
russian armor

Give Volks MP44 through Veterancy

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30 Sep 2015, 12:11 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

You mean having 5 levels of veterency compared to the other factions 3 and a Panzershrek isn't enough for Volksgrenadiers to scale into late game, what?

The massive buff to other basic infantry scaling with received accuracy made the bonus's Volks receive from Vet 5 largely pointless. In general Brit units also have much more powerful vet.

Really it's actually quite funny (and by that I mean depressing) how many people are jumping through hoops ITT to try and justify Volks poor performance or just even OKW's poor performance in general (LeiG spam excepted of course).

Currently Volks get the least received accuracy with Vet of any basic infantry in the game. Doesn't it seem weird to you that a faction who's supposed to have superior scaling is easily out scaled by every other faction in the game?
30 Sep 2015, 12:15 PM
avatar of Zyllen

Posts: 770

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Sep 2015, 11:51 AMKatitof

And that is the very reason why it won't happen.
Again, OKW have 5 dedicated AI squads, 2 of them being stock.

Change like this would support volkspam even more and cheapest mainline infantry doing everything effectively is the shortest way to imbalance.

If volks were ever to get AI upgrade, they'd have to lose shrecks, permanently.

Yep only allies are allowed to spam their mainline infantry and equip them with ppsh's or zooka's and lmg' or brens and piats all the while having better vet then the volks.

Their is no such thing as volks spam because they are completely ineffective without an AT or AI upgrade. And guess what you need to have ammo for that.
30 Sep 2015, 12:19 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

The massive buff to other basic infantry scaling with received accuracy made the bonus's Volks receive from Vet 5 largely pointless. In general Brit units also have much more powerful vet.

Really it's actually quite funny (and by that I mean depressing) how many people are jumping through hoops ITT to try and justify Volks poor performance or just even OKW's poor performance in general (LeiG spam excepted of course).

Currently Volks get the least received accuracy with Vet of any basic infantry in the game. Doesn't it seem weird to you that a faction who's supposed to have superior scaling is easily out scaled by every other faction in the game?

Green cover vs green cover all troops also outplay Volks. So at far range they're bad unfortunatly.
30 Sep 2015, 12:20 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Sep 2015, 10:31 AMLooney

Please eleborate.

You said it would be bad if you had 1 infantry squad preforming multiple rolls, but that's basically how USF works.

Honestly you haven't played OKW at all, so it's hard to put up an entire run down of the entire faction and why all those units you listed don't make up for the lack of scaling in basic infantry.

Suffice it to say; in OCF 70%+ of all games were Med Truck + Scavenge + JPIV with almost zero variation. Shit's real bad. OKW is essentially were USF was pre-patch.
30 Sep 2015, 12:27 PM
avatar of Qbix

Posts: 254

Not needed. A 235 MP unit that has 5 models and access to hard AT capabilities should definitely not serve any other purpose than that plus being cheap ways to cap territory and recrew team weapons. Period.

If you want assault troops, mix Volks with Sturmpios. At this point I would rather give MP44s to Tommies...
30 Sep 2015, 12:32 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Sep 2015, 12:27 PMQbix
Not needed. A 235 MP unit that has 5 models and access to hard AT capabilities should definitely not serve any other purpose than that plus being cheap ways to cap territory and recrew team weapons. Period.

If you want assault troops, mix Volks with Sturmpios.

This kind of reasoning is strange since they still cost more to reinforce than conscripts. I also rarely ever upgrade my Volks with shreks anymore since I need the munitions for incendiary nades or just other stuff in general.

Rackten + mine combo is much powerful, and just normally Shreks won't help you versus Brits at all.
30 Sep 2015, 12:40 PM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

eh, idk. 5mp is a token difference between volks and grens/cons. model count doesn't have any business in there as cons are 6, grens and IS are 4, and rifles are also 5. their ability to buy a schreck also doesn't mean that they should be shit.

with that said, i'm not sure how one could buff volks without making them OP because they DO have that schreck upgrade and if they have it they must be vulnerable to some form of infantry to insure they are counterable. they also have the grenade which gives them a lot more utility against setup teams in particular but also against regular infantry if you get a nade off.

giving volks an AI upgrade exclusive to the schreck is the only option i can see to make them truly viable against infantry late game but i'm not sure what to give them. SMG/ARs are already covered by spios and lmgs tend to be detrimental to good play, especially you can buy 6 of a squad and have 3 lmg/3 schrecks.

in general i really dislike OKW's design (structurally it's more solid than USF but also more boring) but i find volks to be an especially boring unit as they have only one active ability and one upgrade.
30 Sep 2015, 12:44 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

StG44's would make sense (as an upgrade not with Vet) as an exclusive upgrade to the Shrek since yknow, the whole gimmick of the Volksgren in real life was they had a lot of StG44's :romeoHairDay:

Could even fold over the IR StG44 upgrade onto Volks with Spec Op's.
30 Sep 2015, 12:45 PM
avatar of Airborne

