Totally agree and I have suggested this change multiple times, no idea why such a simply change has not been implemented already (and see if further adjustment are needed).
Either a cost increase or a reduction in the ability's area of sight given would also be warranted IMO since it is just straight up better than a recon loiter because it's constant in the entire area and is uncounterable. Also some sort of audio warning would be nice. There are the visuals but it's easy to just never notice it if it's in some random place.
Either a cost increase or a reduction in the ability's area of sight given would also be warranted IMO since it is just straight up better than a recon loiter because it's constant in the entire area and is uncounterable. Also some sort of audio warning would be nice. There are the visuals but it's easy to just never notice it if it's in some random place.
Or one could make the ability usable on the flag of the sector and not just anywhere.
But going back to CD it seem as a value that has been overlooked, there are many abilities that have CD that are too long or too sort.
An infatry oriented commander that could use few changes
Heavy Fortifications
Ability in the current implementation does not really fit the commander and could be replaces with a call-in engineer unit that could help Pioneer. The unit should combine K98/minesweepers and some of the abilities that come with "Heavy Fortifications" (possibly AA gun/trenches).
Stuka Smoke Drop
Since this commander is a "Luftwaffe" it makes sense that is should have superior version of this ability. Keep this ability as is and make a weaker versions of the ability with no reckon for other commanders.
The air drop deployment change was a bad change imo for a number of reasons.
The unit has lower entity number that is vulnerable during drop, there where few combat airdrops after the Grete campaign, OKW currently have no units that can spawn from ambient buildings (infiltration units).
I mo they should become an infiltration units starting with 4 or even 5 K98 to further change the overlap with Obers. They could then upgrade with 1 or 2 FG-42.
Since the FG-42 actually comes with scopes one could make the gun more "interesting" with 2 fire more.
Semi-auto firing using scopes with a profile closer to a bolt action rifle good at long range.
Full-auto as weapon close to BAR making the unit closer to double bar riflemen something OKW do not actually have.
If the unit retains the camo mechanism they HE grenades should be replaced by a DOT (same goes of all camo units).
Blendkörper imo should be redesigned to closer to real life design. It could become a temp vehicle snare either homing to vehicles or creating an area than would temporarily snare enemy vehicle that cross it.
The unit could also see a reduction in XP value since it currently has higher XP value that paras/rangers.
Valiant Assault
A good ability although personally I would rather have this ability changed to provide durability instead of damage out so that one suffers less casualties on attack instead trying to get wipes on retreating defending infatry.
Airborne Assault
One of the selling point of the commander that does not need to deliver since it seem to be about the same level as the typhoon "Strafing Support" (that also comes with heavy call-in.) and seem inferior to "sector assault" that is available to CP 10.
A very experimental design closer to actull name of the ability could include a sector targeted ability that combined number of single pass Stuka planes and airdrop of individual AI control Fallschirmjäger entities that would fight for the duration and retreat after duration expires.
I*m fairly optimistic that the next commander patch will bring big improvements.
That being said I fear that Firestorm, Scavenge and Elite Armor will still be underwhelming because of the long lasting structural issues.
- ST does not have good synergy with the rest of the commander (HEAT; Tank Commander)
- Any fear that Firestorm would be too strong after the recent tech changes was unfounded. Hetzer still niche and the Opel Truck is not needed in most cases because you can back tech.
I know it's a long shot but moving the ST to Firestorm would maybe help both commanders. Firestorm would be stronger and the mod team would have a free slot to fill in EA (KT call-in with 14 CP so players could get without full tech?)
Fallschirmjaeger were airdropped into the Ardennes, the operation on which OKW is based.
That is what I posted, "there where few combat airdrops after the Grete campaign". As for para drops during the battle of bugle there few "Operation Stösser" but they were operation went so bad that paratroopers did very little fighting and mostly did reckon.
Fallschirmjaeger fought mostly as infatry in the western front.
On the other hand Ardennes counter offensive saw great use of infiltration units using US uniform, vehicles and insignia and infiltration is more iconic than parachutists.
