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What to do with the MG34?

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18 Aug 2015, 14:14 PM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

and is cheaper....why should do suppress more than a maxim???
18 Aug 2015, 14:17 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Aug 2015, 14:14 PMFul4n0
and is cheaper....why should do suppress more than a maxim???

I didn't ask for it to do more. But right now it's only 30 MP cheaper will doing a lot less. 30 mp is like 4 seconds of MP income.
18 Aug 2015, 14:18 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

I didn't ask for it to do more. But right now it's only 30 MP cheaper will doing a lot less. 30 mp is like 4 seconds of MP income.

Penals are 10 mp cheaper then rifles.

Want to compare their effectiveness?

Hint: Penals are considerably weaker.

Or compare cons to penals.

30 mp is quite a lot.
18 Aug 2015, 14:22 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Aug 2015, 14:18 PMKatitof

Penals are 10 mp cheaper then rifles.

Want to compare their effectiveness?

Hint: Penals are considerably weaker.

Or compare cons to penals.

30 mp is quite a lot.

Nobody thinks Penals are fine, and they have nothing to do with the thread topic.
18 Aug 2015, 14:23 PM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

4 seconds in the early game??? or late game??? please, elaborate...

18 Aug 2015, 14:26 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Nobody thinks Penals are fine, and they have nothing to do with the thread topic.

You're arguing 210 mp unit should perform on pair to 240/260/280 mp unit.

I've shown you that 10 mp difference makes for a huge performance gap.

Comparison is more then relevant as it shows there is no logical reason why it would need improvement.

Also, I've seen enough vet 3-5 HMG34s to say that it doesn't have problems vetting.
Lower cost means also lower vet requirements.
18 Aug 2015, 14:27 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

MG34 is fine as it stands, but if you want to buff it then you have to do something with the Kubel. The Kubel flying around suppressing units and then allowing a 1CP MG to wreck everything else when it arrives is not a great idea.

It has already been said, but make MG34 non-doc and move to HQ. Then reduce pack up time slightly and reduce vet requirements. Cost to remain.

Kubel goes to Doc gets buffs all around and loses suppression.

This would give the OKW a fair suppression unit and would prevent the really annoying play that Kubels encourage. It also would be cheap and effective in combination with Sturms to be deadly. Getting it out early would allow it to gain vet quickly, and because its damage is so low it needs to be able to pack up quickly to do its main job of suppression.

The vet you suggested (20 seconds increased damage) is effectively the incendiary rounds but with a debuff active after use. Really don't see the need to remove inc rounds as the vet makes sense (increase damage on low damage gun to get vet and punish players in arc).
18 Aug 2015, 14:29 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Aug 2015, 14:23 PMFul4n0
4 seconds in the early game??? or late game??? please, elaborate...

Early in the game, were maxims and MG34's are most likely to be built.

To put things in perspective....

-The maxim does more suppression at every range beyond 15

-The maxim does 24.7 close range DPS and 6.5 far DPS

-The MG34 has 10 close range DPS and .997 far DPS

-The MG34 has a longer reload and and it reloads more frequently
18 Aug 2015, 14:30 PM
avatar of Lucas Troy

Posts: 508

Did you even read the OP? It does less suppression than the maxim does.

My original post:

better at suppressing blobs
18 Aug 2015, 14:40 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Aug 2015, 14:26 PMKatitof

Also, I've seen enough vet 3-5 HMG34s to say that it doesn't have problems vetting.
Lower cost means also lower vet requirements.

It takes almost 10+ minutes of uninterrupted shooting to get to vet 5, this assume it doesn't die, and it has something just sitting in it's LOF for 10+ minutes straight.

So no, it doesn't get to vet 3 or 5 now often enough to justify it's shit performance. And even at vet 5 it's still ass.

I tested it's performance against other MG's as well. At vet 5 even after 20 tries it lost every time to a vet 3 maxim, vet 3 MG42, and vet 3 .50 cal.

MG34 is fine as it stands, but if you want to buff it then you have to do something with the Kubel. The Kubel flying around suppressing units and then allowing a 1CP MG to wreck everything else when it arrives is not a great idea.

Which is why one of the suggestions is to move the Kubel to doctrine and the MG34 out of doctrines. And I doubt Kubel + MG34 would be an issue considering Soviets can achieve mass suppression now right at the start of the game.

You can't spam Kubel's either.

