By that same logic a single shot from 75 or 88mm German gun should be enough to turn vehicles like M20 and halftracks into twisted balls of metal, but I don't see you complaining about it.
The person you quoted had a perfectly valid point that if Relic nerfs one-shotting/overperforming units/abilities in every patch and says that serves the point of "allowing the opposing player time to react", that should be the case with the Pershing/KT/whatever BS one-shots as well.
But no, "l2p when I have big guns" is more valid than understanding reasonable game balance of course.
Thank you for trying to put more essence into my comment, I totally appreciate it. The person does have a point, yet the blame does not ly with the Pershing, neither with its shells. The blame lies with squad spacing, nothing the Pershing nor any other tank should suffer for or can do anything about.
I love how you throw the l2p out there, when I have said nothing that relates to l2p. Further more, you seem to mistake my comment for something that offers l2p value instead of understanding reasonable balance aspects of games. You couldn't have been further from the truth. I simply stated that the point he was trying to make can't be blamed on the Pershing one shotting stuff simply because it is part of a problem and, the pershing itself, is not
the problem.
Perhaps next time, I should spread the words of Learn2Think and Learn2Comprehend.