveness doesnt feel right now.

6 Dec 2015, 11:11 AM
avatar of siuking666

Posts: 707

So sick of that BS elitist attitude, and absolute ignorance of the truth; team games are a very popular game mode, and thus, a big deal. But hey, like this guy said, you "elite" players have fun playing the same group of guys, when team games finally dies out from player frustration and eventual abandonment.

team games are a very popular game mode, So? It's cancerous to balance thus, E-SPORT (something they have been trying to push for ages.)
6 Dec 2015, 11:51 AM
avatar of NEVEC

Posts: 708 | Subs: 1

Thats a really worthless argument. Skilled anything usage = gg

Skilled light vehicle usage in general is GG.


Main problem is not luchs, but volksgrenadiers undeserved buff. OKW have best main infantry that destroys opponent in ealry game and a lot of other infantry units like panzerfusiliers, obersoldaten, light jaeger infantry etc. Volksgrenaiders damage should be reduced, thats only way.
6 Dec 2015, 13:09 PM
avatar of vasa1719

Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4

Permanently Banned
Who have proof that relic do balance for 1v1 or 2v2 but not for 4v4 too ? Coz relic speak not many, but so many liers in there words, no pershing, no new nations and another bla bla bla, so why we must trust to them ? if thay evend dont know what tahy add in patchs.
Its pretty fun that people write that randoms guys without playercard come in forums and write stupid idea. So i have a question what rank of players can discus about balance for this people ? Coz imo all there opinion are only that thay are better in game for 5-10 000 position in ladder, its pretty stupid, coz more hight ranks players are just faster, play more, know a game little better, abuse broken things, thats all :D.
6 Dec 2015, 13:31 PM
avatar of Vinyl41

Posts: 97

the volks damage buff wasnt rly needed, im fine with them becoming more pricy because they get the shrek upgrade
prev you coouoldnt support your "sucky" volks with light vehicles cause of the fuel shortage, but that changed with the rework
the whole okw rework needs a lil bit more work - the best ideas i saw were the ones with introducing PE like tech upgrades in each tech building
but for now keep it calm people relic is watching :D
6 Dec 2015, 17:21 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Yeah, Relic! Do not balance for 3v3s or 4v4s!

There is, after all, no interest for team games in the player base. No siree. I mean, look at DotA 2 and LoL, literally the most played games in the world. I bet they are rolling in that mad dough because they are balanced for 1v1.

Also while we're at it, Relic, please make sure to ignore and fuck over the experience of the majority of your player base because of an elitist vocal minority on the forums.

In fact, make CoH3 for top 200 1v1 players only, that way you can sell guaranteed 100 copies to cover all the uber balancing costs.

-First of all they are MOBAS and not RTS.
-Those MOBA are designed on it's basis as team oriented 5v5. While RTS can be designed with this intention (look at the last F2P (?) from Total War series), this is not the case for CoH. Look at maps, look at capping and resource system, see tech progression.
-You don't balance for people who has high APM, rather than for those who knows there are tools to deal with each problem. There are things that can be done to improve QoL of all player such as the change on the USF ambulance.
6 Dec 2015, 17:45 PM
avatar of REforever

Posts: 314

ProKW is at a damned good spot right now and I consider them balanced. Too many people were used to stomping OKW players and getting free wins, so when Relic actually gave ProKW units the ability to deal with the overbuffed UKF and USF factions, a lot of people complained as is seen on this forum.

Gone are the days of Allied players getting free wins when they were facing an OKW player :romeoMug:
6 Dec 2015, 17:46 PM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

relic do someting with shreck blob or buff vickers and fix pit or or or i will give u negative opinion on steam !! :megusta:
6 Dec 2015, 17:47 PM
avatar of voltardark

Posts: 976

Since the beta 1vs1 player in majority did't want any changes or balance. It's always been like that.

Relic is wiser then that.... they made balance changes and they will make others.

4vs4 is no more hardcore or casual then 1vs1 is just a different flavor.


P.S If 4vs4 players stop playing that would be like a death sentence for COH2...
6 Dec 2015, 17:57 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

The problem with the vocal 4v4 majority, is that they are casuals who don't know shit about balance. Every time something is changed they spam a hundred threads demanding massive nerfs and buffs. They never try to play differently, it is always: "My strat doesn't work anymore the game is broken." 5 minutes after a patch is released. Metas take weeks to develop, that is why Relic lets patches sit for two-three months before the next one dedicated to balance. The next patch(in January) will probably be for hotfixes for anything that is still blatantly OP and bug fixes and maybe optimization.

lol like all 1v1 players here in this forums are protectors of reasons.

stupidity and ignorance affects all equally from my observation.
7 Dec 2015, 02:21 AM
avatar of JizzardOfOz

Posts: 8

4vs4 is no more hardcore or casual then 1vs1 is just a different flavor.

It is definitely more casual. I'm sorry, that's beyond just an opinion, it just is.

1. I would've said this in 2v2 but the higher you go up in team games it just gets more true but the fact you can get carried already puts it beyond 1v1. In 1v1 you are responsible for everything, in 2v2 and up your mistakes can get covered. I have both carried and been carried and acknowledge that I may have done nothing the whole game and still won. There are games where the other guy could've played with an AI and still won.

2. You can do things you wouldn't get away with in 1v1. (e.g. starting with 2x snipers cause your friend went 4 riflemen and 3 rear echelon, doing bloody 3xsoviet medical house while the brit laughs and gets Churchill Croc + AT Gun Line ready)

3. The sheer difference in player knowledge and skill. I rarely fight guys anymore in 1v1 that don't know how to retreat. (Up to about top 800 and thats how it should be) Up into the top 500's of 2v2 I would still run into players that did not know how to retreat, could only do one build order (e.g. 3 grens, 1 MG, 1 Pz4, 1 Tiger and NEVER DEVIATE), didn't know how the game worked. (omg, my AT Snare didn't damage your full health tank!) This point is anecdotal but I'd like to hear if anyone heard of a 2v2+ player who put it more work and demonstrated more knowledge than a dedicated 1v1 player. The amount of times I've seen a 2v2 player however quit because his early cheese didn't work (3+ scout car flamer rush. That was amusing) shows a worrying lack of ability to adapt the higher up the team games you go.

As a final point, yes, in an ideal world all modes would be balanced for play within each other. But Relic has always made competitive games with a focus on balancing the 1v1 so that in a 1v1 everyone has a 50% chance of winning at game outset. It just so happens that the way they make their games makes it very difficult to balance from 1v1 up (where timings and approximate resource level can be predicted) Their balance in team games has gotten much better but could still use some work. However if dedicated team players want to show that their balance issues should take precedence over 1v1 I think a well though out and persuasive argument is needed beyond simply 'It is the popular!' (I could give less of a shit, Call of Duty is popular but if you said you were num 1 in the world I wouldn't care.) or 'It would die!' (I played CoH for around 6-7 years, well into and beyond its death throes and had a blast. I even paid money to be in the beta release) I'd rather play a good game with a dwindling player base than play a dumbed down game with a healthier (relatively speaking...) player base.

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