
russian armor

Luvnest's state of the game report

9 Dec 2014, 14:15 PM
avatar of luvnest
Strategist Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1094 | Subs: 20

For the lack of better words I'm just naming this thread like that. Anyway, I've been making a list of things that really annoy me since the last patch and I'd like to share, the list is a mess by now, but I try to give it some order. It's about general balance, bugs, performance and other issues. So without further ado let's get into it.

General game issues

  • abandoned vehicles feature is too random and has such a big impact on the rest of the game. It happens way too often aswell.
  • PTRS destroying team weapons

  • Heavy/destroyed engine crits, main gun destroyed crits on tanks with just a sliver of health left occur way too often. It feels like a tank has 3 extra lifes with that. Here is the best example:

  • Mines. You can say whatever you want but mines either wipe a whole squad or kill just a model of it, depending on how clumped up your squad is (possible Solution here). Too much RNG involved aswell. What about a more spread formations while units are out of cover.
  • Opening the tactical map comes with a slight delay (especially if you open it for the first time)
  • 30 munitions abilities like mines, panzerfaust, etc. should not cause heavy engine crits! Tellermines, Riegels and such are fine with me.
  • I haven't really had the chance of trying out the new perfomance fixes but I hope that these freezes + fast forwards are gone.
  • OKW: we all know the problems with this faction (manpower spam, no support weapons, just basic infantry with shrecks + blobberino and vet 5 system) and it has been discussed 20times over so I just refer to this thread and this one and lastely my own contribution to the discussion.
  • Rifle Company: Flamer upgrade for Rilemen + Vet is just wrong.
  • Company of Callins. Just a reminder. Possible solution here.
  • The whole ISU, Elephant and Jagdtiger story is really getting old by now. You can change them as many times as you want, but in the end every teamgame (and 1v1 latey) it will always come down to them. Haven't played a single teamgame without them yet. Really stale meta and I'd rather see them beeing removed. And with the release of WFA and the introduction of the Jagdtiger, something tells me that Relic doesn't realize what the issue with those super-long-ranged units is. Especially the ISU sniping whole infantry squads as well as tanks.
  • After units leave cover they bunch up for a brief moment that they are nearly standing in each other which makes dodging nades even harder
  • All this squadwipe potentional. I like how my units are set up behind cover, but they have to leave this formation on open ground and spread out a bit more!
  • I'd like to see received accuracy vet modifiers to be removed, since infantry combat in the lategame with vetted squads is just about A moving and not about positioning.
  • USF Flamer upgrades exploding all the time. On the other hand Flamer penals won't explode at all, where's the logic in that? The whole Flamer explosion thing is too much RNG aswell (it can either exlode right when the upgrade is done or later) Best Example:

  • AT weapons sniping infantry: Happens way too often. It's not unsusual seeing his own sniper beeing countersniped by an AT gun or Bazookas/panzershrecks killing several models of a squad. This needs to be reduced.
  • Side and Rear armor too much armor: Please reduce the side and Rear armor of tanks, especially of the super heavy ones, so flanking actually is rewarded.
  • Support weapons bunching up: Support weapons bunching up next to cover like crazy, making them easy targets for grenades and such. I'd rather not give support weapons the new cover alignment profile, I prefer the way it used to be.
  • Speaking of cover alignment: You can't even move to the edges of capping circles without your units jumping out of it for the sake of going to nearby cover. Very annoying indeed.
  • Repair vehicle crit: This ability needs to be reworked because it can completely negate a Tellermine within seconds.
  • canister shot, guaranteed oneshot ability.
  • RNG planes crashing and killing whole armies:

  • OKW Flak emplacement completely making recon runs useless, base defenses too strong, FLAK HQ taking on T34 with ease.
  • Attack ground on undulating maps often doesn't work because shots are always hitting the ground.

