Every time I play vs OKW, the first encounter between my main squad and his Sturmpioneer is purely RNG with huge consequences.
This is usually me being in cover and the sturm closing in.
1- Sturmpio lose 1 member closing in and another just after reaching me = I won and he has to retreat
2- Sturmpio lose 1 member closing in but no more = I have to retreat
This single action completely decided by RNG turn the early game tide of the game. There is no micro, nothing I or my opponent can do to change that.
3- Sturmpio don't lose any model closing in and reach less than 30% life full squad. Here I'm usually like "what the fuck".
RNG is not Lady Luck, it's Lady Average.
It goes both ways. War is series of disasters and odd things. This game doesn't have dud ammo, or faulty weapons, schrecks are seekers etc etc... No faulty engines, (which i'd love to see in freezing plains of russia, suddenly your panzers freeze in a blizzard and don't start...)
The hook which keeps us playing COH2 is the way we have to #Adapt to sudden surprising things. That separates good players from the rest.
And Esxile, there is an option, bring 2 sturmpios, or disengage, find cover. It's not just a coin toss and good luck. It's a game, play it. "Luck is a residue of design"
RNG separates coh from chess.