
russian armor

The negative user reviews are infuriating

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15 Mar 2023, 21:12 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2138 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Mar 2023, 21:23 PMRosbone

The game started at a peak of around 30k players. Now it is down to around 14k on the weekend. 12k during the week. By this coming Wednesday we could be seeing below 10k players.

As predicted 9540 on Wednesday. Its almost like I know what I am talking about.
16 Mar 2023, 01:42 AM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1349

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Mar 2023, 21:12 PMRosbone

As predicted 9540 on Wednesday. Its almost like I know what I am talking about.

It was down to 5k when I looked last. Not at peak though ofc.
16 Mar 2023, 11:27 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Mar 2023, 21:12 PMRosbone

As predicted 9540 on Wednesday. Its almost like I know what I am talking about.

Why are you so interested in a player trend of a game that has almost no multiplayer by the actual standard of game industry. Relic has release first the single campaign on PC, then will do it on Console and then is going to put in place the multiplayer layer.

All what matter today is the number of sold copy of the game because they are the primary source of revenue for Relic. So first the PC release, then Console release to get the maximum revenue from it and at after that implementing the multiplayer's layer to milk players with in-game transaction.

Multiplayer in RTS games is probably not seen as a viable source of revenue today even it is probably good enough to sustain the franchise once the maximum of copy are sold and so the maximum of players interested in the game already reached.

So Relic will proceed first to sell the game to the many on what matter the most for players: The Solo campaigns. Then, and if the game sold well, they going to release the multiplayer layer because there is no reason for them to put the extra effort to release it first if it didn't attract enough players.

16 Mar 2023, 11:49 AM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2138 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Mar 2023, 11:27 AMEsxile

Why are you so interested in a player trend of a game that has almost no multiplayer by the actual standard of game industry.

Because it is better for everyone if there are MORE multiplayer players. That is why GaiA started this whole topic.
- More balanced match making.
- Faster match making.

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Mar 2023, 11:27 AMEsxile

So Relic will proceed first to sell the game to the many on what matter the most for players: The Solo campaigns.

Half of the SOLO play in a COH series is skirmishes, which is completely broken and unusable to some extent. How the game left the building in such a horrible state is beyond human comprehension. It is like a dog trying to understand what a Planck Length is.

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Mar 2023, 11:27 AMEsxile

Then, and if the game sold well, they going to release the multiplayer layer because there is no reason for them to put the extra effort to release it first if it didn't attract enough players.

They already released the multiplayer. All it needs is like a 3 days of code tops to be great. Why would they release it like complete dog squeeze now??? Just to push people away from buying the game??? To alienate their loyal customers???
16 Mar 2023, 13:26 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Mar 2023, 11:49 AMRosbone

Because it is better for everyone if there are MORE multiplayer players. That is why GaiA started this whole topic.
- More balanced match making.
- Faster match making.

Half of the SOLO play in a COH series is skirmishes, which is completely broken and unusable to some extent. How the game left the building in such a horrible state is beyond human comprehension. It is like a dog trying to understand what a Planck Length is.

They already released the multiplayer. All it needs is like a 3 days of code tops to be great. Why would they release it like complete dog squeeze now??? Just to push people away from buying the game??? To alienate their loyal customers???

Their loyal customers have already bought the game and they aren't their priority. Priority is selling the game to the maximum players = Solo campaing.
16 Mar 2023, 19:07 PM
avatar of Kurobane

Posts: 658

Maybe Relic devs are just lazy?

They couldn't be bothered to fix Tooltips in COH2 which many were often inaccurate or outdated. Something that takes literally 30 seconds to fix they couldn't be bothered to do it.

They have no pride in the product that they are working on or love.

The guy in charge of COH3 is David Littman who was a former EA dev which explains alot about the current state of COH3.

The game is just a quick cash grab with no real effort or work done and a focus on console to make a quick buck so the game can be Xbox Game Pass.

They had 10 years to work on COH3, they had a publisher (unlike when COH2 was in production) and there is no excuse for COH3 being in the state that it is in.

Dawn of War 3 was a terrible game and a massive failure but Dawn of War 3 was significantly more polished than COH3 was. Despite being a terrible game, it ran great on Day 1 and had very little if any bugs. Dawn of War 3 was probably one of the best Relic Games in terms of day 1 polish but failed miserably due to being a product that no one wanted. No one was asking for a warhammer game with bright colorful world in a dota 2 style gameplay with RTS elements.

They literally copied and pasted COH2, threw on a borderlands color filter to make the game bright as hell (the opposite of what COH was known for, a dark atmospheric ww2 RTS) and pretended like they did some work.

The only thing that they did was finally give people the option to rebind hotkeys....something that has been requested for almost 20 years ago with the release of Homeworld.

Relic honestly should all be fired and the IP should be given to another company at this point.
16 Mar 2023, 20:40 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2138 | Subs: 2

Relic honestly should all be fired and the IP should be given to another company at this point.

