General changes:
* Snipers now have negative zeal (radius 20, received accuracy 1.5x)
Great Change, I like how the mod is out to remove the spamming of sniper meta play-
* M1 garands (rifle and ranger), M1 carbines, Kar98k's (volk and storm) type weapons accuracy vs sniper from 0.75x to 0.85x
Good change, stop the cloack decloackig escape.
* Minesweepers now cost 25 munitions down from 35
Don't get why this is here, kinda makes it so that getting a minesweeper is straight up cost efficient, even though it already is, since it stops mines from detonating.
* Hedges and hay piles (Langres) are no longer flamethrower proof => object type wood
This kinda makes it so that flamer rushes across langres work even better, which they already do, kinda means the moment an american player gets a flamer, he can immediatly deny the upper middle hay green cover.
* Flamethrowers damage vs wood increased from 0.5x to 1x
I can guess this is because of houses, don't really get why but fine I guess.
* Paks, Nebels and ATG's now get a 1.25x speed bonus on negative cover (from 1x for atg's and 1.75x for nebel)
I think this is fine.
* Flamethrowers now deal small amounts of deflection damage
This is pretty unecessary, and makes pio flamers even worse,I mean what is really the point, I get the realism aspect, but it has worked fine without it.
* Grenades now throw at combat slot building
This just promotes company of houses too much, I mean let me sit in this house, and if anything tried to push me out of it, i'll just nade it.
* Grenades can now harm their shooters
Don't know about this, seems like it makes it so that units running into other units become more effective,(assault units)
* Grenades friendly fire halved
* FHQ cost from 260 to 250
Don't get why seriously what is the point
* 3rd to 5th command point xp required lowered from 80 to 75
I kind of understand why, might be interesting, but would possible shorten late game a bit, since games go from 40-50 minutes and that is fine.
Tier 3
* Staghound MG is now similar to Greyhound MG
Don't get the point, I can guess the mg used is wrong
* Bombing Run amount of bombs doubled
This is pretty good, hardly do the bombs in the bombing run actually hit.
* Bombing Run damage from 200 to 100
Good since it balances out the damage across the area of course 
* Bombing Run damage vs Stug and (+ skirts) and geschutzwagen from 1x to 2x
This might be good, since airborne is a tier 3 counter essentially, RR rifles easily pen fron the front of stugs-
* Bombing Run scatter removed (scatter values set to 0)
* Airborne ATG call in cost from 350 to 320
I think the Airborne ATG is fine, it is a immediate ATG coming from the skie.
* Airborne ATG reinforce cost from 45 to 40
Means the ATG has an easier time staying on the field, I mean it does get reinforced anywhere again
* Airborne squad reinforce cost from 45 to 40 (0.72x to 0.64x)
* Recoilles rifle upgrade time from 45s to 30s
Not crazy about this, kinda means airborne spam gets stronger, and less time to keep your airborne out of combat, i mean they do get the RR rifles anywhere.
* Satchel charge cost from 50 to 40 munitions
I think this is actuall good, makes satchels be used more.
* Satchel charge detonator from 5s to 4.5s
Don't get why, 5 seconds to 4.5 doesn't change much, and satchels aren't there for anti infantry.
* Fire up now gives 0.9x received accuracy bonus
Fire up is fine, they already run through everything, wanna make it so they can just run though an entire defensive line to kill a damaged tank and run away like it already happens.
* Fire up exhaustion now lasts 7.5s from 10
Fire up is fine, I mean come on it lets you run through an mg, and most of the time people retreat after.
* Rangers health from 65 to 70 per man
Why, ragners have good enough HP, is this so they get the same ammount as an airborne? cuz they don't have nearly as good AT, and Bazookas are actually good.
* Rangers veterancy requirements to 8/16/32 from 12/24/44
This might be a good idea, but ranger vet is quite strong, they do become the strongest anti infantry unit on the field.
* Rangers now have Ranger M1 Garand Rifle, instead of standard M1 Garand Rifle
This is good, I feel an incentive to keep rangers with thompsons is good.
* Thompson upgrade cost from 100 to 80 munitions
Not a crazy change, I think it might be fine.