That argument works both ways. If you give them infiltration spawn, then OKW will have no units that are air dropped.
1) I already explained that one could make changes to "airborne assault" to include parachutists
2) Only the USF faction has parachutists (UKF do get air dropped commandos) so it I do not see an issue
3) Deploying by parachutes is an interesting mechanism for USF with the interaction with beacon (safer landing/reinforce) but that is less the case for Fallschirmjaeger who due to no beacon and lower entity count are ill suited for offensive air drops.
4) It would also open they way for Ostheer to have an parachute Fallschirmjaeger unit.
Replace le.IG 18 flame rounds barrage with a call-in Wehrmacht mortar
I think a single slot for an ability for a specific tech locked unit. A doctrinal mortar can provide a semi-mobile indirect fire alternative to the le.IG and still use the flame barrage ability
It would still be more realistic for OKW to have parachute drops because of Operation Stosser. Ostheer is still post-Crete so they wouldn't fit with paradropped Fallschirmjagers, the only operation I could think of is the Mussolini rescue operation, which would be a glider instead. Besides, Ostheer already has Stormtoopers (Brandenburgers), and if you already have infiltration units, you aren't supposed to have paradrop units. UKF is the only outlier. The paradop is infinitely much cooler than the boring building infiltration, I don't know why you want to get rid of it so much. And even then it's not like the building infiltration is much more realistic. Operation Grief was an SS Operation undertaken by SS Fallschirmjagers, not Luftwaffe Fallschirmjagers. The only Luftwaffe unit present was Kampfgeschwader 200, which was not a Fallschirmjager unit. You said it yourself: Fallschirmjagers mostly fought as frontline infantry, which doesn't necessarily make infiltration any more realistic. If the paradop is really that big of an issue for you (which it really shouldn't), then allow Luftwaffe pioneers to construct beacons.
These are 2 completely different, completely separate mechanics.
You can't put them under the same action.
How do you know you can’t ?
Have you tried and failed using the mod tools, or are just guessing. If you are guessing best to say that you are
Just because you are usually a stickler for words
despite all the potential historical inaccuracies about how, when and where they were deployed and in which numbers, can we please just keep fallschirmjägers be paradropped just as their name would suggest? thank you very much!
despite all the potential historical inaccuracies about how, when and where they were deployed and in which numbers, can we please just keep fallschirmjägers be paradropped just as their name would suggest? thank you very much!
Imo it would better if parachutes fallschirmjägers become available to Ostheer instead of OKW.
I would like to propose the following changes for SpecOps doc.
The OKW SpecOps doc is likely to recieve the changes in it's two abilities namely Radio Silence(RS) and the recon flares.
I would like to suggest the following changes:
Option 1:
-The radio silence instead of being 1 click ability could be changed into a click and cast ability like wehr sector arty
(i don't know how sec arty determines the no. of sector it needs to fire arty at) except it could be casted in both enemy or
friendly sectors. The OKW units will not be visible in the affected sector, but visible in other sectors that are not affected.
-The flares could be tied to a recon unit or command panther.
Option 2:
-In place of recon flares one can add stormtroppers(ST)(infiltration unit which would fit well with the theme of the doc imo),
spawed with MP40s same as wehr ST(don't know about vet4&5, maybe sprint& vet5 panter sight bonus respectively).
-This unit can be upgraded with recon package(limited to 1) that may callin flares.
-This unit can plant beacons, which when planted on sector(s) will hide the units when RS is active(I think this would promote planing and will create more tacticool use of the ability and search&destory operation).
Also,if option 2 is considered I think ST should not get bonus speed when RS is active(that sprinting camo unit would
advocate more nerfs imo) and if they are considered for IRSTGs upgrade(i think they should be, but ST with STGs are contoversial
so I will leave it) they should not get tactical advance instead they should get suppresive fire like obers.
Overall, imho RS at it's present state should be nerfed but, if any these changes are considered only cost of RS should be nerfed,
not the duration or the sprint. Also, flare while being unconterable recon is a actually unique to this commander and think it
should not go away.
P.S: If any of these suggestion are impossible to apply or mod feel free to discard this post.