Bug issues

Some basic game mechanics are just so unreliable. Especially in a RTS you expect your units to do exactly as they are told or otherwise it can get very frusttrating. These things need to be more reliable because often they can change the tide of a game. At this point I like to mention the Community Issue Tracker which covers most of my bugs.
  • Queuing orders with shift don't work properly sometimes
  • Grenade abilities, especially the Rifle Grenade doesn't work properly. The ability triggers, but the Grenade will never come out.
  • Another thing with Grenades is, that sometimes the model who's about to throw it is reloading. This means that the Grenade is delayed by 1-2 seconds. Pls make it more reliable so if you order to throw a grenade, it triggers instantly.
  • Dead bodies (not crawlers) giving line of sight
  • Last but not least, I'd like to address the change that when throwing a Grenade, the whole squad stops instead of just the model who's about to throw it. That changed with some update, I prefered the previous way to do it.
  • They worked on the pathing algorithms in the previous patch . I haven't really had the chance to test it, but I had serious pathing issues on Minsk Pocket, and with territory points in the middle of roads.
  • Other things: Raketenwerfers stuck in buildings, Paks that won't set up properly on shattered ground (same goes for howitzers who won't fire at all).
  • Infantry Company LMG equipped squads can use Defensive stance while assaulting
  • USF mortar HT is bugged (not facing opponent while firing, sometimes not firing at all, phosphorus not working - firing regular rounds instead)
  • 251 HT has no muzzle flash / firing animation
  • Smoke dissappears (I realized it with shocktroop smoke grenades, not sure about similar abilites) when scrolling away from the point of action and returning to it afterwards. It just blocks line of sight but it looks totally awkward without the smoke.
  • Units (e.g. Grenadiers with panzerfaust) still stuck on the animation while retreating
  • Units not getting into house properly, they stand right in front of it sometimes but only go in if you order them again. This issue might need further investigation and confirmation.
  • Retreating units stuck at HQ, need 5 extra seconds to actually stop retreating
  • [u]CRAWLERS: This bug is gamebreaking. Units (especially on retreat) are getting stuck on crawling entities on the ground.
    has been fixed, but still nonretreating units can get stuck on crawlers and wait till they move out of the way
  • The model of the LMG upgrade for Grens is bugged.
  • USF Pak howitzer coded as a vehicle, which means that it can be destroyed by AT weapons and gets decrewed with still 3 members on it
  • Guard squad running around before before actually shooting
  • Vehicles disturb support weapons like HMGs from setting up which lead to complete diffrent set ups as intented
  • Tellermines (or mines in general) sometimes still has no effect on target

  • Sometimes you can't enter houses if an enemy was in there before
  • USF Bulletins Stacking for vehicles FIXED 11. Dec

  • Bulletin stacking for the Stuart

  • AT Weapons no longer have green cover. They can have red cover if they are on the road now.
  • Capture orders + retreat getting interrupted by suppresion, results in instant retreat.
  • FlakHT, HMG squads should reload when beeing out of combat. That would avoid awkward situitons where they just shoot one round and reload afterwards in battle..
  • Panzerfaust firing animation: Panzerfaust goes off 1 second after the animation is done. This is especially crucial if you want to retreat your squaud right away after the panzerfaust went off.
  • After match faceplates showing neither commander nor bulletins FIXED 11. Dec
  • Revealed mines are still revealed even after the minesweeper squad that detected it is gone.
  • OKW Flakhq shooting outside its range, same goes for the P47 Strafe

Map issues

  • I stated my point of view about map balance here already: Map improvement poll
  • Looking foward to the maps that the Rewind team made!

Questionable issues

There are tons of underused abilities and commanders that are rarely or never seen on the field. Rather than releasing new content, I'd like to see those particular things reworked. As a result we should have more diversity. The main problem is that some abilites are just significantly better than others, and you get punished for not going for them.
  • Ambush Camouflage, Counter Barrage
  • Vehicle Crew SMG upgrade.
  • Howitzers (B4 excluded)
  • German T4: It's just to expensive in 1v1s and the reward for teching up so far is minimal. In theory, that T4 would go well with a command tank doctrine, but it just doesn't work like that. I would prefer if T3,T4 would cost the same while mixing up the units in those tiers to open up new strategies. In vCoH both T3 and T4 seemed to be viable options, in CoH2 it's either T3 or Call ins (or both).
  • PPSH41 upgrade for Cons
  • SQUAD SPACING (units stand ontop of each other which leads to easy squad wipes - especially with Ostheer since most of them are 4 man squads) Example

