Just to clarify, this is not actually the opening post - the opening post got invised.
Personally, I'm not a fan of people who leave games all the time, but it wouldn't really occur to me to go and actively complain about it since it's just a part of human nature/the terribleness of random 2v2s.
I feel your frustration but naming and shaming isn't the way to go, dude.

Talking about leaving is worthwhile, maybe, if kept anonymous.
Let me share an experience about a guy who left me.
We were 25 minutes into a this pretty solid 2v2 together. He was playing Mechanized Assault Doctrine, I was using Luftwaffe. Things were great. I felt like we didn't talk about doctrine and build order choices enough, but nobody's perfect, right?
I noticed things were a little off when I realized he was only building assault grenadiers. He had five at one point.
We got pushed off the field hard because only I had Pgrens, PAKs, halftracks, things like that. I think he was just spamming Agrens and waiting for a Tiger.
He dropped once we started getting crushed and said "next time build tanks" before leaving!
It just felt so unfair. If he told me he wanted to tech skip and rely on call-ins I wouldn't have liked it, sure, but at least I'd have known about it, and I could have supported him by rushing faster for a P4 or whatever.