
russian armor

Balance Preview Patchnotes

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20 Nov 2015, 19:53 PM
avatar of Kubelecer

Posts: 403

perma pls
20 Nov 2015, 21:08 PM
avatar of IJHicks_XI

Posts: 32

without the pinning I'd like a toggle for auto face and no autoface nothing worse than them turn to shoot something you don't want them too.
20 Nov 2015, 21:24 PM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

OKW base structures were provided with bonuses to allow them to hold ground because they could not field as many tanks as other factions. With these new changes the bonuses acquired by building these structures should be removed.

You still risk your tech structure by building it in the field and the Repair bay got its resource swap ability removed, so there is that. Also the FRP ability is very expensive.

For instance, now with full fuel OKW can place a Schwer on the field, early and far forward giving it huge map control potential with limited risk which before was more of a handicap because they would not receive a tank from the building for another 5 minutes or more.

Can you build T4 before T2 or T3? If so it needs to require T2 or T3 first. Otherwise you still have to wait until you get enough fuel for a tank, plus it takes longer to build the trucks and that costs resources now so the timing for tanks is about the same.

The ability of OKW to field more tanks also means that units like Obers, which are designed to soft counter their hard infantry counters, need to be looked at very closely. Almost certainly their LMG34 needs to go up to 120 munitions.

Um...no, not for a single LMG34, how about we meet in the middle at 80munis?

Call in infantry probably should also require an upgrade, as the reason they did not have it before was to compensate for limited munitions.

No it was because they are very expensive manpower wise(you now have to pay more manpower to build your trucks BTW, so less for unit spam). Maybe for G43s on Panzerfusiliers.

OKW Panther is too good for its current place. It should be in Schwer but require an unlock within the building to build.

Maybe cost increase to 185 fuel?

Shrek blobs are gonna be the be all end all in team games. Volks, if they are to remain this way, may need to lose shreks, and have an upgrade that gives them fausts. They could then gain an MP40 upgrade or something else to help improve their dps. As it stands Volks already vet faster in team games because shreks let them hit vehicles quickly and pick up vet. While allied units are shooting at low cost volks squads for limited vet options.

I want this(and so do a lot of other OKW players)because relying on Volk Shrek blobs every game is BORING. Give Shrek upgrade to Sturms and give Volks panzerfaust on build(they do cost 250MP now) and after first truck give them a 60-70 muni dual MP44 upgrade.

Vet 5 seems completely ridiculous now, outright better form of the vet system all other armies depend on.

It in fact is a more terrible form of Vetting than any other faction. Most of OKW's Vet is one stat increase or ability unlock, most of the other faction's Vet increase are 2-3 stat increases or ability unlocks. Vet 5 also takes WAY longer to reach than Vet 3. If anything they need to either decrease Vet requirements or redo Vet 5 into Vet 3 with the appropriate stat increase adjustemnts.

Luchs is too good. Its ability to chase down and wipe squads is much higher than the stuart or the T70. If it is to remain in place it needs to come with low health. As it stands if you start to lose and retreat, while this thing appears it will instantly be game over. The vet on the Luchs is also outright better than other light vehicles

Yeah...try reliably getting to Vet 5 for even 1/2 of the games you play and you will see it is super rare to even hit Vet 3.

JPIV still needs to be addressed.

I agree that the cloak needs to be toned down in its abuse.

PF rifle nade bug still not addressed, needs to have no maximum distance.

The worse AT snare in the game, its range is garbage and it refuses to fire 80% of the time.

JT, used correctly, is still unbeatable in team games, and will be more so now with tons of munitions to build mines and shreks. Unit should be closely examined. The reason it existed before was to compensate for a faction that would have 0 tanks on the field when it arrived. Now it can support multiple tanks, which makes its synergy too high.

It could use a fuel increase due to no more resource penalty.

OKW sturm pios with flames are going to be too good. The unit was as good as it was to compensate for how few you would have. Now with munitions and more MP because you can afford vehicles (which don't have to reinforce) these units will be way too good. Build into that their vet will help the vehicles repair faster and things are going to get out of control.

Once again I think a lot of people are overlooking that trucks now cost MP to build and time to build form the HQ, both of these things take away from previous conceptions of how the OKW plays. Given how meh the rest of the doctrine the flamethrower comes from is, IDK if Strum FT spam is going ot be a meta changer.

These changes to OKW have huge knock on effects that are not considered in the current patch notes. OKW cannot get straight buffs across the board (as they have here, excusing small changes to vet 4 and 5). OKW's ability to control team games will increase greatly at the expense of all other factions.

I disagree, because on paper most things never work out like they do in real life. Some time and cost has been added on to OKW teching that I believe you are misperceiving and overlooking.

