Independent Italian roster proposal

Posts: 159
My friends and I have been brainstorming these days to figure out an independent Italian roster proposal fo CoH3. I'll post it here first and then to the official forum after finalized. Feel free to give feedback.
( Note, My friends and I are all great supporters of the appearance of Black Prince in the alpha build of the game. Thus, you will see paper or phototypes in this proposal. I am personally aware that there are few people against any paper or phototypes equipment in the game. So, if you were one of them, feel free to suggest direct replacement counterparts of those units.)
T0 infantry( basic infantry, should perform somewhat similar or better than CoH2 conscript but no better than VG)
Breda M37 (HMG) (Suppression and cone of fire should be very similar to CoH2 .50 Cal)
Cannone da 47/32 (Light AT)
Fourth unit( We have a mass debate about what we should add for the fourth unit. This is primarily due to the poor performance of the Italian superlight vehicles. I'll list all of our ideas below. Feel free to let us know which one of them is your favorite. )
1. Model 35 mortar
2. L3/35( lock behind a skippable T0 tech unlock )(my personal favorite)
3. Ab 40 ( lock behind a skippable T0 tech unlock )
T1: [ our proposal was hugely influenced by the Grenadier to LJI/ PG upgrade showed in the alpha build CoH 3 German faction ]
SPA Dovunque 35 protetto
T0 infantry weapon upgrade.
Breda M37 upgrade to Scotti 20/77( lock behind a skippable T1 tech unlock, the same tech unlock to access Cannone da 75/32 upgrade )
Cannone da 47/32 upgrade to Cannone da 75/32 ( lock behind a skippable T1 tech unlock, the same tech unlock to access Scotti 20/77 upgrade )
(If the T0 Fourth unit decide to be L3/35 or Ab 40 ) Obice da 75/18
(If the T0 Fourth unit decide to be L3/35)
L3/35 upgrade to Semovente L3 da 47/32
L3/35 upgrade to L3 Lf(flamethrower)
(If the T0 Fourth unit decide to be Ab 40)
Ab 40 upgrade to Ab 41
Ab 40 upgrade to Ab 43
(If the T0 Fourth unit decide to be Model 35 mortar) Model 35 mortar upgrade to Obice da 75/18
(If the T0 Fourth unit decide to be Model 35 mortar) L6/40 tank
T2 elite infantry(close range)
M15/42 tank
(If the T0 Fourth unit decide to be Model 35 mortar)
L6/40 tank upgrade to Semovente da 47/32
Cannone da 75/46( stationary heavy AA/AT)
T3 :
T2 elite infantry AT upgrade
M15/42 tank upgrade to Semovente da 75/34(AT/AI)
M15/42 tank upgrade to Semovente da 90/53 (AT)
Commander units( exclusive infantry):
Breda Model 35 (1 CP)
AS.42 (1 or 2 CP call in), can be upgraded with a Breda Model 35 or Cannone da 47/32)
M15/42 tank upgrade to Semovente da 75/18 ( passive, do not need to upgrade to T3)
Cannone da 47/32 upgrade Cannone da 75/46( split trail) [I know this one sound wired. But one of my friends said he had seen a split trail Cannone da 75/46 before, we figured it is not a bad idea to sea something like this in the game ]( passive, lock behind T2)
Cannone da 75/46 upgrade to Cannone da 90/53 ( can switch between AT or AI)(passive, lock behind T3)
P40 upgrade to Semovente da 149/40 ( mobile Arti)(passive, lock behind T3)
P 40 upgrade to Semovente da 105/25 (AT/ AI)(passive, lock behind T3)
P43 Bis (passive, lock behind all tech)
Semovente da 20/70 (passive, lock behind t2)
Cannone da 105/28( already in the file)
Obice da 210/22 ( already in the file)

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
Unless it was again made to be a mixed bag of Italians with German battlegroups with team weapons, officers and tanks like the Tiger providing a bigger punch while relying more on cheaper and more numerous and more specialized infantry units.
I remember reading Rommel speaking highly of the Italian troops while in Africa, but not really of their officers, or equipment.
However everything is possible, they're most likely going to be launching with the US, UK, Wehrmacht and DAK at first and then maybe they'll be adding the Canadians and Italians in their own DLCs in the future, no idea.

