WE Should make this an Even day now, happy burrrrrthay Kreatiiiiiiiir |
Omfg seriously, no one will play a mod that has so many changes that are essentailyl Excess Fat, I mean FFS, easily trimming stuff down would probably help, coh doesn't need A major random balance mod to change the Meta Cuz its STALE, it needs minor stuff fixed out, and that is it.
(Edit: Oh wait that never happened cause you lack basic skill and brains.)
Also Real fucking mature. |
Nice paradox, they do fuck all but can throw people off hmm.
U haven't even played the mod and already judged based on your lack of predictive power, knowledge and insight in game mechanics.
When did you become an authority on balance though?
That last time you won that tournament or that one time you got that level 20?
Edit: Oh wait that never happened cause you lack basic skill and brains.
I did play the mod, when there was no gigantic unecessary changes, and it was great, it was vcoh,with a bit of a sniper debuff.
So I guess to be able to know anything about coh balance, I need to be a level 20 player, who has won atleast 1 tourney.
So when did you become any of those two, that qualifies you to change tommy's original mod, Which he himself has distanced from this (elitemod 3.0) which should be name 12ockies mod. |
Omfg seriously, no one will play a mod that has so many changes that are essentailyl Excess Fat, I mean FFS, easily trimming stuff down would probably help, coh doesn't need A major random balance mod to change the Meta Cuz its STALE, it needs minor stuff fixed out, and that is it.
Edit: Oh wait that never happened cause you lack basic skill and brains.
Also Real fucking mature I'm an 18 year old Trying to help out, your a fuckhead who can't even understand the fact that no one gives a shit about this fucking mod, and it doesn't take brain to realize that all these changes are fucking unecessary you fucking **************************************************** |
I actually like the changes made, they add some variety to a game that otherwise is getting a bit stale as well.
Changes like 10 manpower do fuck all I mean come one, 0.05 increased accuracy against cover, and that stupid stuff is unecessary, and can easily throw off people who are used to the values. |
Relic should at least get it back to its former level of quality, I'm sure they want to, but do they have the resources free?
It feels like they care but they don't if that makes sense, as in they think about it but say Meh, lets go make more random money grubbing single player stuff. |
So what? Raging because germans had super tanks? That was the reality. Deal with it. Even american movies admit that. See "Fury" with Brad Pitt in which you have a quite realistic scene of what a Tiger could do. And that was a scenario with a mediocre Tiger crew and elite USF tankmen. Otherwise the 4 shermans were blew to pieces without having to much chances. There were reports when elite Tiger crews destroyed entire allied armored groups by themselves.
Yup, essentially Germans were op, so everyone wanted to push a nerf on them. |
Everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion. And constructive feedback is always useful.
Well I know i could have left a lot of those out of the list and a person would never ever notice them.
For the sake of clarity and transparancy I wrote down every little change that was made.
Like someone should
The truth is most of those little changes, like Quad tables or certain weapons vs cover, are to bring them in line with their weapon class type. So a player knows exactly what to expect when firing at that unit or cover type. I think it's really important for gameplay that a unit/weapon/cover type does what you expect from it. Not that every weapon has it's own variables. (sometimes there are necessary exceptions ofc)
Still doesn't account for several other changes. On the account of the bike and jeep increase vs units in cover, sometimes light cover is all that stands between dead engineers when it comes to a bike, sure they are . changes but, they might make things feel annoying or weird.
@Oktarnash Also I don't think you fully understand some of the changes: for example
* Grenades now throw at combat slot building
which means: they throw grenades at the combat slot of a building.
Combat slot = doorway or window or w/e the target is standing in.
Oh Okay
Nope, it's still really really slow. Just test it. There is windups and winddowns etc
Mortars aren't all that great seriously man. When was the last time you have seen a mortar be worth it's cost in high level 1v1. This is still vCoh, not campy OMG mod we are talking about.
Mortars are good, snipers are just better, maybe if people used them more we could be in a position to maybe change damage a little more
And Italian faction? Are you trolling me? xp That's never gonna happen. At least not in this mod.
IT NEEDS TO, god dammit 
Really interesting mod. Would definitely like to see PE changed because I think they're salvageable and could still make a good faction. Brits probably aren't ever going to work unless they're rebuilt from the ground up. I'll post a proposal on how I would fix the PE sometime soon.
As for the existing changes - and I know I'm totally being the peanut gallery here - I'd trim the list down a bit. Obviously the game has a lot of issues, but there are a lot of changes that you've made that are so minor that they'll probably never have any meaningful impact on balance at all. They come across, at least to me, as bloat.
the extra changes, also make it practically impossible to know, what changes do anything, and what changes unbalance stuff. |
Yeah but if you added an Italian faction and you wanted it to be historically accurate, its units would auto-retreat whenever attacked. Also the French. They would auto-retreat AND give all of their resource income to the other side.
This is a lie, we all know the italians would just switch sides, and arty his allies shit.  |