This would give the OKW a fair suppression unit and would prevent the really annoying play that Kubels encourage. It also would be cheap and effective in combination with Sturms to be deadly. Getting it out early would allow it to gain vet quickly, and because its damage is so low it needs to be able to pack up quickly to do its main job of suppression.

The vet you suggested (20 seconds increased damage) is effectively the incendiary rounds but with a debuff active after use. Really don't see the need to remove inc rounds as the vet makes sense (increase damage on low damage gun to get vet and punish players in arc).

A vet 5 MG34 is still a PoS. It can't win versus any other MG in the game one on one. And as I pointed out earlier it's not an effective suppression platform either compared to things very similar in cost.

Incendiary rounds also increase pen and damage, I proposed a vet ability that increases ROF because it would be unique to the MG34.
18 Aug 2015, 14:42 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

My original post:

The maxim does better AoE suppression purely by the fact that it has better accuracy and better base suppression. The only difference is the MG34 does it's "suppression AoE" in a slightly larger area.

So no; the MG34 isn't better at suppressing blobs.
18 Aug 2015, 14:43 PM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

It's a bit tricky.

If they simply buff its stats and nerf its price, it's gonna be an HMG42 for OKW which is bad. Imagine a buffed HMG34 with a squad of sturms and a kuble. It will also change the meta in a very boring way.

On the other hand, its not worth it and you can't rely on it. I'm fine with its low damage, but it should be able to suppress reliably.

I would say increase it to 240MP, increase suppression but leave the damage as it is. They can also change vet1 to something like sprint.
18 Aug 2015, 14:49 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

It takes almost 10+ minutes of uninterrupted shooting to get to vet 5, this assume it doesn't die, and it has something just sitting in it's LOF for 10+ minutes straight.

So no, it doesn't get to vet 3 or 5 now often enough to justify it's shit performance. And even at vet 5 it's still ass.

I tested it's performance against other MG's as well. At vet 5 even after 20 tries it lost every time to a vet 3 maxim, vet 3 MG42, and vet 3 .50 cal.

Which is why one of the suggestions is to move the Kubel to doctrine and the MG34 out of doctrines. And I doubt Kubel + MG34 would be an issue considering Soviets can achieve mass suppression now right at the start of the game.

You can't spam Kubel's either.

A vet 5 MG34 is still a PoS. It can't win versus any other MG in the game one on one. And as I pointed out earlier it's not an effective suppression platform either compared to things very similar in cost.

Incendiary rounds also increase pen and damage, I proposed a vet ability that increases ROF because it would be unique to the MG34.

Calm down, this is a discussion.

Couple of things, I was proposing a solution to your MG34 if you agree with it then the classic internet code is to put a +1 under it as you seem to believe MG34 should be non-doc as well.

I have no idea where I suggested Kubel spam, I said a kubel. If a single kubel is spam that is your definition not mine.

Vet 5 MG34 is amazing, it offers a number of nice vet bonuses and if you want to beat other MG's straight up just drop inc. On the other hand if you use a suppression platform to suppress basic inf you will find that by the time it reaches vet 5 it is quite nice. Pop inc if you want to drop some models.
18 Aug 2015, 14:52 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Calm down, this is a discussion.

I am calm?

Vet 5 MG34 is amazing, it offers a number of nice vet bonuses and if you want to beat other MG's straight up just drop inc. On the other hand if you use a suppression platform to suppress basic inf you will find that by the time it reaches vet 5 it is quite nice. Pop inc if you want to drop some models.

Even with incendiary rounds active I still couldn't get it to beat a single vet 3 MG 1 on 1.
18 Aug 2015, 14:59 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Not to mention 1 CP further delays the already limited window of usefulness. And a 0 CP call-in out be hard to balance IMO due to cut-off rushing gayness that would almost certainly be abused.

It does its job well enough for its insanely low cost. I think part of the problem is that a lot of players are gotten so used to the MG42 that its hard to tolerate the 34 (though OKW with MG42 would be kinda OP I think). It doesn't help that the Kubel is a weird unit that has a limited window of usefulness and is kind of worthless because of 1. Stupid 100% Main Gun Destroyed Crit by small arms fire bug 2. Probably the most retarded pathing in the game

Point is that 1CP for Kubel as suppress platform is too much.
On the other hand 0CP and HMG in HQ + SP would be devastating for enemy. 2 suppression platforms in the first minute + SP would be really, really hard to deal with.
18 Aug 2015, 15:00 PM
avatar of VonIvan

Posts: 2487 | Subs: 21

MG34 is fine as is.
18 Aug 2015, 15:00 PM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

Yes, thus raise its damage and have it as a potent weapon, instead of a weapon that can get decrewed in the blink of an eye by an American bar blob.