* Bazooka medium range accuracy from 0.6x to 0.75x
Bazookas are fine I feel, and they don't have an issue with accuracy, more with penetration.
* Bazooka accuracy vs moving light armored vehicles (Puma and Sdkfz halftrack) from 0.75x to 0.8x
I think bazookas vs these two units are already quite effective, not to mention how this makes the flamer upgrade less effective, cuz rangers are one of the few armoured units in the americans.
* Off map combat group: 30 cal and Mortar removed in group 2, Halftrack Quad added in group 3
Feel like this makes the call in, way too strong, maybe capping the 30cal and mortar at 1 is better.
* Off map combat group cost increased from 800 to 850 manpower
This is good, to balance it a tad bit, but removing 30cal and mortar, kinda makes it pretty strong
* Pershing HVAP (upgun) AoE distance long from 3 to 5, medium from 1.5 to 2.5, Short from 0.5 to 1
Pershings are fine, not to mention their freaking anti infantry is insane, several times have I seen them kill vet 3 grens with ease.
* Pershing upkeep cost reduced from 27.648 to 22.848
It is a pershing, the one heavy armour unit for the americans, that pretty dominates the areas it goes, even if the enemy uses a panther to attack, a simple atg makes the favour go for the favour, same thing with a simple stickie.
* Raid cp's required from 2 to 1
* Calliope price reduced from 650mp to 600mp
Calliopes are fine
* Calliope rocket AoE accuracy medium from 0.7 to 0.95x, long from 0.6x to 0.7x
Calliopes are one of the hardest units to deal with as wehr, so this is a bit much
* Demo Charge research time from 60s to 30s
The 60s is so that the american has to plan his attacks, and so that the moment he pushes the enemy off his med bunker, he can't just immediatly put an uncounterable kill everything device there, but it migh increase use.
* American Observation post build time set from 50s to 30s
Don't get why, americans are supposed to own the majority of the field, so they already have a good supply income.
* MG Nest Modifiers vs Suppressed targets fixed: accuracy vs suppressed from 0.5x to 1x; damage vs suppressed from 0.67x to 1x; suppression vs suppressed from 0.55x to 0.5x
The american mg already does a ton of damage, i think this is unecessary.
* MG Nest Modifiers vs Pinned targets fixed: Damage vs pinned from 0.67x to 0.25x
Its the base mg, its fine, it already cover any way that a wehr player can enter the base.
* Jeep 30 cal accuracy from 0.25/0.4/0.55 to 0.3/0.45/0.6
* Jeep 30 cal fire aim time multiplier long from 2x to 1x
* Jeep 30 cal ready aim time from 0.3s to 0.1s
* Jeep 30 cal negative accuracy increment removed (from 0.975x to 1x)
* Jeep 30 cal cooldown max from 3 to 2.8
* Jeep 30 cal priority vs Snipers increased to 100
This is great, definatly
* Jeep 30 cal max reload from 6s to 6.5s
Jeeps, are fine, they serve their purpose, not to mention how they already bully the fuck out of pios like they were nothing.
* Riflemen reinforce cost from 27 to 24 (from 0.6x to 0.53334x)
This might be good, but rifles are pretty cost efficient units, they are the most versatile of units in the game.
* M1 Carbine cooldown long range from 1.5x to 1.25x
Why make them better at long range, they should never fight at long range.
* American HMG team reinforce cost from 0.5x to 0.3x, reinforce time 0.75x
* 30 Cal HMG burst duration from 4-5 to 5-6
Seems a bit much
* American Mortar team squad size from 3 to 4
* American Mortar reinforce cost from 0.5x to 0.4x
* American Mortar veterancy requirements from 8/16/32 to 8/14/26
* Mortar damage AoE from 0.5/0.65/1 to 0.6/0.8/1
* Mortar damage vs airborne armor from 1x to 2x, accuracy vs airborne to 1x (from 0.75x)
* Mortar damage vs garrisoned units from 0.75x to 1x
* Mortars free fire (not barrage) cooldown reduced from 8-6s to 4-3s
This is kind of insane fire rate.