Edit: OKW abilities should have their prices raised to bring them in line with other factions. For instance ability to shoot through walls for JT needs a price increase, Combat Blitz needs a price increase, etc.

I can agree with some price increases to muni abilities due to resource change, but not 100% increase like you suggested for LMG34.

As I stated above I think some people are overlooking increased tech cost and time for the OKW in their assessments of the faction changes. I do still need some things need work and some costs need to be adjusted. Let's just not go overboard and hit everything with a nerf bat until the faction has had some time to settle and people have worked out strategies.
20 Nov 2015, 21:53 PM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

20 Nov 2015, 23:12 PM
avatar of ZeaviS

Posts: 160

why do people still complain about volks shrek. yeah sure its a mainline infantry with a portable AT weapon, but they are probably the worst in terms of scaling with allied infantry.
upgraded vet allied infantry will pretty much always beat volks unless youre making a retarded decision to attack a fortified position head on. if you want to deal with enemy infantry effectively youll want to utilize elite infantry/vehicles

people also complain about the homogenization of the factions, and you do realize giving volks panzerfaust and moving the shrek to sturmpioneers is basically what ostheer is right? and then lets move the mg34 to HQ as well! hmm seems familiar.

im 100% ok with volks keeping shreks, i think it adds uniqueness to the faction. in addition allies have a variety of ways to deal with them anyways so yall can just fek off

100% agree with this.

I agree with the homogenization comment, the requests to add mg34 and shreks to Sturms just means Wehr with a slightly different buildings.

However, about the volks with AT. They do lose to allied infantry (assuming the Allied infantry went with AI upgrades), but their shrek gets them vet quickly, and they get vet 5 every game. They are always threatening to become a blob (cheap AT infantry with reliable AI performance, even a commander that rewards it), and in team games they are outright nasty. They can be rebuilt for cheap if lost, will always rapidly recover vet, can be largely a-moved, and their AT makes them very difficult to control as later German tanks, which require Allied TD's with limited AT, appear. Volks shreks are also extremely potent per shot, meaning when they land on light vehicles they often result in the death of the vehicle. In team games volks become even more effective because of their ability to synergize with suppression tools to such an extent that they cannot be reliably dealt with.

My argument really is, while they may not look threatening in smaller game modes, as the game mode grows their potency also grows and this is not good because it means OKW becomes the be all end all of large game modes, where I would argue they still hold several advantages over all other factions.

Yeah but getting the shrek makes them worse at AI since they lose 1 member with a kar. Furthermore, the experience gain from shreks only really applies later in the game when armor starts rolling out, so by then your rifles probably have vetted up some already and they'll start getting bars or lmgs. At that point rifles will have an even bigger advantage in the matchup.

I'll say that I don't think that volks should have gotten back the regular grenade. It should stay as only the incendiary grenade to keep them more utilitarian. If you want them to have regular nades, pick a doctrines with infiltration nades. That's my view.
21 Nov 2015, 00:42 AM
avatar of Jaedrik

Posts: 446 | Subs: 2

Give auto-face toggle so we have even more control over our units. :D
21 Nov 2015, 00:59 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

why do people still complain about volks shrek. yeah sure its a mainline infantry with a portable AT weapon, but they are probably the worst in terms of scaling with allied infantry.
upgraded vet allied infantry will pretty much always beat volks unless youre making a retarded decision to attack a fortified position head on. if you want to deal with enemy infantry effectively youll want to utilize elite infantry/vehicles

people also complain about the homogenization of the factions, and you do realize giving volks panzerfaust and moving the shrek to sturmpioneers is basically what ostheer is right? and then lets move the mg34 to HQ as well! hmm seems familiar.

im 100% ok with volks keeping shreks, i think it adds uniqueness to the faction. in addition allies have a variety of ways to deal with them anyways so yall can just fek off

Yes, volks have bad scaling, that's because it has become reliant on its schreck upgrade. We are trying to make the volks go sober.

Schreck promote blobbing and discourage tactical play. The biggest advantage of a schreck is its alpha damage. This mean the upgrade actively encourage the player to spam and blob his infantry for the ability to one hit tank.

On the other hand, a lone schreck volk is weak against infantry and meh against tank. There's a reason why the allies avoid putting bazooka and PIAT on their line infantry. US usually put bazooka on their Rear echelon since it leave their rifleman free to fight infantry.

One Faust is a lot more threatening than one schreck since a damaged engine leave them significantly more vulnerable than a lost 120 hp. A faust provide synergy with the OKW's other ATW. It allow your infantry to contribute to a tank battle without needing to be massed.