  • German infantry doctrine, Conscript Support Tactic, NKVD, ...
    The problem is with those commanders is that you simply have to rely on you certain tech structure. I prefer going for a fast T34 and wait for an IS2 or ISU152 anytime rather than just beeing stuck with T34 especially if teching up further costs so much.
  • No skins apply to Ostheer Puma
  • Combat Engineers and Assault Engineers randomly walk away after planting a democharge
  • Conscripts walk to next sandbag after finishing their own
  • One way doors - some doors allow access to a building but no exit
  • Soviet/Ostheer battle chatter gone
  • Squads loose the icon when they are about to enter a building which just got destroyed
  • SU76, Brummbar, German Sniper, Stuart (The german snipers goes down by just one volley of conscripts, meanwhile it takes several grens to focus down a soviet sniper team..), StuG (give it a dedicated AT role with more sight and frontal armor), Jagdpanzer, SU85, Flamer HT, infantry support gun, Artillery officer (why spend tons of munitions for focus fire if can get LMGs which are ten times better), ..
  • units getting supressed in heavy cover
  • Incomplete wire, sandbags, .. blocking vehicle pathing and are to sturdy to take out.
  • Sniper stun round way to expensive for what it does.
  • Units getting stuck between sandbag and wire
  • Units getting green cover even with one side beeing wired off. (Volk sandbags + reinforced wire Screenshot)
  • Initial Sturmpio squad getting stuck at the HQ in the beginning of the game.
  • You have a hard time dodging grenades when you are in cover because the moment you leave the cover the whole squads bunches up like crazy, which leads into some easy squadwipes.
  • support weapons should have the new cover alignment profile
  • Unable to garrison the buildings due to crawlers next to it Proof
  • in-game leaderboards
  • make LMGs excell at mid to long range to prevent A-moving
  • aims for the future? what about those announcement with the partnership with the ESL that was going to happen later this year?
  • Pay2win DLC Commanders in automath
  • Spawning positions should be always closer to the middle of the map, not the one in the back of the base because you always have to walk that extra mile (in 1v1 at least)
  • The question about RNG should be: What can I do as a player to prevent a certain thing to happen rather then just letting an random event do it for you. If a player makes a mistake it's okay, but if a random event screws up things for you that leads to frusttration.
    The thing is Relic gotta decide what there game is gonna be. I mean, abondoned vehicles, planes falling of the sky, beefy tanks like the ISU and the Jagdtiger are all beautiful to watch, but in terms of balance / competitive play they are a mess. I want clear conditions in that regard.
  • 222, USF AA HT, PTRS, ... need attack ground to counter smoke, mines
  • Reverse speed for vehicles too high
  • Ostheer Pioneers have a high manpower upkeep compared to combat engineers, they could use a slight dps buff since they only harm the enemy if they are in hugging range
  • Remove the timer for self-destruct mode for OKW trucks
  • models turning so slowly when targeting a squad that it is quicker to move them in the direction you want them

9 Dec 2014, 14:24 PM
avatar of FichtenMoped
Editor in Chief Badge
Patrion 310

Posts: 4785 | Subs: 3

Nicely written luvnest!
9 Dec 2014, 14:26 PM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

Nice read, all hail the Luvnest !
9 Dec 2014, 14:26 PM
avatar of luvnest
Strategist Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1094 | Subs: 20

Nicely written luvnest!

Thanks Moped :)

In the end I got a little lazy and just threw those statements out there. I underestimated the length of my list. :snfPeter:
9 Dec 2014, 14:27 PM
avatar of Joller

Posts: 26

I agree on abandoned vehicle, really annoying.
9 Dec 2014, 14:28 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

There is no side armor... D:

And thus, flanking is RNG dependent and you might as well not bother sometimes.
9 Dec 2014, 14:29 PM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

Good stuff, agree with pretty much everything.

One thing I'd add to bugs, very often I click the retreat button and nothing happens...

With regards to 30 muni abilities... I've not seen them doing heavy engine crits recently at all (there may have been a patch or something to get rid of them), perhaps that's just my experience, I agree with your suggestion none the less.

(cool to see my thread mentioned :D )
9 Dec 2014, 14:35 PM
9 Dec 2014, 14:42 PM
avatar of StephennJF

Posts: 934

Agree all round.

Good job summarizing it all.
9 Dec 2014, 14:48 PM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
Admin Black Badge
Patrion 15

Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12

Excellent post, luvnest. Many of the things you mentioned tend to drive competitive players absolutely crazy with frustration. I've seen many of the things you've listed happen to you on your stream, and you somehow manage to stay (to quote the Beatsteaks) "calm, cool, and collected." You provide excellent & constructive feedback.
9 Dec 2014, 14:51 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Guess I can agree with most of it.

And its not surprising seeing even some top players believing there is any side armor, when even in-game tips indicate its existence.
9 Dec 2014, 14:58 PM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

There is no such thing as side armor in COh2. UNFORTUNATELLY !!
And I use this occasion to ask for it. We need Side armor values, different from rear armor values. Side armor values should be somewhat close to actual rear armor values, while rear armor values need to be lower. I am pretty sure that if the side armor would be implemented, we will see less whining from Allied fanboys. It would be realistic, it would be cool. Why don't they do it? Why this wasn't done from beginning?
9 Dec 2014, 14:59 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

Luvnest, everything you have listed is on point. The side armor for heavy tanks and jagdpanzer has to go. I just hope Relic take this into consideration for the next patch (but its all wishes here).
9 Dec 2014, 15:02 PM
avatar of luvnest
Strategist Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1094 | Subs: 20

There...there is no side armor? My whole life has been a lie. :foreveralone:
9 Dec 2014, 15:04 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

There...there is no side armor? My whole life has been a lie. :foreveralone:

Ever wondered why no one ever, in any balance discussion mentioned side armor value for coh2?
Its "frontal 75% of a tank and rear part". :snfPeter:
9 Dec 2014, 15:13 PM
avatar of GustavGans

Posts: 747

Very well written and I almost completely agree.