* Mortar penetration vs infantry types doubled
* Mortars no longer deal double suppression to friendly units at AoE short
Mortars are a great unit, people don't use them because of the fact that snipers are currently dominating, simple reducing sniper dominance is enough to fix it, mortars can be completely BS at times, not to mention how using one immediatly negates an area, unless the enemy gambles and sometimes squad wipe.
* Mortar squad members are no longer depressed and don't suicide anymore
This is great
* Springfield sniper rifle reload increased to 6 from 3
* American Sniper upkeep cost from 9.6 to 12
* American Sniper veterancy requirement from 8/16/32 to 10/20/40
This reads like it seems to make the sniper worthless, but It doesn't look quite so.
* M8 37mm damage vs Marder III (Geschutz) armor from 2x to 1.2x
This is good, I mean a tank destroyer getting countered by a light recon unit.
* M8 37mm reload duration from 7s to 6.75s
* M8 37mm accuracy long range from 0.75x to 0.8x
* M8 Armor skirts 40 munitions, HMG 60 munitions
* T17 37mm gun is now the same as the Greyhounds
* T17 can now upgrade 50 cal
* T17 HP increased from 265 to 300
* T17 fuel cost from 40 to 45
* T17 stunshot from 40 munitions to 35
* T17 vet 3: accuracy bonus from 1.15x to 1.3x
This makes the T17 a straight up better unit than the greyhound, why get any other unit, it can scale to late game fine with the stun rounds, it is an OF unit, it shouldn't exist in the first place.
* M3 Halftrack fuel cost dropped from 25 to 20
* Quad damage increased from 5 to 7
* Quad reload from 12-10 to 8-7.5
* Quad Cooldown from 4-2 to 3-3
* Quad burst duration from 3.5-2.5 to 3.25-2.75
* Quad accuracy lowered from 0.2/0.4/0.4 to 0.2/0.32/0.32
* Quad accuracy increment from 1.02 to 1.04
Quads are the bane of my existence, they do quite well, simple HP buff, is enough to warrent a purchase, they kill infantry like they don't care, it does have a fast turret speed, and movement sooo.
* Quad penetration vs halftrack from 0.2x to 0.1x
* Quad penetration vs Puma from 0.02x to 0.04x
* 57mm atg build time from 67s to 50s
* 57mm atg damage vs jeep increased from 0.5x to 1x
* 57mm atg tracking speed from 18 to 25
* 57mm atg squad vet 1: bonus 0.9x received accuracy
These are fine, kind of weird for the ATG build time being so long in the first place..I think ATG armour piercing, mb get an increased timer, because it last like 15 seconds or something, and most of the time you only get 1 shot before the enemy retreats.
* M2HB 50 cal (Shermans, Hellcat, Greyhound) upgrade cost reduced from 75 to 60 munitions
This is fine, but I would say removed it from the hellcat, I mean what is the point of it being there.
* Sherman 76mm reload reduced from 7s to 6s
seems fine, but its a testing thing
* Sherman 76mm AoE effects same as standard 75mm Sherman
So essentially, it looses no anti infantry capability, which is stupid, because it already can kill infantry.
* Sherman Smoke research cost lower from 150mp25fuel to 75mp25fuel
this is fine
* Sherman Smoke use munitions cost lowered from 50 to 10, recharge time doubled
I would say 20 munitions would be better.
* Sherman Smoke now applies to the Croc Sherman aswell
Fine but may lead, to pak not being great vs it.
* Sherman Crocodile can now upgrade 50 cal
Crazy anti infantry, at this point too much
* Sherman Crocodile flamethrower AoE long from 4 to 5
Seems good, testing kinda thing.
* Sherman Crocodile ready aim time lowered (to 0.1), projectile speed fixed (from 13.5 to 22)
* Fixed a mini bug with the Crocs range having max range higher than long range
* M4 Croc manpower cost from 320 to 330
Don't get why
* M4 Croc veterancy requirements increased from 8/16/32 to 12/24/36
Fine seems high.
* Sherman bulldozer cost from 75m to 50m
* Sherman crab mine flail cost reduced from 75muni to 50muni
* Sherman crab mine flail and bulldozer activate speed modifier from 0.5x to 0.6x
* Hellcat vision range reduced from 46m to 35m
Don't know why, but i gues its higher than the m10
* Hellcat and M10 76mm's accuracy vs Stug => 1x (from 0.85)
* Hellcat penetration increased: now matches M10
So a unit with more HP, and armour than the m10, now has the same gun as the m10, means m10 is pretty much useless.
