By the time the other factions are towed in line, including UKF, people will finally realize how OP OKW will be with their 5 levels of vet.
When and IF they ever get to vet to 5 stars...
OKW doesn't start with 5 stars, they need to be earned.
Play safe & vet your troops --> lose map presence --> Lose match
Play aggressive, lose troops --> never vet --> lag behind --> get raped by vetted units --> lose map presence --> cry --> lose match |
You can get volks straight outta base, so rush your pioneers to one of the key buildings you know he's going to occupy. All this while training volks, to rush other buildings. After some time you can bring in your own MG-34.
It takes time for enemy to build T2 and to train first maxim, by this time you can occupy 2 maybe 3 houses. If you're lucky, before he notices you can inflict nasty losses before he reacts. |
first point, unpacking the HMG avoid unnecessary lose by mortar barrage, you opponent knows it location so he is going to flank it. In my opinion, a HMG deployed for no reason is a half dead HMG, because your opponent will see it and flank it.
Second point, packing and unpacking a defensive HMG take a lot of time. So if you have been flanked it is usually result in ordering a retreat. But if you HMG is already unpacked and waiting for your order, you have enough time to deploy it in the right direction. All of this of course requires to have spotters, do not let your HMG alone.
First one is a good point. One should always move HMGs after the engagement is over, to keep up the pressure, and to keep the enemy guessing. I like that. I wish i could micro that good...
On the contrary to the second point, if the HMG is packed up and ready to move i'd feel it's more prone for assaults? I mean, if enemy team waltzes in front of packed HMG squad, it takes time to set up and start firing. Enemy can use those seconds to sprint and toss a grenade, thus taking out the gunner/squad. Compared to the situation when enemy appears behind MGs sights, and gets fired at right away, possibly pinning them down... Usually HMG wins.
A little step off topic: if i activate armor piercing ammo, the HMG will switch ammo cans. Does this ability stay active, even if the timer stops? I mean: could i switch AP ammo, and just wait until next engagement, even though i don't know when it comes? Can the ability be queued? I activate AP ammo, wait timer, activate again, do i have 2 cans of AP ammo ready for HMG? |
Great guide, thank you Esxile!!
Few questions though:
Always unpack your HMG after a fight.
The fight is over and you won? Unpack your HMG and make sure it faces the right direction again. So you can setup it in time for the next fight.
So you always keep your MGs packed up and ready to move? Basically let enemy engage first, unpack, shoot back?? My instinct would be to always have MGs ready to fire. Or do you mostly mean the "offensive MGs" in this tip?
I like the idea that one should move the MG with the infantry, pin enemy with MG, while using infantry to flank. To use the MG in the attacks.  nice.
I'd like to discuss more about using MGs as part of infantry, and the likes. Is it useful to keep a infantry squad with the MG to counter flanking, or even use 2 MGS with widely spread fields of fire to cover about 180 degrees to avoid flanking... 2 MGs, one house (not to be confused with a rather nasty video about a cup and young ladies...), using wire to secure flanks, using bunkers to house MG squads etc.. |
Heh, i have downtime at work --> i can lurk the forums, but can't play or review, sorry |
I also fell for MG spam the other day(really there was only 2-3 maxims, and a mortar) but i blame myself. Forgot to smoke, crawl closer and nade...
But for OKW, if enemy can baselock you with maxims... Something must have gone horribly wrong in the start. OKW gets Volks straight outta T0, so by the time soviets have their first maxim out, you should have 2, almost 3 volks out if all goes well. This should make it possible to rush for fuel and points, to hasten the development of tanks, guns etc. And possibly capture key buildings with numbers. At least those with field of fire to key points.
I guess the key question here is not "what to do after enemy has locked me down with MGs" but "What to do first so that enemy can't lock me down with MGs."
Is there a possibility, to patrol with Kubel, search for enemy maxims when they're on the move, shuchminen in front of doors etc...?
Like aradan said: Everything is easier said than done, but you can try playing Soviets, and try tables turned. If you can 4/5 times lock enemy down with maxims, then there might be a slight OP issue, and you could learn how to counter Maxim spam.
EDIT: I also had hard time trying to think of a way how to dislodge enemy from a building with OKW. There is no easy way. It's easier to keep them off from buildings. Dominate earlygame, put a few MG-34s in buildings. It blocks them entry and ends the early maxim game. By the time he counters your MGs, you should have Luchs, or heavier stuff to play around with. |
Smoke barrage in front of the gun, and get in close & personal with strafniye. Satchel the truck, flame the Leig, snatch the gun, and GTFO and return the favor.
...if all goes well, but we know it won't. So back to drawingboard. |
Way too often i see arguments: This unit beats this 1on1, this mg beats this mg, plz nerf/buff...
Way too seldom i see real discussion about learning how to play the strenghts against enemy weaknesses. Just like Sturmpanther mentioned: You use Kubel to drive the yanks out of cover. Maybe it doesn't wipe the whole squad, but can do serious damage and force a retreat if used right. Maybe then your Sturmpioneers can then shoo them off.
I think, if players want REAL balanced fights, they should play games with perfectly mirroded arena maps, play OKW vs. OKW matches... and have same commanders forced.
It's not fun, but its balanced, so...
“War is not nice.”
― Barbara Bush |
Bad craftsmen blame the tools.
Can't rush mg-42? order men to hop in to HT, drive behind, unload, nade, ????, profit.
Halftrack = ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER. That is what it does. Carries personnel while providing armor so that afore mentioned personnel don't get shot by nasty weapons. Personnel can even shoot out of the vehicle while riding, handy!
Thinking outside of the box (putting soldiers inside moving armored box) sometimes helps.
And yeah, if you decide you have lost before the game starts, there really is no chance of victory. All you have left is just to whine and rage and moan. Not constructive. Man up, and try.
Could it be that there actually is a problem which roots from you, not from somewhere/someone else? I've dealt with a couple of narcissists, and it can be hard for them to face their own faults.
And self evaluation is the most important tool while trying to learn and improve. Keep that in mind.
Sorry, i just had to feed the troll, but same applies for everyone. Me as well.
EDIT: WHOOPS!!! awful necro strikes again. Should have checked date. Sorry. |