Two things:

-Since Relic won't remove any units, why not redesign ISU/JT/ELE in CoH Jagdpanther style?

-Sov sniper needs to be adressed.
9 Dec 2014, 15:28 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

agree almost 100%. but if there is not received accuracy, but there is offensive accuracy bonus, won't squads go down even faster in vet inf v. vet inf situation? i'd rather see many ridiculous vet bonuses toned down.
9 Dec 2014, 15:29 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

Perfect post, I agree 100% with everything. Videos are hilarious - Relic needs to watch this stuff & read this post.
9 Dec 2014, 15:34 PM
avatar of hallolinski

Posts: 76

cynthia, can you take this in one of your meetings and discuss this one seriously?
9 Dec 2014, 15:35 PM
avatar of TheMachine
Senior Caster Badge

Posts: 875 | Subs: 6

Yeah nice one, something that everyone can agree with.
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KoRneY: @aerafield It's possible that it is underpriced for what it is capable of now, no need to go full retard and take it immediately as a massive problem. It costs 60 more MP than a pz.3 and in 2v2 the barrage can be quite strong.
Last Friday, 19:14 PM
OKSpitfire: I do like that they made the Stuka more expensive instead of nerfing it into the ground though. Found it pretty unsatisfying to use before that buff a while back....
Last Thursday, 16:35 PM
aerafield: USF already is by far the shittiest faction in terms of countering blobbing and turtling, now they supposedly have one overtuned tool locked behind a BG and it's immediately a massive problem?
Last Thursday, 13:33 PM
Lady Xenarra: I think post-2.0 Whizbang buffs, the price is too low esp since the Stuka got nerfed in cost too. Speaking of which, how exactly is one supposed to successfully dive this Sherman in disguise? Med tank spam running into SSFs?
Last Thursday, 12:13 PM
OKSpitfire: A powerful, doctrinal unit that outperforms stock stuff? Colour me shocked! :P
Last Thursday, 10:49 AM
Willy Pete: Cool you wanna lose your stock lategame arty too then?
Last Thursday, 03:20 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Whizzbang for DAK instead of Stuka, 5 fuel cheape, 60MP more expensive and next to impossible to dive. :rofl:
Last Wednesday, 20:27 PM
Rosbone: It is also hard to expect Relic to help Coh2 when they cant even make working menus in Coh3 yet, 2 years after release and at full price+ for DLCs. Thats like asking a fish to do calculus.
Last Tuesday, 02:58 AM
Rosbone: But this last patch has made good progress for grabbing players. All we can hope is Coh3 gets to Coh2s quality level before everyone abandons the franchise. Its Relic so they will completely f*%k it up as usual. But its a hope/cope.
Last Tuesday, 02:55 AM
Rosbone: Relic wants Coh2 to fail so players will migrate to Coh3. It is hard to blame them since Coh3 sucks so bad. It needs all the help it can get.
Last Tuesday, 02:53 AM
Soheil: Coh2 is dead , full of map hackers , and lelic knows that but ...
Last Tuesday, 01:26 AM
aerafield: Oh how I missed the weird spam bots, welcome back :banana:
Last Monday, 13:05 PM
situsgbo777: Platform game online terpercaya dengan berbagai pilihan permainan seru dan peluang menang besar. Nikmati pengalaman bermain terbaik hanya di GBO777
Last Monday, 06:48 AM
OKSpitfire: @aerafield that does sound familiar
02 Mar 2025, 09:06 AM
aerafield: @Lady Xenarra :rofl:
02 Mar 2025, 01:45 AM
Lady Xenarra: Ah, the gren faust-replacing-rifles bug/exploit. :ph34r:
01 Mar 2025, 18:24 PM
aerafield: CoH3 high elo is truly the dumbest CoH experience that ever existed
01 Mar 2025, 17:25 PM
aerafield: @OKSpitfire tbh I find it quite challenging to get the Pershing in time, having to suffer through the CoH3 tickrate and this endless bullshit meta of massive blobs going back and forth to the forward heal truck
01 Mar 2025, 17:24 PM
OKSpitfire: Well... going to be seeing the Pershing a lot for a little while, that thing is a monster.
01 Mar 2025, 11:44 AM
NigelBallsworth: axis stuff is getting more meme by the second
28 Feb 2025, 23:32 PM
aerafield: Cloaked instapin MGs at 0cp. I wanna see no more crying about the Dingo while that shit is in the game :snfPeter:
28 Feb 2025, 20:38 PM
Willy Pete: And only on annihilation, and I have to let the AI live long enough...
28 Feb 2025, 02:04 AM
Willy Pete: Pershing is absurd, but ive still only gotten to use it against AI
28 Feb 2025, 02:03 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Pershing for Axis, that is all :lolol:
27 Feb 2025, 13:32 PM
donofsandiego: :clap:
27 Feb 2025, 02:34 AM
donofsandiego: Return of the chatGPT writing prompt. Lets see how shinasukac responds to these questions utilizing the Socratic Method. Maybe he will give us an interesting look into his opinions
27 Feb 2025, 02:34 AM
Willy Pete: I havent even seen a pershing yet. Coh3 games still move too fast for it lol
27 Feb 2025, 00:30 AM
shinasukac: kingtiger=kingjoker
26 Feb 2025, 16:27 PM
Lady Xenarra: Has anyone actually used the KT much? My experience is that the match is usually over long before I get the CPs for it
26 Feb 2025, 14:35 PM
Rosbone: Can someone message me the day you can look at Coh3 and not face palm yourself in disbelief that actual humans worked on it? Much appreciated.
26 Feb 2025, 06:40 AM
Rosbone: The only way to feel good about Coh3 is to never look at Coh3. Once you see it, you cant unsee it.
26 Feb 2025, 06:37 AM
Rosbone: Observer mode sucks, player stats pages are scatter brained mess, etc etc etc
26 Feb 2025, 06:35 AM
Rosbone: It is really hard to tell people to buy the DLC with feeling like they are throwing their money down the toilet for a nearly dead game. But Big Tonks!!! Oh well, not my problem.
25 Feb 2025, 18:12 PM
Rosbone: No 4v4 maps, busted menus 2 years after release, still have not fixed janky sounds people have complained about for over 2 years, etc etc.
25 Feb 2025, 18:10 PM
Rosbone: And the skirmish menus are still at a BETA level. Just the largest game play mode completely ignored... again.
25 Feb 2025, 18:09 PM
Willy Pete: Oh wtf. Yeah the crossing remake was in the 2v2 demo. No more 3s and 4s is a bummer tho
25 Feb 2025, 16:42 PM
aerafield: What? No, he means that all the new maps are for 1v1. Though Im pretty sure they will be playable in 2v2 as well
25 Feb 2025, 15:50 PM
Willy Pete: Are the maps really locked behind dlc? Surely they must be in the regular update
25 Feb 2025, 15:22 PM
Rosbone: I would like to join in celebration with the 9% of Coh3 MP players who are getting ALL of the new maps. Woohoo! #3Tards
21 Feb 2025, 19:22 PM
OKSpitfire: I hope that at least one of heavies is a like-for-like reskin of the coh 2 ISU-152. I miss that thing.
21 Feb 2025, 10:23 AM
Rosbone: Buy our cool new large tanks that will never get played on the 4 new 1v1 maps added. Perfect synergy! :facepalm:
20 Feb 2025, 19:23 PM
Rosbone: Everyone ready for some deep penetration :snfPeter:
20 Feb 2025, 17:13 PM
Lady Xenarra: I'm sure the ppl who defended it as balanced for Allies will be screaming like they got scaled with boiling water, in COH3. How the tables turn.
20 Feb 2025, 11:33 AM
Willy Pete: I think it was nuts with any engine damage. Especially on superheavies
20 Feb 2025, 07:03 AM
aerafield: Personally I think without the ram ability, it's worse than loiters for example
20 Feb 2025, 00:09 AM
Willy Pete: It combined well with most slowing abilities, not just ram stuns
19 Feb 2025, 23:36 PM
Willy Pete: Only??? I think not being able to shoot it down and the ramp up effect also had something to do with it
19 Feb 2025, 23:34 PM
Willy Pete: Really
19 Feb 2025, 23:30 PM
aerafield: AT overwatch was broken only because it came with the faction of T34 ramming
19 Feb 2025, 22:29 PM
Willy Pete: Love to see Relic really learning from their past mistakes. Let's bring back the dumbest ability in coh2, and charge money for it
19 Feb 2025, 20:34 PM
Willy Pete: New DAK commander will have AT overwatch as alternate choice to elefant
19 Feb 2025, 20:33 PM
aaa: Funy thing new players dont know that. And are trying to compete vs hacks
19 Feb 2025, 10:33 AM
aaa: Online gaming is trash in general, not just coh. On high level there are all cheats in most games
19 Feb 2025, 10:24 AM
aaa: 2 cheaters in 3 days. MH and DH
19 Feb 2025, 09:57 AM