* Hellcat reload duration from 4.2s to 4.25s
What does 0.05 change
* Hellcat damage from 112.5 to 100
* Hellcat camouflage tweaked to get easier revealed
* Hellcat damage and penetration bonuses from camouflaged shot reduced from 1.5x to 1.25x and 1.35x
Seems fine, puts it on par with the m10 in damage I guess.
Supply Yard:
* Level 2 upgrade research duration from 90s to 45s
* SY level 2 cost to 150mp130f
The SY seems, good, but OMCG spam
* FtFL Received Damage modifier increased from 0.7x to 0.75x
seriously, 0.05 what does it change FTFL is fine
* FtFl Cooldown increased to 45s (from 30s)
This is a testing thing, but seems good, it shouldn't be one of those, use it when ready, nade damage is = to someone bumping their head on a cupboard
* Flak 88 accuracy vs ATG reduced from 1x to 0.75x
Flak 88 is fine, I mean Atgs can kill it, if they get in a good area.
* Flak 88 accuracy vs Greyhound to 0.9x from 0.73x
I think the point of this, is due to the greyhound being there for recon, I mean it won't survive most of the time anyways.
* Flak 88 damage vs buildings reduced from 1x to 0.6x
It is fine
* Flak 88 now has 0.15x accuracy vs airborne from 0.25x (like standard infantry)
* 280mm Rocket Barrage cost reduced from 200 to 175 munitions
Rocket barrage is fine, it kills everything it hits, and its a freaking counter for howiters, which is supposed to counter defensive.
* 280mm Rocket barrage AoE medium distance from 3 to 3.5 (buffbugfix)
* Killing a Stormtrooper experience granted from 2.5 to 2
Good, more incentive to actually use them, loosing schrecks is already a big loss, vet makes it worse.
* Stuh projectile: is arty? => false
But But, arty projectile.
* Stuh damage vs buildings to 1x from 1.5x
I think the Stuh's main point is to blow up buildings.
* Stuh 105mm reworked: Fires directly, more accurate, but decreased effectiveness vs green cover
* Stuh cost reduced to 480 manpower, call in recharge time from 30s to 120s
I think stuh increased accuracy, where it will always kill 1-2 riflemen, is the best way.
* Stuh (2) and Tiger (5) now both cost 3cp's
Seems fine, but stuh isn't crazy in late mid game, already takes a while to get it.
* Assault grenades changed: Now throws 2 suppression grenades for 35 munitions
Seems fine, but 2 don't seems like that great.
* Axis Officer can now throw a smoke grenade when Assault grenades have been unlocked
Pretty, good idea.
* Manpower blitz munitions cost from 175 to 150
MP blitz is fine
* Blitzkrieg munitions cost from 125 to 100
okay with this, not that great of an ability.
* Firestorm cost from 160 to 150 munitions
As a Terror, player this is great, because I tend to just upgrade my grens and volks.
* King Tiger 88mm turret speed from 15 to 18
Fine, doesn't seem like a necessity
* Replaced 25% chance a mine would immobilize a Tiger or King Tiger at green health with standard damaged engine critical
Yes, this is one of the most retarded things ever, I mean it is so unnecessarely rng, I, mean full HP Tiger, Aaand now its in the middle of enemy lines, with an atg at max range killing it, or randomly hit back offencive mine, and is immobilized :\
* Inspired Assault no longer applies to medics, repair guys, paks, nebels
* Inspired Assault now properly applies to MG and mortar teams
* Inspired Assault Received Accuracy penalty lowered from 1.5x to 1.25x
Good, I mean it also affects tanks, so it makes it very situational(where you have all your inf on top of suppressed enemy infantry.
* V1 accuracy vs garrison cover increased from 0.1x to 0.25x
* V1 damage vs Flak 88 from 0.25x to 1x
don't get this, why would anyone ever do this.
* Starting resources reduced from 450 to 430 manpower
What, why
* Pioneer antispam removed
Never knew this existed, this is great, stupid brit changes, completely screw regular vannila gameplay.
