
russian armor

Thoughts on Encirclement Doctrine?

26 Mar 2015, 05:35 AM
avatar of shael

Posts: 10

Just played a game with this, its sort of meh. but its fun to play, stormtroopers are fun and closing the pocket is nice.

It has some issues, like the stuka strike can be countered by building a cache to the spot. enemy can also get their stuff safe by simply driving them to your territory.

No heavy call in in current menta (well see what the 31st does to that) you usually get steam rolled by is2 and isu152 (ost hardly has anything that can actually counter is2)

and like said its very map dependable
26 Mar 2015, 21:34 PM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1160

Panthers cant counter IS2s?
26 Mar 2015, 22:08 PM
avatar of FaustCostBulletin

Posts: 521

Personally, I would like to see Break Supply Line replaced with Puma. It's not obvious and sounds a bit counterintuitive at first but the latter actually has more synergy with the doctrine.

And then I would like to see Stomrtroopers reworked to be not Panzergrenadiers with cheaper reinforce.
17 Feb 2016, 01:44 AM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

Guys, not sure if you follow reddit, but this ability is potentially one that can win an entire game. For Example:

18 Feb 2016, 21:10 PM
avatar of Virtual Boar

Posts: 196

Gimmicky, only usable in 1v1 and some 2v2 maps.
18 Feb 2016, 23:36 PM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

Gimmicky, only usable in 1v1 and some 2v2 maps.


You're joking right?

If executed properly in a 4v4, its basically push to win button.

Whats stopping you from flanking two of their closes points with pios, Sheck Grens in a half track?
All you have to do is break supply, and it's GG everything in between.

Great for breaking a stalemate.
18 Feb 2016, 23:46 PM
avatar of Virtual Boar

Posts: 196


You're joking right?

If executed properly in a 4v4, its basically push to win button.

Whats stopping you from flanking two of their closes points with pios, Sheck Grens in a half track?
All you have to do is break supply, and it's GG everything in between.

Great for breaking a stalemate.

Decapping all the enemy rear in a 4v4? very unlikely.

It is unpopular because of how hard it is to pull off, the larger the map the harder to achieve it. Not saying it is impossible mate, just saying it can't be reliably used like other commanders, that is what gimmicky means, you need the moon and the planets to align (and the enemy to have the map awareness of a amoeba) in order for you to pull it off consistently in 3v3 or bigger matches..

21 Feb 2016, 13:37 PM
avatar of Thamor

Posts: 290

Sprint + mg42 is good too for redeployment.
22 Feb 2016, 00:24 AM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

Decapping all the enemy rear in a 4v4? very unlikely.

Not all, just the most important one.
I pulled it off on hill 313 last night, and we ended up winning by 10 pts as a result.

Had a mate drop Fallshims to destroy the crate (they got wiped). I dropped a stuka and capped with stealthy sneaky sturms.
Hilarity ensued when they tried to move tanks to base only to have everything blown up.
Enemy was 2 sectors away from our bases. Wish I saved the reply :(

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Feb 2016, 13:37 PMThamor
Sprint + mg42 is good too for redeployment.


22 Feb 2016, 07:34 AM
avatar of Jespe

Posts: 190

Briliant doctrine.

Sprint is good, Capping with vehicles even better, storms to kill retreating units, stuka to keep supply flow down. And encirclement, waiting to be nerfed..

Encirclement have 2 uses in my opinion:
- Either you outplay your opponent and wipe his strongpoint clean with it.
- Save it for a last Hurrah! You get you beaten to your base you use everything to cut the whole map and bombard it to pieces. Had won couple of games against dudes that are A LOT better than me... (have lost too)
It's all about your enemy reflexes if he goes all in to you base or retreats and dies for his own base
23 Feb 2016, 21:12 PM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Feb 2016, 07:34 AMJespe
Briliant doctrine.

Sprint is good, Capping with vehicles even better, storms to kill retreating units, stuka to keep supply flow down. And encirclement, waiting to be nerfed..

Encirclement have 2 uses in my opinion:
- Either you outplay your opponent and wipe his strongpoint clean with it.
- Save it for a last Hurrah! You get you beaten to your base you use everything to cut the whole map and bombard it to pieces. Had won couple of games against dudes that are A LOT better than me... (have lost too)
It's all about your enemy reflexes if he goes all in to you base or retreats and dies for his own base

Good to see another fellow enthusiast!

I can never figure out which point to break tho :(

As for the storms, they need to be a lot tougher I think. Flasshims wipe the floor, and so do commandos.
26 Feb 2016, 08:02 AM
avatar of Jespe

Posts: 190

Good to see another fellow enthusiast!

I can never figure out which point to break tho :(

Best use i've had with it seems to make your enemy believe that (s)he is winning and letting him overextend capping that hardly conquered territory in depth while striking the points closes to his base with stuka and storms. when bombardments start to drop he has 3 options

1. Retreat to base (good luck walking trought arty)
2. Move all units to lone enemy sector (well you they kinda capped every thing right?)
3. Make mad dash to enemy base. (lost game once apparently crocodile in base and destroy it with ease)

As for the storms, they need to be a lot tougher I think. Flasshims wipe the floor, and so do commandos.