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Posts: 11
Their excuse for not making a Pacific front instead was that the Japanese didn't really have the tanks or equipment to match that of the US in the later part of the game and I'm guessing it'd be the same with an Italian faction.
Unless it was again made to be a mixed bag of Italians with German battlegroups with team weapons, officers and tanks like the Tiger providing a bigger punch while relying more on cheaper and more numerous and more specialized infantry units.
I remember reading Rommel speaking highly of the Italian troops while in Africa, but not really of their officers, or equipment.
However everything is possible, they're most likely going to be launching with the US, UK, Wehrmacht and DAK at first and then maybe they'll be adding the Canadians and Italians in their own DLCs in the future, no idea.
I was thinking they can just make the Italians like they did the USF in Coh2, where you get faction with no Heavy tanks

Posts: 518
Their excuse for not making a Pacific front instead was that the Japanese didn't really have the tanks or equipment to match that of the US in the later part of the game and I'm guessing it'd be the same with an Italian faction.
Where is the problem? Just include all the prototypes for the Japanese that were never used and call it a day
IMO early war Pacific could work pretty decent though
Apart from that: I am still hoping for independent Italy in North Africa at least. But it probably won't happen and we will get a "mixed" faction. Because while they could fight Stuart and maybe Valentine I see them having a hard time with Sherman ... or BP

Posts: 11
Apart from that: I am still hoping for independent Italy in North Africa at least. But it probably won't happen and we will get a "mixed" faction. Because while they could fight Stuart and maybe Valentine I see them having a hard time with Sherman ... or BP
I can understand the BP in close quarters maps but why the Sherman? wouldnt P26,Pz3/4, stugs, Semovetos and AT guns be able to deal with them?

Posts: 518
I can understand the BP in close quarters maps but why the Sherman? wouldnt P26,Pz3/4, stugs, Semovetos and AT guns be able to deal with them?
P26 wasn't a thing in Africa. Most other "powerfull" Italian Self Propelled guns also weren't around in Africa and were pretty much only used by Germans. The Semovente 75/18 which was around in Africa only has 50mm of armor while it apparently only could penetrate 80mm of armor. No match for a Sherman. The Italians apparently also had Semovente da 90/53s in Africa though. Those could penetrate more armor but they only had 30mm of armor themselfs.
Panzer 3/4 were German tanks but idk maybe Italians used some of them.
Afaik their only reliable AT guns were AA guns that were used against Tanks too. Those things would be easy targets for mortars or rocket arty in game
So pretty much Italians would have to get a slow, turretless TD to even be able to deal with non-doc Mediums. As soon as something like the BP enters the scene they would have a hard time

Posts: 11
P26 wasn't a thing in Africa. Most other "powerfull" Italian Self Propelled guns also weren't around in Africa and were pretty much only used by Germans. The Semovente 75/18 which was around in Africa only has 50mm of armor while it apparently only could penetrate 80mm of armor. No match for a Sherman. The Italians apparently also had Semovente da 90/53s in Africa though. Those could penetrate 200 mm of armor but they only had 30mm of armor themselfs.
was thinking they'd have stuff from 1943 just before the armistice so you can have the P26 and the newer Semovente. Also Semovente 90/53 wasnt in Africa they were planned to be send there but the Axis forces had surrendered before they could arrive so they were stuck in Sicily. I think you may have confused them with the 90mm armed trucks
Edit: A Italian division had some German equipment Stug G,Pz4s and Pz3N

Posts: 518
was thinking they'd have stuff from 1943 just before the armistice so you can have the P26 and the newer Semovente.
Was the P26 even used before the armistice?
But even then it was still a far worse tank than the Sherman.
Edit: A Italian division had some German equipment Stug G,Pz4s and Pz3N
I think one problem could be that using the "German Tank Commander" might end up being the Meta for Italy at which point a DAK with lots of Italian stuff would be the better choice imo

Posts: 278 | Subs: 1
They were first used by the 10. and 15. Polizei-Panzer-Kompanie (Armored Police company) against Partisans. Later on the Polizei (Police) and the 24. SS-Division 'Karstjäger' used some P.26/40 against the allied forces.
RSI had 2 P.26/40 for the anti partisan tank group "Gruppo Corazzato 'M Leonessa'".
There are rumors about a combat deployment at Anzio but i cant find any source for the rumors. But when there were P.26/40 at Anzio it were presumably static bunkers/gun emplacments and not mobile tanks.