In addition, now that the volk kar98 is actually decent, getting the schreck will mean a noticeable lost in anti-infantry. Combine with the terminator veterancy on the rifleman and conscript, this mean volks actually turn into crap late game.

I want faust on schreck because I volks to be useful for more than just blobing and spamming for that Alpha damage. A Faust would give volks a lot more tactical option than just going for that critical mass. A change to faust will be a buff to the volks.
21 Nov 2015, 01:05 AM
avatar of Kothre

Posts: 431

These are mostly excellent changes, especially for OKW. I'm glad to see the resource penalty gone and the return of the normal grenade (though I'd like to see the incendiary grenade on sturms instead of volks). The penalty isn't needed anymore. Great work, Relic. :thumbsup: Though there are some concerns I have.

* Can capture (15% faster capture rate)
* Suppression removed

I'm really happy to see the kubel not be an MG platform anymore. It was garbage at it before because of its pathing. That stupid thing would always rotate on its own and lose its suppression, or do donuts instead of retreating. It was awful. So I'm glad to see its role changed, though I'm having nightmares of kettenkrads. Those things were so annoying because there was nothing you could do to stop them from capping short of killing them. At least now in CoH2, you can stand in the capping circle.

With that said, I'm really afraid of how annoying a kettenkrad that's capable of actually fighting is going to be. I'd suggest a small munitions upgrade to kubels before they can cap, like 10-15 munitions. Just so they're a little less spammable for capping purposes.

Rifle Company
We made some adjustments to Rifle Company to address the ongoing issue of mainline infantry having such a strong anti-garrison weapon. Another thing we wanted to address was the ability to break the intended pacing of veterancy.
Rifle flamers Moved to rear echelons (CP reduced to 0)
Fire Up! Now replaces elite rifleman (Squad will move at maximum speed for a period of time. After the squad will suffer exhaustion after)

These changes are wholly uninteresting. Who really cares about sprinting or RE flamers? They're just nice bonuses that come with the only appealing utility left in the commander: Easy 8's, and you'd think those would be more suited to armor company. You might as well just rename rifle company "Easy 8 Company." I get wanting to rework veteran riflemen, but could you please replace it with something cooler and more fitting thematically?

The British
* Pretty much everything listed

Wow. R.I.P. British. So volks get their damage buffed while tommies get nerfed substantially at the same time. Tommies are going to be bad now. Heavy engies are stupidly expensive now. Churchills don't deserve to be 180 fuel now; I'd have agreed with making them 180 fuel instead of nerfing their health and armor like in a previous patch, but not both. And how many times is the Crocodile going to get nerfed? It doesn't deserve it anymore. Meanwhile, the AEC, base arty, lack of reliable indirect fire, sexton, 17 pounder, firefly (yes, I think the Firefly is bad and is being carried only by tulips) go untouched.
21 Nov 2015, 01:09 AM

Posts: 79 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Nov 2015, 01:05 AMKothre
These are mostly excellent changes, especially for OKW. I'm glad to see the resource penalty gone and the return of the normal grenade (though I'd like to see the incendiary grenade on sturms instead of volks). The penalty isn't needed anymore. Great work, Relic. :thumbsup: Though there are some concerns I have.

I'm really happy to see the kubel not be an MG platform anymore. It was garbage at it before because of its pathing. That stupid thing would always rotate on its own and lose its suppression, or do donuts instead of retreating. It was awful. So I'm glad to see its role changed, though I'm having nightmares of kettenkrads. Those things were so annoying because there was nothing you could do to stop them from capping short of killing them. At least now in CoH2, you can stand in the capping circle.

With that said, I'm really afraid of how annoying a kettenkrad that's capable of actually fighting is going to be. I'd suggest a small munitions upgrade to kubels before they can cap, like 10-15 munitions. Just so they're a little less spammable for capping purposes.

These changes are wholly uninteresting. Who really cares about sprinting or RE flamers? They're just nice bonuses that come with the only appealing utility left in the commander: Easy 8's, and you'd think those would be more suited to armor company. You might as well just rename rifle company "Easy 8 Company." I get wanting to rework veteran riflemen, but could you please replace it with something cooler and more fitting thematically?

Wow. R.I.P. British. So volks get their damage buffed while tommies get nerfed substantially at the same time. Tommies are going to be bad now. Heavy engies are stupidly expensive now. Churchills don't deserve to be 180 fuel now; I'd have agreed with making them 180 fuel instead of nerfing their health and armor like in a previous patch, but not both. And how many times is the Crocodile going to get nerfed? It doesn't deserve it anymore. Meanwhile, the AEC, base arty, lack of reliable indirect fire, sexton, 17 pounder, firefly (yes, I think the Firefly is bad and is being carried only by tulips) go untouched.