As much as I hate to say it or even think it, I agree 100%.

This game is in an unthinkable state and we are pushing into being released for a month. And things I could fix in a day or two are still completely broken, horribly designed, trash, etc.

This is pushing from being incompetent to maybe we need to organize a class action lawsuit since they sold us a 75% finished game. Since they are not going to fix it, we should get our money back.

I am so glad I did not buy this trash. I would be so pissed. I would be mailing dog turds to them every day.

At this point we should really start looking at other options than Relic.

Can someone make a mod where we can run the game on our own servers? I would pay for the servers myself if it meant we could fix the game and get away from the incompetence of Relic.

Maybe I should get back to working on my RTS. It will be a joke compared to Coh2 but at least it will be a good design to begin with, which coh3 is not. And it will be free.

EDIT: I am starting to think my negative Coh3 review was not harsh enough.
16 Mar 2023, 21:00 PM
avatar of PatFenis

Posts: 239

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Mar 2023, 20:40 PMRosbone
I am so glad I did not buy this trash.

Preach. Im so glad I was due for a CPU upgrade and used the opportunity to get coh3 via AMD's promotion. I feel bad for the people who paid full price for this early access title. 60 euros is insane for what kind of fuck ups managed to get into the launch version.

It so sobering how little has changed between this version and the play test.
16 Mar 2023, 22:21 PM
avatar of Fantomasas

Posts: 122

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Mar 2023, 21:12 PMRosbone

As predicted 9540 on Wednesday. Its almost like I know what I am talking about.

Doesn't take the mastermind to align 90% of gaming trends with the chart that has a linear downturn. (minus the slight bumps weekends during weekends)

It is the interpretation of these numbers, and what do they mean for CoH that has a much more interesting discussions. And I think you are right, these numbers are unsustainable for the matchmaking or Sega's balance sheet.

And back to the aerefield point, CoH2 being guaranteed dead regardless of CoH3 success: AoEII Remake is more popular than 4, Dawn of War 3 is the least popular DoW... There is a good chance CoH2 will outlast CoH3.

Relic has to hire a functional PR/CM employee. Prepare some of the most comprehensive and reactive patches possible. Start the ball rolling with seasons: more maps, battlegroups, earnable skins. New faction in the fall, with another for the anniversary: Japanese and Orcs. Relaunch during the anniversary. Why the hell would you ever launch a service game WITHOUT THE SERVICE COMPONENT BEING IMPLEMENTED. You can just label your game: Early Access for €60, finished for €12 Humble Bundle 9 months later.
16 Mar 2023, 22:36 PM
avatar of Snack_Master

Posts: 65

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Mar 2023, 20:40 PMRosbone

This is pushing from being incompetent to maybe we need to organize a class action lawsuit since they sold us a 75% finished game. Since they are not going to fix it, we should get our money back.

If this didn't happen for Battlefield 2042 then it has no chance of happening here. This game is a gets an A+ compared to how that fraud of a game launched.
17 Mar 2023, 03:53 AM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1349

If this didn't happen for Battlefield 2042 then it has no chance of happening here. This game is a gets an A+ compared to how that fraud of a game launched.

Love CoH3 or hate it, this is the truth.
17 Mar 2023, 06:53 AM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

What I don't get as it is right now in this argument is how 9-10k players is bad result?

Game is basically have close to zero content and pretty fked up balance, yet it maintains player base bigger then CoH2 after all these years, meaning that more people are playing it.

CoH2 on release had peak of 21k players, then lowered to 7k in one month, after another month it went to 4-5k. After all changes stable online became around 7-8k players daily, after release of CoH3 it dropped to 5k peak.

CoH1 before release of CoH2 maintained around 5k players, after CoH2 release it dropped to 3k, slowly declining as CoH2 updates started to roll out.

Now CoH3 had 31k peak, now its 9k daily, so you can assume another bunch of people will stop playing until the next big patches\updates. So why CoH3 player base dropping is something special all of a sudden?

And since a lot of people are fans of "DoW3 incident". DoW3 had 25k on release, lowered to 4k in 1 month, next month lowered to 1.5k players. So yeah, CoH3 is no where near.

17 Mar 2023, 09:22 AM
avatar of OKSpitfire

Posts: 292

And since a lot of people are fans of "DoW3 incident". DoW3 had 25k on release, lowered to 4k in 1 month, next month lowered to 1.5k players. So yeah, CoH3 is no where near.

Yeah Rosbone seems to be fixated on this just a tad much, at the moment.
17 Mar 2023, 13:09 PM
avatar of Fantomasas

Posts: 122

If this didn't happen for Battlefield 2042 then it has no chance of happening here. This game is a gets an A+ compared to how that fraud of a game launched.

Scam at launch, yes, but... It is good now. The irony is that the broken 6 months and the negative reaction has sealed its fate when it comes to future plans.

