no, but if 75% of players searching for a game, are axis players, only a 33% of axis players searching at a time will find a game, coz only 25% of players searching are allied players...
So an axis player has to wait 3x more time than an allied to get a game....
isn´t this a problem for you???
Well, every player has a certain ELO number and someone of you ELO-level might not be searching too, thus searching as allies does not automatically grant an instant game. But the longer you search, the bigger the ELO-"search area" gets, and in my experience it is not that bad as axis compared to allies. Shorter search time would be good if searching as axis, but as it is slightly more popular this will not happen due to these facts: player base is not that big, fixed factions / no mirror matches (good because of the setting). You cannot nearly reach a 50/50 distribution consistently with such a small player base, as there will always be that ~5 people more searching for the other faction. No faction design can change that fact.
So if in a week every day it says 80% are searching as the the Axis then over 7 days, correct my logic if I am wrong, then 80% of players playing this game are playing as the Axis. I mean I could be wrong.... but I don't think Iam.
Thats it !!

So, to make it easier to understand for you, I'll use absolute numbers. Whenever I'm online, there are around 6000 players online. Let's assume ~100 people are searching for games (which will be far to high, I guess it will be 10-20, but nevermind for now) and half of the players are playing online ( => 3000; which surely is not enough). So among these 3000, 1500 are playing allies, while the other 1500 play as axis. (please don't tell me you don't understand why) Now, in case all of the 100 peolpe searching selected axis, that makes a total of 1600 axis vs 1500 allies. 1600 / (1600 + 1500) = 51.6%. Not that much you see? With less people searching and more than half of the people playing, let's say 50 searching and 4000 playing, you have 2050/4050 = 50.6%.
There is practically no difference in the player bases! For every player playing axis, there is exactly one player playing allies. Not more, not less. The few people searching do not change a thing.