REs with double bar rape anything. Also scale better into late game and don't make you bleed as much.

And FFS!!!!! Pioneers don't do any damage at range!!!!!!!! FFS!!!

Did I say anything about BAR upgrade? I said Rear Echelon squad. That means vanilla squad. Not to mention when adding BAR upgrade you are paying for it with ammunition. Simple fact that makes your argument flawed.

Reading and Understanding are two different skills you know.
18 Aug 2015, 15:10 PM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

The suppression is shit is whats (one) of the problems. It only costs 30 less MP than the Maxim but has almost 50% less suppression.

Rear Echelons do more DPS at every single range than the MG34 does lmao

Hey Alex, is there any unit in OKW arsenal you wouldn't like to change?
Seriously everything is either under performing or not worth buying for you. You want to buff every single OKW unit there is!

The suppression is shit is whats (one) of the problems. It only costs 30 less MP than the Maxim but has almost 50% less suppression.

Yet somehow is able to suppress multiple squads, has much wider con of fire when compared to maxim and is more durable than '50.

It's like MG42 with slightly worse suppression and weaker damage. What's that you're saying? It costs 210MP? 30MP less than standard HMG? Well I guess it's fine then.
What's that again? OKW doesn't have any stock HMG? Is that true? Is there any unit fulfilling this role? There is? It's called Kubel? So MG34 is only available as a supplement to your army when picking specific commanders and it was never designed as OKW core unit due to overall OKW army balance?
Oh, well I guess that explains a lot. I'd say MG34 is fine as it is then.
18 Aug 2015, 15:12 PM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Aug 2015, 13:44 PMKatitof

Squad of osttruppen doesn't suppress blobs.

Its cheapest MG in game, there is zero excuse for it to have better stats.

if you think price is cheap and its performance justify its price difference let's look at 4 major stat of HMGs

HMG34 210MP
DPS: close: 10.098, Far: 0.9919
Suppression close: 0.3564 Far: 0.1944
Setup time 0.65

HMG42 280MP
DPS: close: 27.7200, Far: 6.1064
Suppression close: 0.4752 Far: 0.2592
setup time 0.65

Maxim 240MP
DPS: close: 24.6628, Far: 6.7045
Suppression close: 0.2499 Far: 0.2678

.50 Cal 280MP
DPS: close 26.8169 far: 6.0225
Suppression close:0.4950 Far: 0.2400

so from the stat

HMG34 is 30MP cheaper than Maxim while its DPS is 40.9% close 14.79% far Suppression is 142.6% close 72.6% far so I add those percent together and divide by 4 is 67.72% so for 12.5% cheaper price in MP HMG34 have 67.72% stat of Maxim in those 4 category, you may say about is arc bigger, but Maxim have more man and quicker setup

HMG34 is 70MP cheaper than HMG42 while its DPS is 36.43% close 16.24% far Suppression is 75% close 75% far so I add those percent together and divide by 4 is 50.67% so for 25% cheaper price in MP HMG34 have 50.67% stat of HMG42 in those 4 category

HMG34 is 70MP cheaper than .50cal while its DPS is 37.65% close 16.46% far Suppression is 72% close 81% far so I add those percent together and divide by 4 is 55.64% so for 25% cheaper price in MP HMG34 have 55.64% stat of .50cal in those 4 category

the price is justify for its suppression stat wise, but its damage is not, and its real performance is about less than halve effective as HMG42, it should at least increase the damage to match the price like 75% of HMG42 damage or increase its suppression to match with HMG42 but damage stays same.

you may say HMG is not suppose to do damage things, but can you deny that HMG team damage helped alot during engagement, if all HMG have similar damage as HMG34, I think there will no more Maxim spam thing anymore. because infantry can stay in the zone all day long to give vision for mortars to pick out HMG team.
18 Aug 2015, 15:21 PM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

As stated before MG34 dmg is lower due to existence of Sturm Pioneers.
You guys keep comparing units in vacuum and getting too fixated on stats. Stats are important of course but that's not everything.
If unit has 50% less dps it doesn't mean it should be 50% cheaper. That's wrong logic. You can't excpect MG34 to cost half of the value of its bigger brother because this would lead to unit spam. Imagine HMG that costs 140mp. That's madness. You wouldn't build anything else.
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