Posts: 351

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2
Dont think a full italian faction makes much sense. Gotta have some german units mixed in there i think, dont know if the italians have enough stuff on their own for a coh faction
Italy has enough units. To be honest, I see no reason to buy a game without a full-fledged Italian Faction. If it is, then I will most likely focus only on it. Because the rest of the factions and that while there is this self-repetition.

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
I was thinking they can just make the Italians like they did the USF in Coh2, where you get faction with no Heavy tanks
But the USF in CoH2 have the Pershing lol, which is a heavy tank.
And like I said that wouldn't be much of an issue as the Italians could have access to German detachments with Panthers and Tigers to call in and even out the odds in the late game.
Where is the problem? Just include all the prototypes for the Japanese that were never used and call it a day
IMO early war Pacific could work pretty decent though
Apart from that: I am still hoping for independent Italy in North Africa at least. But it probably won't happen and we will get a "mixed" faction. Because while they could fight Stuart and maybe Valentine I see them having a hard time with Sherman ... or BP
That would mean that CoH3 would become a meme like BFV was but instead of cyborg women fighting tanks on the frontlines you'd have fantasy post war and World of Tanks stuff that never actually saw service during the war.
And 1942 is early war but the Shermans were around at that time lol.
Like I said tho, Italy with German detachments could work. They could very well be like somebody else mentioned an early game focused Army that relies more on numbers with some German equipment and officers if they really need that boost in effectiveness.
What I imagine is the CoH2 Osttruppen doctrine but made into it's own faction but with the ability to call in Tigers and maybe even Elefants if needed as well besides the German team weapons and officers as well as Panthers.

Posts: 518
And 1942 is early war but the Shermans were around at that time lol.
Also in the Pacific?
Either way early war Shermans are way less of an threat than late-war ones. And other tanks like the Stuarts and M3 Lee/ Grant would also be ok.
There would of course be a "Pacific USF" required which only could face Japanese in Ranked matches. The current USF we have is 1944/45 and would whipe the floor with a Japanese faction set during this time frame ... and don't even get me started with the current UKF vs Japanese ...

Posts: 518
Italy has enough units. To be honest, I see no reason to buy a game without a full-fledged Italian Faction. If it is, then I will most likely focus only on it. Because the rest of the factions and that while there is this self-repetition.
For me not having Italians on launch would not be that big of a problem (it would be a problem that is for sure but not a problem that would keep me from buying this game ... maybe it would keep me from buying this game on full price though) as long as we get non-doc Italian tanks (like with CoH1 Panzerelite or whatever it was called) instead of stuff like the 221 again. Maybe even add French Tanks and so on. According to Wikipedia the Italian army used R35s during Sicily. Would love to see this tank make a return

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
Also in the Pacific?
Either way early war Shermans are way less of an threat than late-war ones. And other tanks like the Stuarts and M3 Lee/ Grant would also be ok.
There would of course be a "Pacific USF" required which only could face Japanese in Ranked matches. The current USF we have is 1944/45 and would whipe the floor with a Japanese faction set during this time frame ... and don't even get me started with the current UKF vs Japanese ...
Well it appears that the Marine corps got the short end of the stick in terms of equipment, as always, and only got Shermans in 1943:
The Pacific for me is more infantry based so I know more about the infantry gear rather than the tanks that were used there.
So depending if you count 1943 as early war... yeah, Shermans will still be a problem for the Japanese in the long run.

Posts: 11
Was the P26 even used before the armistice?
But even then it was still a far worse tank than the Sherman.
I think one problem could be that using the "German Tank Commander" might end up being the Meta for Italy at which point a DAK with lots of Italian stuff would be the better choice imo
I believe it was delivered to the Italian army but no units were equip with it yet, was thinking it would be fine since they had 3 P26 production units in their arsenal.
The Sherman maybe better irl but i think for balance reasons the Sherman would be on par or the P26 could just be more cost effective. They were both medium tanks in same weight class, (correct me if i am wrong) shouldnt be too much of problem if they could go toe to toe.
While the German commander might be prone to being meta i think you can make good alternatives to it. Something like OKW's fortifcation commander instead of Pak43 and Leifh 18 you get a 90mm flak gun or 210mm artillery, a commander based on the EF army using captured soviet equipment and OK i admit i am having trouble thinking of more besides a bland airborne commander

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