aerafield: I am a simple man, I build Humvees with Pathfinders and Missile Launchers inside, I am happy
18 Feb 2025, 20:57 PM
Lady Xenarra: aerafield lamevee spammer confirmed :nahnah:
18 Feb 2025, 20:42 PM
aerafield: those who know, know: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/s/fPk4yLIgmK
18 Feb 2025, 15:40 PM
adamírcz: Might be onto somethin here, combine side armour existing, maps where flanking is a viable option, and hopefully also heavies actually being less manouverable than mediums (lookin at you coh2), and it might be fun gameplay
17 Feb 2025, 13:39 PM
Willy Pete: Shouldn't coh3 heavies actually have insane front armor values? The glory days of 400+ Kt armor wouldn't be as bad when side armor is a thing. Not to say its a good idea lol
14 Feb 2025, 23:14 PM
aerafield: But then again, maybe CoH3 superheavies should actually have insane armor values because the whole game is designed for the clumsy & inept anyway :snfPeter:
14 Feb 2025, 23:04 PM
aerafield: It's like you have to coordinate an entire orchestra of abilities and the correct units, meanwhile your opponent just clicks his 1 superheavy tank occasionally...
14 Feb 2025, 23:01 PM
aerafield: the giga frontal armor also made these units too oppressive in average or low ELO games
14 Feb 2025, 22:59 PM
aerafield: Massive HP pool but reasonable amount of armor is way healthier design
14 Feb 2025, 22:57 PM
aerafield: Say what you want, but the titanium frontal armor design of coh2 superheavies was bullshit. Too many bad players not getting punished for their bad micro because penetration RNG carries them
14 Feb 2025, 22:57 PM
Willy Pete: Also the attack ground with the pak40 looked perfect, that Pershing should be dead
14 Feb 2025, 19:18 PM
Willy Pete: Ahh just saw the other one that died. Some bad rng I think but there was an AT gun at med range for a chunk of that fight
14 Feb 2025, 19:14 PM
Willy Pete: Which KT? I saw one got almost deleted but it also showed its side to a hellcat AND the m5. I think the player even admitted he got lucky
14 Feb 2025, 19:10 PM
Lady Xenarra: I understand that the devs want to sell the Allied part of the DLC, but the KT got swiss cheesed like a COH2 bunker on treads :S
14 Feb 2025, 15:16 PM
SupremeStefan: They should make dlc separataly for axis and alies
14 Feb 2025, 10:28 AM
SupremeStefan: 25$ is actually a ok price for 40 abilites = 8 commanders = 4 battlegroups. But problem is that it comes in bundle
14 Feb 2025, 10:24 AM
Willy Pete: Have they shown the actual trees yet for the new commanders? Skimmed through the deep dive today, didnt see em
13 Feb 2025, 22:29 PM
Rosbone: Big Tonk boners incoming :hansGASM:
13 Feb 2025, 17:38 PM
donofsandiego: Probably not
12 Feb 2025, 14:57 PM
Lone-Wolf: Hi guys. Error code -4. Any fixes?
08 Feb 2025, 17:09 PM
donofsandiego: Probably not
07 Feb 2025, 16:57 PM
SkYisTheLimiT_CoH: any coh2.org admin there ?
07 Feb 2025, 12:43 PM
Lady Xenarra: Ever the contrarian, aerafield.
07 Feb 2025, 11:59 AM
aerafield: I havent seen the new units in action yet (whose BGs will not be purchased by too many people as they are pretty expensive I recon), but I can say with 100% confidence that the Pershing needs a buff
07 Feb 2025, 02:31 AM
Lady Xenarra: I would think lots more players would come/return since there's so many iconic units being added in the new BGs. I just don't want to hear another 8+ yrs of Pershing need buff complaints
06 Feb 2025, 23:22 PM
adamírcz: If I had my supply of copium, Id say they might at least get enough money to not have to wait 5 months with problems that should be a matter of bi-weekly hotfix
06 Feb 2025, 23:10 PM
adamírcz: I mean, its overpriced,
06 Feb 2025, 23:10 PM
Rosbone: Will it help or hurt the current player base is the real question. Should add more players, but may drive many away.
06 Feb 2025, 19:17 PM
Rosbone: Yes you too can play with a persdhing for the low price of $24.99 USD. Or be the poor schlub who gets his rectum reconfigured who doesnt have the latest pay to win stuffs.
06 Feb 2025, 19:16 PM
donofsandiego: persdhing in coh 3? 😳
06 Feb 2025, 18:42 PM
Rosbone: @aerafield Ahhh, I think I made a pershing like twice in my life since that commander is pretty bad in 4s.
