If they extend their simcity, go around it and rush their base when possible, or bombard it with indirect fire.
If they keep their fortress close to base, just stay away, cap points, and win by attrition.
A normal HT loaded with units can quickly drive to sector, decap it and run away before they even start their barrage. Use this to cut them off, or at least make it harder for UKF to get resources. Later you can drive back and cap it to yourself, when its in the FOW for them. Also a HT loaded with d00ds can quickly move to face different threats. In some ways even better than 222. Load with flame pios and PzGrens, you got a proper counter for normal tommysection, and you can set up minefields as you drive around. Even better if you pick a doctrine with Riegel.
Its not about having small disatvantage like one house or something. It actually big disatvantage for allied player when map is too open - langres, crossroads, so he cannot close in in order to defeat enemy and also axis player will have problem on CQC urban maps (refinery,la gleize, market ruins, ...)because there is no room for him to stay at long range, meaning his superior team weapons will be weakened. This is main reason why you want to veto certain maps
...if you're looking to play to the fullest and win.
There's always a workaround. True, axis troops could perform better on open maps, but they get STG-44s and flamers and MP-40s and brummbärs and FlameHTs and mines and...
It's not so black and white that one SHOULD veto maps because of disadvantage. It's just that normal guides and meta don't work optimally.
Actually playing "wrong" maps, and overcoming the hardships of non-optimal surroundings, adapting to the enviroment and circumstances... This teaches us best on how to play, right?
Main reason to veto should be just plain dislike of the map. If the reason to not like a map is because it's harder to win, then it's all fine
Why Veto? I understand in some way, that if you've just played 7 times in a row a certain map, you'd like to veto it to get some change.
But why? Personally i dislike "arena" maps, which are mirror images from both sides (for example achelous river).
No map is TOTALLY unfair, like all fuel is on other players side. Of course, some buildings are easier to reach, some windows point to one direction but not the other... But how to adapt to the situation is what counts.
Do players REALLY veto maps just for the fear of having a little disadvantage? Anyways, how the battle turns out, and how you command and play anyways decides the winner of the match.
Yet, i think the right to veto is a great option to avoid a disliked map whatever the reason.
Hmm, if the Vickers MGs are pinning you down, Stick the doods in a halftrack and lolrush into grenade range. The soldaten will get pinned, yes, but not before they get that nade flying.
If it's guarded by bofors... Then it's really a no-go area for any light vehicles. One of the most usual answers has been "rush their base". Of course, in 3vs3 games, other players can help counter that desperate action, but i can't think of anything else.
The argument: "They have three brit players, thus thrice more simcities" just implies that your side can get 3 Kingtigers, or Sturmtigers or whatever ultimate tools of destruction. If you ever get there, enemy WILL be wiped. With random teams, getting rid of simcities can be a big challenge.
Well, if a full section waltzed right into an MG 42 ambush, i'd courtmartial the gunner, if he didn't get at least one of the tommies! Traitorous sabouteur if he couldn't ice a few brits with glorious weapons provided by the mighty Vaterland!
I regard this still better, than pure hitpoint system, where a cannonblast won't kill anyone if they happen to survive with 1 hp. This is COH not Final fantasy Happens to Axis players too. RNG, and lady average are at work here...
They played this song called 'Säkkijärven Polkka' for weeks to prevent Russian "Radiobombs" from exploding. This happened on Finnish front in august '41.
After capturing Vyiborg, there were sudden explosions without reason. After finding one of these bombs, Finnish pioneers realized that the fuze of the bomb was activated by russian radio: when they played a certain chord of three notes, the strings in fuze start vibrating and finally would close the circuit blowing up the bomb.
To counter this, finnish radio and some frontline radiotransmitters started playing this fast Polka song on a loop non stop for weeks. They thought that this fast song would not hold the required three notes long enough, so the bombs wouldn't go off. After starting the transmissions there were no further explosions.
Does a sturmtiger rocket oneshotwipe a Bofors or 17 pdr? even if braced? I don't have the commander required, but that would actually make it very handy against simcities.
Of course, it's a late game solution, but some games take long, don't they?
Also i just had a game where enemy built his bofors right in front of his base, so the baserush wasn't an option. I managed to just keep him locked in base, and won by victory points, but sealing the deal wasn't the option. Also the classic mortar pit in base...
Woah, almost slipped to off topic in less than 2 posts
Thanks Hec, that idea for OKW to build halftracs and pak together is actually helpful. Could make a very strong base of operations. On the downside it really is asking for an artillery strike