Brits need some love, give emplacements mg garrisons for instance... a good start.
21 Nov 2015, 01:57 AM
avatar of ATCF
Donator 33

Posts: 587

Now that Kubel works kinda like kettenkrad, Maybe allow it to detect mines aswell just by driving close to them (since the Allies can "ABUSE", the minesweeper in M3 scout car/M5 Halftrack to do the same thing) :snfCHVGame:

Is the patch going live on 1st of december or have they even announced the release date yet?
21 Nov 2015, 02:27 AM
avatar of bingo12345

Posts: 304

Yes, volks have bad scaling, that's because it has become reliant on its schreck upgrade. We are trying to make the volks go sober.

Schreck promote blobbing and discourage tactical play. The biggest advantage of a schreck is its alpha damage. This mean the upgrade actively encourage the player to spam and blob his infantry for the ability to one hit tank.

On the other hand, a lone schreck volk is weak against infantry and meh against tank. There's a reason why the allies avoid putting bazooka and PIAT on their line infantry. US usually put bazooka on their Rear echelon since it leave their rifleman free to fight infantry.

One Faust is a lot more threatening than one schreck since a damaged engine leave them significantly more vulnerable than a lost 120 hp. A faust provide synergy with the OKW's other ATW. It allow your infantry to contribute to a tank battle without needing to be massed.

In addition, now that the volk kar98 is actually decent, getting the schreck will mean a noticeable lost in anti-infantry. Combine with the terminator veterancy on the rifleman and conscript, this mean volks actually turn into crap late game.

I want faust on schreck because I volks to be useful for more than just blobing and spamming for that Alpha damage. A Faust would give volks a lot more tactical option than just going for that critical mass. A change to faust will be a buff to the volks.

if they do blob volks. just don't use light vehicle. use Anti-infantry infantry to counter them. what's your problem?
21 Nov 2015, 02:40 AM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

The 100% resources is good for making helping balance their abilities, upgrades. and light vehicle. But with the armor choices OKW has, it really feels like their late game has just become so extremely potent. Something needs to be done to slow down their late game armor production. Allies can't keep up with such powerful armor late game armor being produced at a normal rate and at the same time as their weaker tanks. Even whermacht would have trouble dealing with it if they had to face them.
21 Nov 2015, 02:49 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

if they do blob volks. just don't use light vehicle. use Anti-infantry infantry to counter them. what's your problem?

read my post again, clearly. I'm saying the schreck has become a crutch and also an excuse to give volks poor scaling.

Giving the volks faust would give them the flexibility to engage both infantry and tank at the same time, making them more useful.

Schreck blob is a poor mechanics and leave the volks in a sad state. Removing the schreck and replace it with faust will improve volksgrenadier.

yes, volks blob is a poor tactic that can be easily countered, but it's also the only thing the volks are good at. Give volk more tactical flexibility by giving them faust and let us be rid of schreck blob.
21 Nov 2015, 02:50 AM
avatar of BeefSurge

Posts: 1891

Guys: what if OKW resource income declined based on either tech level or popcap.

I take full responsibility for this mess because of my thread. But now it's my duty to help fix it.
21 Nov 2015, 03:42 AM
avatar of mycalliope

Posts: 721

Rather than just attacking personally like a lot of all other memebers

plz explain the stance on the flares vs recon..?? would ya dear

i think its classic strategy here from some memebers cant talk to the points lets start ganging up on memeber,hey i m deviating from the point lets start talk how mycalliope drives us crazy *sigh*:guyokay:

And the knee jerk reaction from some of the members to requesting ban just gives a look at their personality i guess they take this shit seriously i guess i will be careful from now on :unsure:
21 Nov 2015, 03:42 AM
avatar of BeefSurge

Posts: 1891

Dude just leave.
21 Nov 2015, 03:50 AM
avatar of mycalliope

Posts: 721

again and again just give volks faust instead for shrecks and get a dedciated at infy uni preoblem solved kappa...and replace combat package with 2x stg44 maybe..??
21 Nov 2015, 03:51 AM
avatar of LemonJuice

Posts: 1144 | Subs: 7

Rather than just attacking personally like a lot of all other memebers

plz explain the stance on the flares vs recon..?? would ya dear

i think its classic strategy here from some memebers cant talk to the points lets start ganging up on memeber *sigh*:guyokay:

i already explained why flares are the best recon
21 Nov 2015, 03:54 AM
avatar of Dullahan

Posts: 1384

plz explain the stance on the flares vs recon..??

I'd imagine because flares can't be shot down and provide uninterrupted vision over an area. (No flying off to the corners of the map.)
21 Nov 2015, 03:57 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

i give up on trying to talk to forum people

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