And turning the scam into a good experience within 6-7 months is the achievement that Relic ain't going to accomplish.

A cautionary tale that only a few games can be the NMS swan song, even if you eventually fix all the launch-day problems, it blows a hole in your sales/reputation.
17 Mar 2023, 16:58 PM
avatar of GiaA

Posts: 713 | Subs: 2

And back to the aerefield point, CoH2 being guaranteed dead regardless of CoH3 success: AoEII Remake is more popular than 4, Dawn of War 3 is the least popular DoW... There is a good chance CoH2 will outlast CoH3.

It is so intersting how the tables have turned. All these discussions are almost identical to those 2013-early 2014. Now CoH2 is regarded as the gold standard for coh games.

17 Mar 2023, 17:28 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1349

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Mar 2023, 16:58 PMGiaA

It is so intersting how the tables have turned. All these discussions are almost identical to those 2013-early 2014. Now CoH2 is regarded as the gold standard for coh games.

I don't think anyone here besides a few are adamant that CoH 3 can't be better with time. However, the fact that the previous entry released in a worse state than it was patched to after ten years has no influence on how I should be reviewing a game released today.

Plenty of people here (and people I've talked to) are of the opinion that CoH3 will eventually be good.

Does that mean that I should give the game a "recommend" review? Fuck no, the game is not in a state that warrants a recommend from me. If SEGA wanted better reviews on release, then tough shit, they should have waited to release it with more QC. I'm not SEGA's PR/ Advertising department. I play video games.
17 Mar 2023, 21:01 PM
avatar of Fantomasas

Posts: 122

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Mar 2023, 16:58 PMGiaA

It is so intersting how the tables have turned. All these discussions are almost identical to those 2013-early 2014. Now CoH2 is regarded as the gold standard for coh games.

I don't think it is gold standard, or somehow inherently better CoH formula.

CoH3 is just so far behind the curve when it comes to content and pricing, that it might simply not get there. Just watched Relic video, with the roadmap of SCOUTING A NEW 4vs4 map. What are we looking at, 5 4vs4 maps in 2025?

I didn't play CoH2 on launch, got it between USF and UKF. What do you think Relic got out of me? Like... €16 for base Game + Western front + British eventually. There are so many games and activities to do, that the cost is secondary now.

Relic are laggards and they didn't catch the trend that these early-access release-now-fix-later full-priced games have overstayed their welcome. People voting with their time/wallets/negative reviews now, they are not interested in the game that may be good/finished in the future.

I play the unfinished games when they get patches to the satisfactory quality. CoH2, Sea of Thieves, BF42. Put BF42 as another one of those "Predecessor had more players than the unfinished sequel" titles. It took more than a year for BF42 playerbase to supersede BFV. CoH2 received only "community" driven patches for years now, it was on the maintenance mode anyway.

18 Mar 2023, 00:28 AM
avatar of Hannibal
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3113 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Mar 2023, 16:58 PMGiaA

It is so intersting how the tables have turned. All these discussions are almost identical to those 2013-early 2014. Now CoH2 is regarded as the gold standard for coh games.

Because it has been patched for 9 years.
Release version CoH2 has not been gold standard back then and would not be today.
18 Mar 2023, 09:14 AM
avatar of UberHanz
Donator 11

Posts: 247 | Subs: 2

I don't think anyone here besides a few are adamant that CoH 3 can't be better with time. However, the fact that the previous entry released in a worse state than it was patched to after ten years has no influence on how I should be reviewing a game released today.

Plenty of people here (and people I've talked to) are of the opinion that CoH3 will eventually be good.

Does that mean that I should give the game a "recommend" review? Fuck no, the game is not in a state that warrants a recommend from me. If SEGA wanted better reviews on release, then tough shit, they should have waited to release it with more QC. I'm not SEGA's PR/ Advertising department. I play video games.

Well said. Still, I believe we got to be careful with our "disappointment". As we all know that CoH3´s base game is brilliant and Relic does invest in continuous improvement.

RTS market is thin, and does not have the high margins for developers like other genres. COH3 and AoE4 are by far the best RTS released since StarcraftII (a decade ago). The negativity Relic is confronted with should not impact the will of future developers to create RTS games.

Of course I understand the frustrations. But as an RTS enthusiast, I am willing to smile away the release challenges, given the above.
18 Mar 2023, 12:51 PM
avatar of Reverb

Posts: 318

how people say coh2 laucnh was worse tha ncoh3?? it was not that way. AT ALL.
COH2 had bad balance at launch. That was it. It still function right, it have all assets, it have all good voice acting, art direction, sound, gameplay felt good, campaign was ok to play, not great but not bad

COH3 have terrible balance as well (expected and can be fix) but it have missing asset, bad sound, bad gameplay geel, bad art direction, bad effects, ba interface, skill plane did not look like they film little kid playing with model aeroplane, unplayale campaign, etc.

Problem so much worse in coh3.
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