05 Feb 2025, 23:20 PM
aerafield: @Rosbone coh2 pershing has the same ability so, whatever. Though it's probably gonna be a 30 seconds ability to make it super broken pay to win, then 2 months later it will get "hotfixed" into a skillshot like coh2 pershing
05 Feb 2025, 22:00 PM
Rosbone: How do we feel about Pershing shooting thru multiple buildings?
05 Feb 2025, 19:43 PM
Rosbone: I am just happy Relic was smart enough to put this out now because the community was falling asleep waiting 3 months between patches. And a new/old map was shown :banana:
05 Feb 2025, 19:38 PM
aerafield: Not even the trailer can hide the trash sound effects
05 Feb 2025, 18:46 PM
Lady Xenarra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSvwH2mXje8 Well this should result in 'interesting' reactions... :rofl:
05 Feb 2025, 18:43 PM
Ginaaa: how do i send replay to get him banned?
05 Feb 2025, 00:11 AM
Ginaaa: `just caught cooper47/ maphacking
05 Feb 2025, 00:11 AM
adamírcz: Oh well, I might look it up on dickcord and try upload anyway
02 Feb 2025, 00:27 AM
adamírcz: shiit, saw clean through me
02 Feb 2025, 00:26 AM
aerafield: That's exactly what a drophacker would say
01 Feb 2025, 22:37 PM
adamírcz: Just to be clear, Im askin cause I want someone banned, not coz I would wanna synchhack
01 Feb 2025, 15:10 PM
adamírcz: Do Relic still banana people for synchhacks in CoH2 or is it only for CoH3 now
01 Feb 2025, 15:09 PM
Lady Xenarra: Great, we're all getting somewhere B-)
30 Jan 2025, 21:32 PM
Rosbone: @Lady Xenarra Yes, I am more than happy that Kill Counts were added. I apologize for the insane rant. Like everything else, if you want it done right you have to do it yourself :romeoHairDay:
30 Jan 2025, 19:44 PM
adamírcz: Damn, didnt expect to trigger such impressive rant, but there is nothing I disagree with there :rofl:
30 Jan 2025, 19:33 PM
Lady Xenarra: Errr, browser error. Come on, aren't you happy the game finally got a kill counter? I mean it's fantastic for viewing how many inf you mowed down charging MGs frontally :rofl:
30 Jan 2025, 19:05 PM
Lady Xenarra: @Rosbone
30 Jan 2025, 19:04 PM
Rosbone: *trip on
30 Jan 2025, 18:13 PM
Rosbone: Damn it, you got me talking about Relic again. I had almost completely forgotten about Coh3, like most everyone else. You can only watch waterheads tri n the sidewalk so many times before its just sad.
30 Jan 2025, 18:13 PM
Rosbone: They offer no help to the underling because they dont know shit, they just annoy them until they quit and go somewhere else. There it is, the business in a nutshell.
30 Jan 2025, 18:08 PM
Rosbone: Like most companies, if someone is good at their job they dont get promoted. So only the dumb rise to management roles. These people are usually what I call list makers. All they understand is "I have a task on my list that needs done, did you do it?".
30 Jan 2025, 18:06 PM
Rosbone: It is extremely sad that some moron like me could go there and out work everyone there in multiple roles.
30 Jan 2025, 18:05 PM
Rosbone: So now it has multiple points of failure and relies on asynchronous internet calls. Just the dumbest of the dumb work at Relic. It is clear, they have no concept of what is good or bad.
30 Jan 2025, 18:02 PM
Rosbone: The old file had player name, position, rank, RelicID, SteamID. Coh3 should have included these and player color. Now it just has player name and IDs. You have to go search for the rest of the data from a Relic server.
30 Jan 2025, 18:01 PM
Rosbone: In typical Relic fashion, they did something truly great and then f*cked it beyond repair in a fit of retardation. I have not looked deep in Coh3s files but I would imagine it is still broken. They should have expanded the local info, but its Relic so....
30 Jan 2025, 17:58 PM
Rosbone: @adamírcz Not sure which CELO you are using, but all CELOs pull information from a Relic server. This is because Relic is retarded. All the data neded used to be in a local file, then Relic broke it.
30 Jan 2025, 17:56 PM
adamírcz: and now its back on; noice
29 Jan 2025, 22:56 PM
adamírcz: why the fuck is celo down?
29 Jan 2025, 22:41 PM
SteamNOC: teamkiller ban plz
29 Jan 2025, 16:21 PM
