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CoH2 Summer 2021 Balance Patch - BETA

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13 Aug 2021, 11:09 AM
avatar of oootto92

Posts: 177

What a joke

"The forward two models have been moved back to be almost at the same position of the MG gunner when deployed in the open. This change will reduce some of the extra sight gained by MGs due to their forward models and increase the crew's vulnerability to AOE."

Yeah yeah the mg having such huge spot distance on its own sure is the reason why balance team is doing this :DDD NOTHING to do with USF and OKW mains crying about not being able to blob MGs to death am I rite ?

And these ridiculous over the whole board buffs to already meta UKF commanders with the command vehicle are just so biased and purposfully broken that its cringe.

How the hell are you in same patch buffing avre and nerfing sturmtiger while both are already in common use in the game?? The audacity of "balance team"

And jesus christ not 15% but 15m sight bonus for major. Like come on.

But thanks for the +20% range buff on 250 mortar smoke barrage :D This pseudobuff on a dead unit totally balances the scale :DD

13 Aug 2021, 11:23 AM
avatar of Harry

Posts: 159

????? M1910 Maxim Heavy Machine Gun Team: Population from 6 to 7 ?????

Seriously? Why not just delete this unit at all. It is seriously the most pathetic unit in the game.
Here is the thing, I understand the reason you guys nerf it. Most people who know how to use Maximum in team games will at least build three of them. And I am of those people. BUT, it is because we need at least three of them to cover the same job that can be easily done with only 2 Mg-42.

13 Aug 2021, 11:27 AM
avatar of Leodot

Posts: 254

The CoH2 Summer 2021 Balance Patch is currently available for testing as a Beta. Full patch notes at the link above.

Well, I see that there are some changes necessary but I think the whole patch goes in a wrong direction here, actually completly.

13 Aug 2021, 11:33 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

The brits are OP by definition because they require half the micro of the other factions
13 Aug 2021, 11:38 AM
avatar of TehPowahOfWub

Posts: 100

Jibber has been playing Brits lately so why else do you think they're getting buffed? There has always been a clear and pronounced bias in the balance team in regards to their favorite faction of the week. Last patch it was axis so now at least we're getting variation.
13 Aug 2021, 11:54 AM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

the AVRE buff is a hotfix, rather than buff, now both the sturmtiger and AVRE have to appear in front of squads to kill them. UKF wont become any more overpowered than the wehrmacht or OKW, so that change is fine

The maxim didn't deserve the increased pop cap, it might be the worst MG in the game, but alright developers.

SNIPER NERFS PRAISE BE, even if sov gets hurt way more than ostheer xDDD.

they should implement the kv-2 siege mode ability to the su-76 and replace the barrage with it, so the unit isn't total trash after 15 minutes, better nerf the m3a1 though
13 Aug 2021, 11:55 AM
avatar of Garrett

Posts: 309 | Subs: 1

I agree, I would rather have both of these units being meme units without real value (like the old ST) rather than absolute wiping one-click monsters. I don't believe that there will ever be a middle ground, it will always be one of the two options, but these units don't fit the game at all. So yeah, screw them both.

Few bits about Sturmtiger:

patchnote about price decrese:

So because it was inconsistent balance team made it cheaper
Because it had decrew mechanic it had ridiculous veterancy bonuses and shorter then AVRE (I assume) reload time.
Because nobody picked it, balance team allowed it to be build with KT.

All those downsides were removed, but non of the upsides were reconsidered, that were introduced to balance up the downsides.

I think balance team needs too look at the AVRE and Sturmtiger more closely, because those are the least fun units to play against, without an obvious weaknesses.

AVRE needs a nerf and ST needs a further nerf. Screw those units.
13 Aug 2021, 12:02 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 953

AVRE buff is a mistake, esp to a unit that can already wipe units mostly reliably. I don't know what to make of the UKF tech changes, bolster etc. but it's leaving me uneasy. By improving the timing dramatically in 1v1 it's almost certain to spill over into 3v3+ and turn 'obnoxious' into a major problem.

Well there's the SP RA vet II buff and some fixes I'm familiar with at least.

13 Aug 2021, 12:05 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Sturmtiger become OP, lets buff AVRE using the same mechanic which made ST OP :bananadance:

I can just feel old Relic balance team vibes. CoH2 indeed corrupt souls.

It might be an utter shock for you, but AVRE does not have 40 range.
13 Aug 2021, 12:07 PM
avatar of Letzte Bataillon

Posts: 195

Thank you for the continued patch support. These updates certainly keep CoH2 fresh while CoH3 is being worked on.
13 Aug 2021, 12:09 PM
avatar of cooper47

Posts: 26

Give us more ability to counter blob.
This game should not work in a blob, they should punish very hard for blob

If you watch skippy and other channel they broke they game by just blob.

For example add damage to near squad if a squad get hit by anything or maybe add suppress
13 Aug 2021, 12:27 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Aug 2021, 11:54 AMKatukov
the AVRE buff is a hotfix, rather than buff, now both the sturmtiger and AVRE have to appear in front of squads to kill them. UKF wont become any more overpowered than the wehrmacht or OKW, so that change is fine

The maxim didn't deserve the increased pop cap, it might be the worst MG in the game, but alright developers.

