when reading threads like this, i remember why i didnt visit coh2.org for months
while the state of the game has improved slowly but steadily its community seems to proportionally devolve into a whiney 6-yo, no offense
"gimme my alpha changes(candy) now. gimme all of them or ill start screaming till i turn purple"
but too much candy isnt good for the general population of coh2. just because you have been playing the alpha and are eager to accept those changes, doesnt mean everyone else will, especially if theyre implemented all at the same time.
with that attitude (and a clear lack of knowledge on the whole alpha/beta process) many of you have disqualified yourself from being a member of the alpha
in my book.
if i was relic and had read your comments, id kick your ass to the curb without thinking twice
see you guys just before the next patch rolls out