Posts: 281

They are a long rang unit, they shouldn´t get a profil change.
If they need an anti infantry upgrade it should be a lmg.
But i find volks are fine, good anti infantry and AT at when vetted.
30 Sep 2015, 13:01 PM
avatar of Doongie

Posts: 8

Why are we talking about a topic that clearly no one cares about and feels is fine, when i have 2 pack howitzers beating my anus to a pulp with no lube?
30 Sep 2015, 13:32 PM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

Another topic of this kind? Every month or so we have a topic asking for an upgrade for Cons or Volks. Problem is it will never going to happen as both Soviets and OKW have been designed in such a way that their core infantry serves supporting role to Elite squads, while UKF, Wermaht and UKF have strong core unit.
Before you start arguing about specific values and upgrades you should consider the bigger picture.
30 Sep 2015, 13:35 PM
avatar of hannibalbarcajr

Posts: 503

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Sep 2015, 13:01 PMDoongie
Why are we talking about a topic that clearly no one cares about and feels is fine, when i have 2 pack howitzers beating my anus to a pulp with no lube?

I would strongly suggest you get some lube sir! :P
30 Sep 2015, 13:40 PM
avatar of Qbix

Posts: 254

This kind of reasoning is strange since they still cost more to reinforce than conscripts. I also rarely ever upgrade my Volks with shreks anymore since I need the munitions for incendiary nades or just other stuff in general.

Rackten + mine combo is much powerful, and just normally Shreks won't help you versus Brits at all.

Unfortunately balance doesn't depend on what you usually do, but rather what the unit's traits are. It also doesn't matter what Conscripts can do in comparison, because that's another faction with it's own dynamics.

Conscripts also don't have hard AT and the faction has specialist infantry units for every purpose while OKW doesn't. Which doesn't mean giving Volks MP44s would be any necessary when OKW also has Sturmpios. Maybe give them the light versions, MP40s, with a special Commander. That's it.
30 Sep 2015, 14:12 PM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Sep 2015, 11:51 AMKatitof

Change like this would support volkspam

And your solution for current partisan/conscripts/rifle/etc... spam is....?
Don't tell me about ISG, you want that unit to be nerfed. Tell me about the Katitof sollution to this in a perfectly Katitof ballanced game :lol:
30 Sep 2015, 14:23 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

johhny pls :snfBarton:
30 Sep 2015, 14:24 PM
avatar of Zyllen

Posts: 770

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Sep 2015, 14:03 PMKatitof

Try to stick your head out of johnnyb rear circlejerk fest for 10 seconds and try to notice the difference between cheapest mainline infantry with best scaling on a faction with no mp problems and factions with moderate upgrades, high initial cost, high attrition and mp problems, or in soviet case(my fav part of your post)-complete lack of any stock weapon upgrades.

that 5 mp is really much cheaper a huge colossal mp advantage.. doesnt change the fact that volks lose to scripts. Alos best scaling? since when? the only units within the okw that can claim better scaling by are the callin infantry (and not so much since they buffed allied mainline infantry) and they take forever to reach 4-5.

How big of an hypocrite and/or moron one would have to be to compare volks stock weapon upgrades to con stock weapon upgrades and still have the dignity to say volks are worse without feeling like a rotten worm to the bone?

I feel fine destroying inane arguments. But the fact remains that the soviets do have option via doctrine. And that is not something the okw cannot claim. So pull you head out of you ass because doctrine does matter. Also you gained more stupid/ hypocrite points by ignoring the stock of the usf and brits which are better then okw stock, well done failfish.

30 Sep 2015, 14:24 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Sep 2015, 14:03 PMKatitof
cheapest mainline infantry with best scaling

Sigh. This isn't true.

Volks at Vet 5 will still be be beat out by Vet 3 Cons, Riflemen, and IS.
30 Sep 2015, 14:41 PM
avatar of DaktDakter 442142131

Posts: 24

StG44's would make sense
The only upgrade that wouldn't makes sense for volkgrenadiers is the StG. You have obers and SPios with that stuff.

Just give them more accurate KARs with Carl Zeiss scopes, problem solved.
30 Sep 2015, 14:42 PM
avatar of gnaggnoyil

Posts: 65

the problem agains is that their specialis units for ant infy dont perform well like obers and falls they should excel or perform better than thier cost because of the sole puropose of them being a specialist


Actually volks are fine. They are cheap troops and effective in number. They are spammable and can buy victory with their lives. They have a hand-held AT so they are (somewhat) effective against armor, so it is a bit against the faction design that OKW units are specialists.

So the real problem is the OKW units which is suppposed to be excellent at anti-infantry -- that is, sturms, obers, falls, JLIs, pfusiliers -- are all cost ineffective even many of those have reduced reinforce cost, especially compared to those newly-added high-vetted Commandos, LMG ISs, LMG sappers and so on.

A fun fact is that OKW abuse every unit that excels against infantry over patches and patches because OKW do not have many anti-infantry options. Back before 3.31 patch OKW abuse obers, after 3.31 patch OKW abuse pfusiliers, 251 AA HT, falls, JLIs, ostwind, pz4, and now, the recently-buffed ISGs.
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