Elchino was clearly stating that you can only play the meta strategy (probably 1-2 build orders per faction, I paused CoH2 in 2016 so I don't know) and those 1-2 meta strategies were similarly powerful across factions.
He also clearly states that everything beside that is not. Which goes to show that the "game" was definitely not in a good spot balance wise.
That is diversity issue and not a balance issue, having units or commander than are never used is not a balance issue.
According to stat of the time after "JUNE 21st 2016 BALANCE UPDATE" the 1vs1 winrates for 1-250 on July 10 for instance had USF at 68.1 win rate, Soviet at 63.4.
Also non-doc Elefant etc is part of "pre 2016" and also aprt of Relics decision how they wanted the game to be. There was A LOT of bullshit around when they balanced the game, not only in pre-alpha, and not only on release commanders. And there is no reason to exclude those in the first place. They were all Relic's decisions.
CoH2 was a mess on pre/release but that is not entirely Relic fault since the inherited the game from THQ.
My point is simply idea that Relic "messed up" completely until 2016 and the "balance was the worst mess ever." because they had "we know it better" while the game suddenly become balanced once the MOD team took over is great simplification and to be honest false.
Relic did work with community member at the time so of which dropped out because they where being blamed for decision taken by Relic an Relic alone sometimes contrary to what those user had pointed out.
Did Relic mistakes in balance ?
Yes they did, biggest probably was that the focus more in shifting the meta with huge nerf and buffs than balancing the game.
Did the mode mistakes in balance?
Yes they did, especially in the early patches when they also applied huge nerf and buffs and when instead of trying to fix one commander at the time the focus more of bypassing the limitation Relic put in place. Most of their mistakes seem to derive from being too optimistic and trying to fix too many thing at the same time.
On the other hand the become better at it and have done great work in five years.