* Wehr Observation post build time set from 30s to 20s
30 seconds is fine.
* Officer now unlocked at HQ after Tier 3 has been researched
This is pretty good, means you can get it to increase T3 construction, or just go T4, which no one goes when they are T3 so it means registered arty is worthless, I would also recommend adding an MP40 or an STG44 to the officer, so he is more like the brit lieutenat, WE WANT LIEUTENANT VS OFFICER BATTLES XD
* Officer cost 250mp from 260
* Officer off map mortar barrage cost from 150m to 125m
Sure, but may lead to a bit of an over use, for any T4 players, as long as it has a large Cooldown, it is completely balanced I feel, but we gotta see its effectiveness first.
* Fixed several minor bugs with off map mortar barrage
* Repair pioneer from repair bunkers now has 60 health down from 70 (same as medic)
* Repair pioneer now costs upkeep (same as medic)
Seems good.
* Repair bunkers hard capped at 5 (same as medic bunker)
Doesn't change much but good
* Repair pioneer are now targettable again (bug in steam version)
* Fixed an issue with Medics sometimes not spawning (when multiple bunkers were upgraded)
* WQ mp cost from 220 to 200
This seems unnecessary.
* MG42 hp per man from 55 to 60
* MG42 reinforce cost to 26mp (modifier set from 0.5x to 0.3x), Reinforce time 0.75x
* MG42 squad cost increased to 260 from 250
* MP40 accuracy mid range from 0.45x to 0.4x, Moving accuracy from 0.2x to 0.4x
Mp40, moving accuracy, i would say is good, hope the other accuracy change makes it work.
* MP40 research time from 10s to 15s
Fine I guess I mean they are kind of a moment purchase Item.
* Schwimmwagen build time from 40s to 37.5s
Seems fine
* Motorcycle MG42 vs damage and accuracy vs heavy cover from 0.4x to 0.5x, accuracy vs light cover from 0.4x to 0.5x
Don't get why bike, is fine, maybe the ligth cover is good.
* Motorcycle MG42 priority vs Snipers increased to 100
* Motorcycle MG42 accuracy increment from 0.975 to 1
i saw this in the bike too, don't get what it is, but doesn't seem like bike is a bad unit right now.
* G43 Sniper rifle minimum cooldown now 6s (from 5.5s)
* G43 Sniper rifle reload time increased to 6 (from 2)
* Wehr Sniper upkeep cost increased from 5.376 to 8.064
* Wehr Sniper sight range nerfed to 35 (from 40: standard to all units)
Sniper Buffs are welcome, but just like the american sniper stuff, needs testing.
* Panzerfausts can now be fired out of buildings
Noooooo, Come on, seriously.
* Panzerfaust damage vs Sherman from 1.25x to 1.35x
Doesn't seem like a necessity, fausts vs shermans should never really happen
* Panzerfaust damage vs Halftrack reduced from 1.95x to 1.9x
I guess more halftrack use, but 0.05 don't get why.
* Pak accuracy vs Greyhound armor from 1x to 1.1x
* Pak accuracy vs M10 from 0.93x to 1x
* Pak build time from 43 to 30s
* MG42 Vehicle (on HT also on vet 2 Stug and Stuh) suppression reduced by 50%
* Wehr Mortar team now has max 4 squad members (but spawns with 3)
* Wehr Mortar team HP per man increased from 55 to 60
* Wehr Mortar cost from 270 to 260
* Wehr Mortar team reinforce cost modifier from 0.5x to 0.4x, reinforce time 0.9x
* Wehr Mortar team vet1 received damage in heavy cover 0.75x removed: instead the mortar gets 0.85 received damage overall
* Mortar pack up time (Teardown) reduced from 2.8 to 2.3s
* Mortar set up time reduced from 2.4 to 2s
* Mortar damage vs Heroic armor from 0.7x to 1.0x
* Mortar damage vs Garrisoned units from 0.75x to 1x
* Mortar AoE ranges from 1.5/3.5/7 to 2/4.25/7
* Mortar damage from 36 to 40
* Mortars free fire (not barrage) cooldown reduced from 8-6s to 4-3s
* Mortar penetration vs infantry types doubled
* Mortars no longer deal double suppression to friendly units at AoE short
* Mortar squad members are no longer depressed and don't suicide anymore
This is great
Mortars are a great unit, people don't use them because of the fact that snipers are currently dominating, simple reducing sniper dominance is enough to fix it, mortars can be completely BS at times, not to mention how using one immediatly negates an area, unless the enemy gambles and sometimes squad wipe.
