
russian armor

Soviet Industry needs to be nerfed.

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7 Dec 2013, 03:21 AM
avatar of Tristan44

Posts: 915

We are at a point of no return now. More dlc is coming in a few days.. My hours in coh2 have already dwindled and they will keep dwindling this month until I stop playing completely. It's a shame.. dayZ will get my hours now.
7 Dec 2013, 05:27 AM
avatar of akula

Posts: 589

In team games fast and FREQUENT T34's are just a big of a problem as a fast T70 IMO
7 Dec 2013, 07:47 AM
avatar of raw

Posts: 644

So Soviet Industry reverses the situation? :M
7 Dec 2013, 09:20 AM
avatar of sir muffin

Posts: 531

it just means if you lose against soviet industry you can say that they're still talentless hacks who need to L2P! everything is as it should be!
7 Dec 2013, 13:16 PM
avatar of MoerserKarL
Donator 22

Posts: 1108

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Dec 2013, 05:27 AMakula
In team games fast and FREQUENT T34's are just a big of a problem as a fast T70 IMO

yeah thats the problem...I have lost yesterday three 3vs3 team games with OH. Overrunned by 13 t34.... -_-
7 Dec 2013, 18:11 PM
avatar of Thunderhun

Posts: 1617

Agree with the OP, the game SHOULDN'T be a spamming party. Nowadays it's like a survival in 1v1s about how long I can hold off the bullshit
8 Dec 2013, 02:38 AM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

Just lost to this in a team game, where the opposing team rushed us with t70's that we beat back, then they built those repair stations everywhere and place kv2 across the map. Eventually lost to shelling. Even if we damaged the tanks they would get instantly repaired.

Great commander Relic. Encourage cheap early tank spam followed by massive camping.
8 Dec 2013, 04:55 AM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

More cool stuff coming up! /Relic@SNF
8 Dec 2013, 19:26 PM
avatar of akula

Posts: 589

the soviet industry nerf is not enough imo
8 Dec 2013, 21:05 PM
avatar of Pred

Posts: 35

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Dec 2013, 19:26 PMakula
the soviet industry nerf is not enough imo

So only your engies have to spend some more time building and everything else stays the same, right??
8 Dec 2013, 22:09 PM
avatar of Aradan

Posts: 1003

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Dec 2013, 19:26 PMakula
the soviet industry nerf is not enough imo

Yes. Soviets only need conscripts. Nerf them all.
9 Dec 2013, 09:28 AM
avatar of akula

Posts: 589

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Dec 2013, 21:05 PMPred

So only your engies have to spend some more time building and everything else stays the same, right??

9 Dec 2013, 09:58 AM
avatar of link0

Posts: 337

Soviet industry wasn't nerfed at all, sadly.
9 Dec 2013, 14:55 PM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1160

Well tanks chasing down retreating inf is nerfed so they should find it hard to finish them off.

That's a bonus. TBH I play mostly soviet, and I don't like industry, because its too predictable and easily countered.
9 Dec 2013, 15:01 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post9 Dec 2013, 09:58 AMlink0
Soviet industry wasn't nerfed at all, sadly.

And Elite Troops was actually buffed...
9 Dec 2013, 16:02 PM
avatar of IpKaiFung
Benefactor 115

Posts: 1708 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post9 Dec 2013, 09:58 AMlink0
Soviet industry wasn't nerfed at all, sadly.
It's being nerfed in a very indirect way, the moving scatter penalty makes the T-70 and T-34 a lot less potent at killing infantry while on the move.
9 Dec 2013, 17:10 PM
avatar of Nullist

Posts: 2425

Permanently Banned

That made no sense whatsoever.
9 Dec 2013, 17:22 PM
avatar of wooof

Posts: 950 | Subs: 1


That made no sense whatsoever.

are you referring to ipkai? because he actually made perfect sense.

industry relies almost exclusively on tanks. all tanks are now less accurate vs infantry on the move. therefore, industry is not as strong anymore. is this change enough? personally, i dont think so. its still a nerf though. less effective kiting (unless the player has good micro and stops before each shot) and fewer squads being chased down on retreat is a good thing.
9 Dec 2013, 17:33 PM
avatar of Nullist

Posts: 2425

Permanently Banned
Its not a nerf to Industry, because Ost is still as disabled and pressured early to get AT out, regardless of whether Sovs early armor majority is hitting infantry or not.

And even this, can be mitigated simply by stopping before firing.
Its not an indirect nerf, its simply a micro imperative that should have been universal in the game since launch. All of the MP that armor is killing, was useless vs that armor anyways. It doesnt matter whether 1 model or 100 models get killed, they will still be as useless against that armor, and no matter if 1 model or 100 models are killed, Ost will still get to AT later than Industry Sov does to armor.

It can be argued that "well, now you can more effectively kill Sov MP units, and leverage the lesser Sov MP income against that", but that would be wrong. Because you arent going to kill ANY of that MP with early armor supporting it before you have adequate AT to deal with the armor first.

Implying this is an indirect nerf requires about 3 logical leaps, that are not directly connected. The problem with Industry is early armor and fuel predominance, and how hard that is for Ost to respond to. Not whether that armor or fuel predominance was effectively killing MP from the opponent (which it was) and which it still will be (assuming vehicles stop to fire, which they should, as they also do vs vehicles).

That early MP couldnt do shit vs that early armor anyways, no matter if they died in droves or not. What matters is that there is not enough effective AT possible to respond to the invariable armor snowball.

TLDR: Its a change that fixes a long standing problem in the game, which was vehicles chase/kite of infantry. It doesnt "indirectly nerf" Sov Industry anymore or any less than than it "indirectly nerfs" any other Commander or unit in the game. Its a generalised and universal adjustment that improves the game.
9 Dec 2013, 18:00 PM
avatar of wooof

Posts: 950 | Subs: 1

Its not a nerf to Industry, because Ost is still as disabled and pressured early to get AT out, regardless of whether Sovs early armor majority is hitting infantry or not.

It doesnt "indirectly nerf" Sov Industry anymore or any less than than it "indirectly nerfs" any other Commander or unit in the game. Its a generalised and universal adjustment that improves the game.

youre really going to argue that industry is 100% as strong after this change? stopping to shoot will help mitigate the change, but its still going to have an effect. since soviet industry relies more heavily on tanks than any other doctrine, it will be affected the more than the other doctrines. pgrens and paks will now survive longer against tanks in most situations. also, tanks shooting other tanks is basically unchanged. since soviet industry generally lacks infantry, german tanks fighting soviet industry will be largely unaffected.

youre also forgetting AT guns are now 40mp cheaper. before you say thats not a big enough change, remember assault grens. at launch they were 280mp and there were whine threads everywhere. now theyre 320mp and no one talks about them anymore. this change was before industry and ace came out too, so that doesnt explain why the complaints stopped.
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