Imo it would better if parachutes fallschirmjägers become available to Ostheer instead of OKW.
well if that doesn't raise any red flags due to swapping units from one faction to another, i'd say fallschirmjägers could be quite a good fit for either of the two luftwaffe-themed ostheer commanders, at least thematically. still, at the same time i can't see any good reason why OKW should not have them or why they should lose their parachutes and spawn from houses instead.
well if that doesn't raise any red flags due to swapping units from one faction to another, i'd say fallschirmjägers could be quite a good fit for either of the two luftwaffe-themed ostheer commanders, at least thematically. still, at the same time i can't see any good reason why OKW should not have them or why they should lose their parachutes and spawn from houses instead.
It is not my opinion that OKW should not have parachutist. Point has more to do with fact that Fall are 4 entities and not very well suited for aggressive paradrops.
USF paras are better since they have 6 entities, if one want to have paras for axis one should probably follow USF design and have increased squad size while scrapping the camo mechanics which is better suited for infiltration units.
Not really.
Operation Greif was large and far more iconic than Operation Stosser and involved infiltration troops.
Operation Greif was not Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager operation. That's the problem. Also, how is giving 4-man paradropped Falls to Ostheer going to change anything, anyway? OKW is the faction with more men per squad anyway.
Operation Greif was not Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager operation. That's the problem. Also, how is giving 4-man paradropped Falls to Ostheer going to change anything, anyway? OKW is the faction with more men per squad anyway.
If Fallschirmjager become available to ostheer are parachutist they should be model after USF paras and be 5 or 6 entities.
Lady Xenarra: WTB Whizzbang for DAK instead of Stuka, 5 fuel cheape, 60MP more expensive and next to impossible to dive. Yesterday, 20:27 PM
Rosbone: It is also hard to expect Relic to help Coh2 when they cant even make working menus in Coh3 yet, 2 years after release and at full price+ for DLCs. Thats like asking a fish to do calculus. Last Tuesday, 02:58 AM
Rosbone: But this last patch has made good progress for grabbing players. All we can hope is Coh3 gets to Coh2s quality level before everyone abandons the franchise. Its Relic so they will completely f*%k it up as usual. But its a hope/cope. Last Tuesday, 02:55 AM
Rosbone: Relic wants Coh2 to fail so players will migrate to Coh3. It is hard to blame them since Coh3 sucks so bad. It needs all the help it can get. Last Tuesday, 02:53 AM
Soheil: Coh2 is dead , full of map hackers , and lelic knows that but ... Last Tuesday, 01:26 AM
aerafield: Oh how I missed the weird spam bots, welcome back Last Monday, 13:05 PM
situsgbo777: Platform game online terpercaya dengan berbagai pilihan permainan seru dan peluang menang besar. Nikmati pengalaman bermain terbaik hanya di GBO777 Last Monday, 06:48 AM
OKSpitfire: @aerafield that does sound familiar Last Sunday, 09:06 AM
Lady Xenarra: Ah, the gren faust-replacing-rifles bug/exploit. Last Saturday, 18:24 PM
aerafield: CoH3 high elo is truly the dumbest CoH experience that ever existed Last Saturday, 17:25 PM
aerafield: @OKSpitfire tbh I find it quite challenging to get the Pershing in time, having to suffer through the CoH3 tickrate and this endless bullshit meta of massive blobs going back and forth to the forward heal truck Last Saturday, 17:24 PM
OKSpitfire: Well... going to be seeing the Pershing a lot for a little while, that thing is a monster. Last Saturday, 11:44 AM
NigelBallsworth: axis stuff is getting more meme by the second Last Friday, 23:32 PM
aerafield: Cloaked instapin MGs at 0cp. I wanna see no more crying about the Dingo while that shit is in the game Last Friday, 20:38 PM
Willy Pete: And only on annihilation, and I have to let the AI live long enough... Last Friday, 02:04 AM
Willy Pete: Pershing is absurd, but ive still only gotten to use it against AI Last Friday, 02:03 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Pershing for Axis, that is all 27 Feb 2025, 13:32 PM