* Tier 3 research cost from 200/50 to 150/50
unnecessary it increases leftover mp quite allot
* LMG 42 accuracy long range from 0.13x to 0.175x
seems good
* LMG 42 munitions cost from 75 to 50
Completely agree, everyone just gets shrecks, cuz no one techs T3 for the, lower cost means other people will get them.
* Halftrack Flammenwerfer AoE distance long from 2 to 3
Good, halftrack issue is its low range, meaning moment someone gets a vet 2 rifle its worthless, or a ranger squad, or an airborne, or a good m8 flank.
* Halftrack Flammenwerfer AoE damage from 0.25/0.5/1 to 0.3/0.7/1
Testing required, might be good.
* Halftrack Flammenwerfer now has 2-1s cooldown (from 3s)
Okay, needs testing I guess.
* Halftrack Flammenwerfer now uses the same projectile: vehicle flamethrower, minimum range from 3 to 0
* Puma 50mm (upgun) accuracy on the move from 0.5x to 0.75x
It is fine, kind makes the m8 chace a bit too much easier.
* Puma 50mm (upgun) reload from 6-5s to 5s
no need
* Puma 50mm accuracy long from 0.75x to 0.8x
hell no, it is already a good gun.
* Puma 20mm reworked: burst effects removed, but more reliable
Seems good, burst is weird
* Puma cost from 280/35 to 300/35, upkeep increased from 5.376 to 6.72
don't get why either, puma is okay as it is
* Officer removed from Sturm Armory
* Stug and Stuh population cap from 4 to 6
Seems good too, stug spam is a tad too strong, 4 of them is just too much
* Stug cost from 340/50 to 370/50
i think the price is good
* Geschutzwagen 75mm damage vs M3 halftrack and Jeep from 0.75x to 1x
I guess, not a regular encounter
* Geschutzwagen cost from 280/55 to 290/55
seems unnecessary
* Geschutzwagen deflection damage from 0.35 to 0.5
don't get why, seems like an ok unit
* Geschutzwagen medium range from 25 to 30
seems like this makes it a bit too much accurate
* Gwagen population cost from 8 to 5
fine I guess
* Nebelwerfer rocket damage vs buiding from 1x to 0.5x
* Nebelwerfer crits vs neutral buildings tuned a little
* Nebelwerfer burn duration reduced by 5s
* Nebelwerfer burn more effective vs units in buildings
This neble stuff seems fine, but I think that nebel need reduced supression, and a nicer tighter flame damage AOE
* Tier 4 research cost from 200/50 to 150/50
Still seems bad, kinda makes it so wehr saves around 100 ish or so mp along, and sometimes you already let it float a bit, because you know what you need
* Panzer Command build time from 165s to 150s, fuel from 50 to 45
seems fine
* Stuka AoE accuracy increased to 0.75x and long and mid ranges
* Stuka Damage vs all infantry types from 0.25x to 0.35x
* Stuka penetration vs infantry types doubled
Stukas are Fine, I mean when you get to T4 and save up your munitions, which is easy depending on strat, or even when playing with a pe player, you can churn out like 3 of these and they kill essentially everything
* MP44 accuracy at medium range from 0.3x to 0.35x
Fine, hope it doesn't make KCH overpowered
* KCH capping rate from 1 to 1.25
Seems good, allot of people use KCH as that under fire capping unit.
* KCH no longer require vet 1 for panzerfaust
Good Vet necessities are incredably stupid.
* KCH now have standard grenade instead of assault nades
Much bette than assault nades I can tell you that
* All US machine gun type weapons again have 0.85x accuracy vs Heroic armor
I guess this makes sense, but the point of KCH is for that breakthrough unit
* Garands M1 and Carbine M1 accuracy vs Heroic armor from 0.85x to 0.9x
* KCH health increased from 90 to 95
Seems fine, but might make the Kevlar seem a tad crazy,good for lower vet I can say.
