No they are not, because no one researches the at grenade or gets a zis first. If they do that they handicap their anti infantry capacity. Where as a German player can get ac221/222 if the option was available to him and do very well against infantry, support weapons, and light vehicles.
I agree to Jaigen. No one research at grenade first? Well, in such case they should do it! Adapt?! enemy play style?! "Handicap their AI capacity"? Handicap their cons AI capacity it's to much said, and even if it was true, that would not be a bad thing because they will be obliged to use combined arms not just spamming cons! Why in the world everything MUST be so easy for soviets?!
Current german SC arrival is to late, letting time for M3s to ride your army hard and HANDICAP (because you like this word

) your capping ability because you need to keep your units together unlike soviets who can spread more easily. Their capping capacity in early game is not altered, even if they use M3s. That is a wrong concept. Squads in M3s can still cap even if they are embarked, and due to M3 speed they can reach faster capping points. By the time SC arrives, the perfect counter is there: Guards. I mean, in every stage of early game germans are overpassed from the start. If they build something, soviets already have a hard counter and are one step ahead no matter what germans do. Long live the balance.