You refuse to listen to the opinions of vastly superior players who regularly post the exact opposite of what you say and you exaggerate and ridicule what other forum users write:
"Can it kill axis units?
It's too strong if yes"
I'm not saying about this particular thread, but about a trend.
Its no secret that 70-80% of balance thread are not balance thread, but desperate please for supremacy on both sides.
Incorrect identification of the problem also isn't helping the case regardless if you're Jesulin himself or a lolcake, if you're trying to put a band aid on a severed artery, you'll fail, just as 90% of all squad wipe threads completely fail to recognize the source and are blindly focused on symptoms to the point, when the source will be fixed, we'll have a game with every single non small arms based, non exclusively AT oriented weapon being vastly underpowered and then what?
You'll make 1000 bitching threads about stuff being up?
Its not that anything is wrong with scott or other aoe AI weapons, the core reason since the last big patch is and always was the squad spacing, people should bitch and whine about that until relic finally fixes it, which will DIRECTLY fix close to all one shot problems.
But yea.
Its me baiting for flames and warrioring for my own agenda.
It have completely nothing to do with a bunch of thread and post spamming scrubs who boast at how skilled they are while being too dense to know what really is wrong with the game, you and Corsin being extremely suitable examples of that.
Nobody has posited "ability to kill axis units" as a criteria for requiring a nerf. You are flamebaiting, as always. You are worse than a waste of space on this forum because you desperately seek to sow the seeds of conflict. Perhaps you have conflict in your life that you cannot fix and feel satisfaction from trying to make others share your emotional pain. I encourage you to try psychotherapy to uncover your deep personal problems that lead you to troll on the internet.
Yeah we all know he has nothing better to do than derail any thread that isnt wanting to turn Conscripts into terminators while waving his red nipple tassels around at his keyboard...

Change your sig Bulgakov, it makes you look like hypocrite.