SNIPER NERFS PRAISE BE, even if sov gets hurt way more than ostheer xDDD.

they should implement the kv-2 siege mode ability to the su-76 and replace the barrage with it, so the unit isn't total trash after 15 minutes, better nerf the m3a1 though

With veterancy, ST will be able to self spot and have a range 40 nuke. So not much has changed. If it can do it with vet, it should be immobile while reloading so that you risk losing it, and the veterancy. Or just add the "tank shot decrews reloading ST"
13 Aug 2021, 12:31 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

Give us more ability to counter blob.
This game should not work in a blob, they should punish very hard for blob

If you watch skippy and other channel they broke they game by just blob.

For example add damage to near squad if a squad get hit by anything or maybe add suppress

Only factions that struggle against blobbers without a proper commander are the USF and the Brits.

Soviets have katyusha, OKW Stuka and OST werfer.
Also, vet2 obers with LMG behind any cover will bleed incoming blobs a lot, and even have the poison smoke nade.
OST has the instapin MG42 which can deal with blobs well
Soviet double Maxim will instapin blobs as well due to the AOE suppression.
Brits vickers can be decent with the ability but for blobs, they don't really have any sort of mini nukes.

USF used to have double pak howi but with the recent overnerfs, they won't punish anything.
Maybe double scotts microed well can punish blobs. Won't bleed a lot, but will make the enemy think twice.
13 Aug 2021, 12:34 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

With veterancy, ST will be able to self spot and have a range 40 nuke. So not much has changed. If it can do it with vet, it should be immobile while reloading so that you risk losing it, and the veterancy. Or just add the "tank shot decrews reloading ST"

I have played the AVRE a lot recently and, while the AVRE is pretty good, the enemy can always spot it coming, and will know what is up.

Which is why it is hard to replicate what the sturmtiger does, it is pretty easy to mitigate/avoid the death cannon if you can see it in front of you. issue is when its the sturmtiger and can blow you out of the water, or even over cover.

I'm more annoyed that the sturmtiger can be made with a king tiger, try diving both of those things at the same time...
13 Aug 2021, 12:47 PM
avatar of Mr Carmine

Posts: 1289

Give us more ability to counter blob.
This game should not work in a blob, they should punish very hard for blob

If you watch skippy and other channel they broke they game by just blob.

For example add damage to near squad if a squad get hit by anything or maybe add suppress

Or just give every faction back blob counters close to what they had before. Like Mg's that supress in a timely fashion for allies, give other factions a brumbar like unit. Mines being capped at 3 instead of 2 models. Demo's not being seen from miles away.

To much stuff has been soft nerfed or straight up removed that could counter blobbing. Imo axis still have some decent tools to do this. Yet okw has as always been the blob friendiliest faction. And force and allies to counterblob in most cases.
13 Aug 2021, 13:03 PM
avatar of RintFosk

Posts: 56

AVRE change is not fixing the problem, it now overshoots about 5m at max range, and still undershoots about 5m at min range:

Red mark is where I aimed, orange mark is where the projectile actually landed

13 Aug 2021, 13:04 PM
avatar of cooper47

Posts: 26

Or just give every faction back blob counters close to what they had before. Like Mg's that supress in a timely fashion for allies, give other factions a brumbar like unit. Mines being capped at 3 instead of 2 models. Demo's not being seen from miles away.

To much stuff has been soft nerfed or straight up removed that could counter blobbing. Imo axis still have some decent tools to do this. Yet okw has as always been the blob friendiliest faction. And force and allies to counterblob in most cases.

All faction has hard time to counter blob.
Btumbar can die easy from blob of ptrs or ...

shrek blob
ptrs blob
infantry section with bren blob
rifleman with bar blob
ober blob

Im playing OKW most of time, and I see a lot blob in usf and ukf, and less from soviet.
They all blobing allies and axis. with soviet you have counter with zis, demo charge and so on.
other has too but its soft counter

Mg can easily die from bren or bar if they are not in green cover and they are slow to rotate and pin. they just need to move one troop to other side.

double mg is the best counter to blob in early game. but still this not good. you can break game easily with spamming every thing, infantry, tank, arti ...

There should be bad punishment for blobing unit like that. not just soft punishment.

MG and other think are soft punishment. they need a lot of macro to handle a blob.
Its not fair blobing need no macro, and you need to macro everything to handle that if you dont want to blob.
13 Aug 2021, 13:26 PM
avatar of JacK_Qc

Posts: 33

Great change,

UKF is definetly too manpower heavy.

You just look at IS coming out at 280MP a 4man squad vs wehr 240MP also 4 man squad.

wehr have access to :
-FREE LMG upgrade
-FREE Snare
-FREE grenade
So 3 Squads of fully upgraded grenadier is 720MP

Now with new reduction, 3 Squads of 5 mans with grenade and bren Infantery section is 1115 MP !

13 Aug 2021, 13:46 PM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Aug 2021, 12:05 PMKatitof

It might be an utter shock for you, but AVRE does not have 40 range.

And neither does ST now. Still before the projectile fix AVRE was supperior to ST, with fix ST become supperior due to range, now it has no range and AVRE gets projectile fix aswell.
13 Aug 2021, 14:09 PM
avatar of Azxc

Posts: 9

I believe the problem of ST isn't the attack range, it is the fast reload time and the ability to reload while moving.

I think it is better to keep its current range but to nerf its reload time and it has to be stationary while reloading, that should make the ST less annoying on the allies side while OKW players still feel powerful when firing the nuke. I think it is also more realistic, a massive assault tank that is slow, clumsy but powerful when used correctly.
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