They are not 1st line infantry. Their purpose is to hit rear troops, support weapons and retreating units. Or ambush lone squads. Expensive but awesome when you learn to use 'em
26 Feb 2016, 08:04 AM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Sep 2014, 10:01 AMKjarmik
This weeks free commander tryout for OH is the Encirclement Doctrine. After playing through a game to test out the commander, it seemed a really solid choise.

The abilities are:

Close the Pocket
Artillery zeros in on isolated enemy units to destroy them. Automatically attack all cut off enemy territories and frontline territories.
- The extent of the bombardment is unclear, but it is great fordamanging defencive positions before moving in to finish off any stranglers.

Slightly improves the speed of all vehicle units and allows them to decapture point very rapidly.
-Imagine a panther capping a point. Umad bro?

Break Supply Line
Send in a Stuka bomber to disable a targeted enemy point with a precision attack.
-Good for cutting off points and decapping VP's in a ponch.

Allows German infantry to use the Sprint ability. Increaseing movement speed for a short period of time.
- basically this will be OH,s version of Hoorah, and might be a great asset in dodging Maxims.

Elite infiltration troops who are experts at disrupting enemy supply lines. These units can be deployed from any ambient building.
- Good description is longrange upgraded Pgrens that can be upgraded with Sturmgewehr.

Any thoughts about this commander?

It's a extremely strong doctrine if you use it well. I've seen Stormless beating the utter shit out of people by using the zeroing artillery which completely wiped the enemy of the field.
20 Mar 2016, 21:20 PM
avatar of GenObi

Posts: 556

i can only speak from a 1v1 perspective, since i dont use this commander anything above 1v1 because there is simply better choices.

This commander 1v1 (possibly 2s) is excellent if use it correctly, it is a skill based commander that needs careful planning and micro w/o i wouldnt recommend it juat to anyone but if you use the abilites right it pays off huge.
11 Jan 2017, 13:35 PM
avatar of V-T

Posts: 80

Personally i don't have this doctrine, but i'm totally enthusiastic about it!

I can think of dozens of ways to fark up the enemy with a little teamwork. Encirclement Doc is not the only doctrine with neutralizing stukastrike ;)

Spawn sneaky sturms into enemy rear, rush to flag, while decapping other with stukastrike, and rushing with mechanized battlegroup to third flag. Unless enemy is perfectly prepared for nasty breakthrough, it shouldn't be too hard to pull off. Actually most satisfying against that nasty Brit Simcitybuilder and his pesky mortarpit...

Maybe i'm hyped enough to actually go buy this from the shop... ;) who knows?
11 Jan 2017, 14:38 PM
avatar of William Christensen

Posts: 401

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Jan 2017, 13:35 PMV-T
Personally i don't have this doctrine, but i'm totally enthusiastic about it!

I can think of dozens of ways to fark up the enemy with a little teamwork. Encirclement Doc is not the only doctrine with neutralizing stukastrike ;)

Spawn sneaky sturms into enemy rear, rush to flag, while decapping other with stukastrike, and rushing with mechanized battlegroup to third flag. Unless enemy is perfectly prepared for nasty breakthrough, it shouldn't be too hard to pull off. Actually most satisfying against that nasty Brit Simcitybuilder and his pesky mortarpit...

Maybe i'm hyped enough to actually go buy this from the shop... ;) who knows?

Sometimes you don't even need your teammate to help. Sure, the help would be great, but if it's a random teammate, you can still execute Close the Pocket, but you'll need to plan it out first (Save up munitions, check for how the enemy played, catch them unprepare if possible for maximum effectiveness). Here's an example:

Note how my teammate literally didn't know a thing about my plan, he was even mad at me for not helping mid, even though mid VP back then was a lost battle.‎
12 Jan 2017, 03:05 AM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

Quick note as ooorah lasts longer than german sprint, so you still have to be quite careful if your sniper is getting chased.

Close the pocket I honestly think is ridiculously OP. Having 250 munitions I stukad his cut off and activated the arty and all his tanks and infantry got absolutely annihilated within seconds. I though it would be something like sector arty from CoH1 but this artillary is way too good.

Oh jog on!

If you dont build caches on your cut off of any mines what so ever, you deserve what is coming your way!
12 Jan 2017, 13:35 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

This doctrine isn´t top tier doctrine in 1v1 match up against any faction at all, but after changes of stuge, 222, puma, squad spacing, multiple nerfs to USA and Soviets and panzergrenadiers scalability this doctrine is much better because ostheer can actually hold on its own without any top tier doctrine.
Tiger doctrines or puma doc is still better thought.

This doctrine is really interesting for lategame if you can cap one cut off with fast panther and second with stormtroopers/stuka dive bomb so you can anihilate whole enemy army with 1 click ability.

Also sprint and ostheer sniper together is really interesting combo now, after multiple nerfs to light vehicles.
12 Jan 2017, 14:12 PM
avatar of some one

Posts: 935

Avatar for the commander is good!
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