I have about 200h in Coh2, and most of them is singleplayer experience. I played CoH2 about 6-7 months ago for the last time. I reinstalled it to play some 2v2 matches with an old buddy from CoH1 - have to say whe played it alot, enjoyed it a lot and managed to get to the top (LVL16 most of the time).
To cut a long story short, we played 2v2 USF and SOV all the time because it seemed like everyone was on Krautaction this evening. We got WRECKED 8 times in a row. I am an above average focussed strategy games enthusiast, but I have no conclusion where to begin to learn and improve myself.
Im sure you guys have some advices for me - but please don't forget some dispassionate explanation

1. Commander choice
The commanders I used to use seem to work less effective now and nobody uses them any more... What are currently the most easy to use and probably most succesful commander choices? I've also seen some strange spams I've never imagined to face anytime - 8+ osttruppen etc.
2. What advantages does USF/SOV have against OKW/WM?
a) It seems that on some maps youre getting MG42+mine spammed and thats it because the maps consist of <4 choke points.
b) USF Tanks are still dog crap compared than the mighty tools of the germans - but still spendy.
c) I used both, first and second building with soviets and didnt find any way to beat a micro-wise equal or less skilled opponent.
d) How do USF/SOV survive lategame? One game we managed to create a lockdown and forced the enemy to retreat into their base +2-3 adjacent sectors for most of the game, but in lategame we couldnt make a good use of our higher resource income.
- How to beat lategame spams with Panzergrenadiers equiped with 1 shreck each? Panzerschrecks wreck T34s and are good enough to make a quick end to penals with flames...?
- Wehrmachts rifle nades are still highly effective even against troops with Veterancy and are almost undodgable when you have 50+ actions per minute on a large battlefield - while the allied grenades have a much higher chance to get dodged.
- Sov do not have any adaquate infantry anti tank weapon, the conscript at-nade does very little damage as far as i experienced.
3. Are there certain maps to avoid under all costs with certain factions?
4. Build order suggestions for Soviets with USF partner in 2v2
5. Do Allied Forces (in any combination) roughly have the same victory chances like Axis (any combination)?
I know this is very subjective, but I compared the Ladder statistics and it seems axis have some advantages, but this is just a quick thought. I personally hate OP-screamers, I prefer to be more dispassionate and compare, experience and do some research before judging this heavy.
Feel free to leave any help, it is well appreciated!