NigelBallsworth: @GenMe what you're saying makes sense, but if that's the case, the designers are creating a situation that makes it very irritating and not at all fun to play Allies, seeing as the player of average skill gets stomped 4 out of 5 times by players of noskill
28 Jan 2025, 23:49 PM
Soheil: Axis 3v3 , 4v4 but Alies strong in 1vs1 and 2vs2
28 Jan 2025, 22:41 PM
OKSpitfire: Relic*
28 Jan 2025, 16:05 PM
OKSpitfire: Which brings up back to the inevitable: How on earth could they allow- Oh of course, the game was released in a really broken and unfinished state, much like the last one. But this time the publisher has had enough. Cheers for that.
28 Jan 2025, 16:03 PM
OKSpitfire: I think these things especially annoy the community because it brings us back to obvious strategic bullshit and exploits that were already a 'thing' that got painstakingly corrected in the previous iteration of the game.
28 Jan 2025, 16:01 PM
OKSpitfire: I think it's more that the lessons learned from all the years of carefully balancing the previous game haven't been learned or carried over. Thats and mechanics have generally been dumbed down to make the game more noob friendly.
28 Jan 2025, 15:50 PM
OKSpitfire: I dunno. I find the idea that anyone would purposefully make one faction stronger than another in a multiplayer RTS game kind of dumb. Why would any designer do this? There's no upside.
28 Jan 2025, 15:49 PM
Rosbone: But the miss was for good reason, to increase the player count and sales. But it has removed too much of the pleasure of out skilling your opponent.
28 Jan 2025, 11:13 AM
Rosbone: Because noobs that cheese are too competitive. Coh2 really was as good as it gets in every aspect of RTS. Relic just needed to fix some small issues and add mechanics. They missed the mark a little.
28 Jan 2025, 11:10 AM
Rosbone: @GenMe Finally someone gets it. Coh2 was designed so varying levels of skill could play together. This increases the available players. Which helps everyone due to better match making. Sadly Coh3 took this idea too far. Which has alienated top players.
28 Jan 2025, 11:08 AM
GenMe: same in coh 2, you pretty much guarantee an axis late game victory, so all they have to do is last out, it also makes them easy to play for newer players, no need to flank, squad wipe late game units
28 Jan 2025, 09:47 AM
GenMe: the reason axis is OP is because they have a massive following, you cant blame relic for listening to thier target audience, a strong axis faction makes more money
28 Jan 2025, 09:45 AM
NigelBallsworth: and then "EZ", like no shit it's ez. team Axis is ez mode.
27 Jan 2025, 22:45 PM
NigelBallsworth: @aerafield "low effort, maximum reward" is an excellent way to phrase the shit that a LOT of Axis players do in team games.
27 Jan 2025, 22:38 PM
Lady Xenarra: @aerafield Given how much screaming there is about it already, there’s nothing for me to say to add to it.
27 Jan 2025, 14:04 PM
aerafield: Ofc the axis main won't mention the Wespe with double barrage and no cooldown :megusta:
27 Jan 2025, 00:26 AM
Lady Xenarra: So will we be seeing substantial nerfs to the SPG spam in 2.0? Bishops were already pretty obnoxious before 1.8 but the extra MP reinforce costs now make SPGs in general an ez click to win option.
26 Jan 2025, 13:47 PM
donofsandiego: the location will be dug double wide so that coh 3 can fit beside it
26 Jan 2025, 07:04 AM
donofsandiego: Upcoming: Operation Shed. For this operation, we will be relocating Coh2.org to it's permanent resting place behind the shed.
26 Jan 2025, 07:03 AM
Rosbone: This has been a paid for announcement from The People for the betterment of Coh Society.
23 Jan 2025, 20:11 PM
Rosbone: And at a point when they need to have as many positives as they can. Instead they drop the ball and beg people for upvotes. You wouldnt need begging if you just did your jobs, like ever.
23 Jan 2025, 20:08 PM
Rosbone: They put out new maps and increase the chance you get the new maps! Great idea! Thanks! Now its been 2 months of getting the same map over and over and over. How do they always fail themselves. Turn a positive into a negative everytime.
23 Jan 2025, 20:07 PM

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