* Killing a KCH experience points granted lowered from 4 to 3
Good, everyone always says KCH aren't worth it because of the vet gained for americans
* Panzer IV and Ostwind acceleration from 1.2 to 1.5
Seems like a good idea, but then it might increase survivability, by a tad much
* Panzer IV AoE damage long from 0.2x to 0.3x, medium from 0.35x to 0.4x
I think PZIV inf damage is fine.
* Ostwind 37mm reworked: Burst effects removed, but more reliable
seems good just like the puma the burst thing is tad weird.
* Ostwind manpower cost from 410 to 390
Current MP is fine.
* Panther AoE damage long from 0.2 to 0.35, AoE distance long 0.2 to 0.25
Sure, but as long as it doesn't go crazy on anti infantry, i think every 3 or 2 shots killing 1 riflemen is fine, as long ad it doesn't go crazy
* Panther build time 60s from 70s
unnecessary, why make units come on the field quicker.
* Vehicle veterancy lvl 1:
- Halftrack received damage from 0.75x to 0.85x
Sure since flammer should be used more
* Vehicle veterancy lvl 2:
- Pak penetration 1.1x
Makes sense, in the fact that pak only gets a bonus to anything tank related at vet 3
- Puma vet 2 extra bonus: 1.05x health
I think Puma vet is fine as it is
* Tank veterancy level 2:
- Panzer IV and Panther now get 0.95x received penetration and 1.05x health
I think wehr tanks are fine as their are
- MG42 TANK turret damage from 4 to 5, suppression doubled
MG tank turred damage seems good, they really have no use right now, I mean all that vet 2 is now is a step in the way to skirts, and seeing tanks running from riflemen at max speed is a tad crazy.
MG42 tank turred increased suppression is horrible, it just makes trying to get a stickie even more horrible
* Vehicles can sometimes drive between tank traps => Tank Traps max distance set to 1.8 (from 2.25)
* Fixed a bug Quad now does penetration vs airplanes (vs P47 thunderbolt penetration from 0 to 0.1x, Henschel => doesn't really count in this mod)
Still good change
* Fixed a bug with HQ entities increasing accuracy increment, these entities are now neutral
* Fixed a bug with halftrack not being able to use 50 cal while upgrading Quad (increased slots from 1 to 2)
* Snipers no longer automatically target light vehicles
* M10 misfire bug fixed
* US medic stations and Triage center now show up on mini map
* AI autocover parameters significantly improved
* Fixed a bug where Stormtroopers can move at full speed while cloaked after being reinforced
* Flammenwerfer min and max damage switched
* Calliope barrage can now be cancelled while active
* Command Point XP continues to display after completing your Doctrine
* Puma friendly fire fixed
* Puma - Ostwind burst bug eliminated (effectiveness should be the same overall but more consistent)
* Casualties no longer reveal Snipers
* Fixed a bug with Wehr Halftrack not applying veterancy on certain hardpoints
* Fixed an issue with Croc having an extra 30s (fixed to=>1s) buildtime
Maybe making it so retreating units don't reveal sniper would be good
This is pretty nice addition 
* Added 8P Observer Map versions of Angoville, Langres, and Semois (credit MrLate)
* Observers share LoS with their "ally player" but can still see "enemy player" units and buildings in the FoW
* Observers cannot see player resources or doctrines
It's almost finished. If there is still room to fix bugs (retreat bugs / animation bugs / sound bugs ...) and if there are solutions for these problems, they will be fixed.
If new imbalances pop up, they will be addressed. But for now, no major changes should be expected anymore.
It was fun.
Well if the mod would become succesful it could be enriched by a 4.0 version possibly including:
- Fundamental British reworks (based on Kolaris Patch Day Dream)
Me and General have talked about Brit being reworked several times, we have a couple of thoughs, one of which is trucks not being abble to set up unless upgraded to.
- Panzer Elite reworks
It might be easier just to creat a new faction, because panzer elite aren't really made properly, no real company operated with all that weird shit.
- Overhaul of TOV units
- The Tiger Ace
- Fixing of tooltips
- General improvement of gameplay features