
russian armor

Winter 2021 Balance Patch - Discussion

26 Feb 2021, 22:27 PM
avatar of elchino7
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26 Feb 2021, 22:42 PM
avatar of Sp33dSnake

Posts: 149

I played the new patch for about three minutes, then the screen went black and the game froze. Trying again, lol.
26 Feb 2021, 22:42 PM
avatar of madin2

Posts: 203

The UKF sniper need a ignore vehicle button rather than ignores all vehicles now on a move

Hold Fire

Brummbar and Dozer Pintle MGs will still target infantry on hold-fire; they will not auto-target aircraft.

This should also applies for AVRE hull mg
27 Feb 2021, 00:45 AM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

Played brits in the new patch but only 1 game so far so take everything with a grain of salt. 3v3 game.

I think the ALO feels pretty good now. Situational based on map, but decent. Vets decently.

Centaur mobility is too high IMO. I didn't think the centaur or ostwind needed buffs since they were both already very good in the previous patch. I'd say they're balanced against each other currently, I think they're both too strong in terms of damage output and mobility. Didn't even get to try EWS centaur because I went anvil and sextons, but vet 2 centaur is as fast if not faster than a p4. It's pretty crazy.

Hotkey changes on brits is terrible.

Medkit nerf was needed but I didn't think the research time needed to be 25 seconds. Honestly wasn't too bad though. You can really feel the 45 muni cost though. So working as intended.

I hated the pyrotechnics hotkey changes as well.

I liked engineers in T0, just again, not where they are on hotkeys. They're not good to build early for combat but they're at least accessible for back capping a bit earlier.

Bolster = unchanged, so what do I rush? Bolster. Shocker. Still too good IMO.

Firefly: I use them every game and to good effect prepatch and post patch. I didn't think they required buffs. That being said, apparently a lot of other people did and who am I to say no to buffs to my favorite unit. It didn't need it IMO, but i'll love slapping 640 tanks to 0 in 12 seconds all the same with the buffs. Odd change with tank commander icon as opposed to tulips but either way didn't really matter for the firefly.

JLI are still uncounterable with brits without commandos.

Commandos are still OP because of their camo. Only weak to IR StG44s.
27 Feb 2021, 01:02 AM
avatar of Sp33dSnake

Posts: 149

Played brits in the new patch but only 1 game so far so take everything with a grain of salt. 3v3 game.

I think the ALO feels pretty good now. Situational based on map, but decent. Vets decently.

Centaur mobility is too high IMO. I didn't think the centaur or ostwind needed buffs since they were both already very good in the previous patch. I'd say they're balanced against each other currently, I think they're both too strong in terms of damage output and mobility. Didn't even get to try EWS centaur because I went anvil and sextons, but vet 2 centaur is as fast if not faster than a p4. It's pretty crazy.

Hotkey changes on brits is terrible.

Medkit nerf was needed but I didn't think the research time needed to be 25 seconds. Honestly wasn't too bad though. You can really feel the 45 muni cost though. So working as intended.

I hated the pyrotechnics hotkey changes as well.

I liked engineers in T0, just again, not where they are on hotkeys. They're not good to build early for combat but they're at least accessible for back capping a bit earlier.

Bolster = unchanged, so what do I rush? Bolster. Shocker. Still too good IMO.

Firefly: I use them every game and to good effect prepatch and post patch. I didn't think they required buffs. That being said, apparently a lot of other people did and who am I to say no to buffs to my favorite unit. It didn't need it IMO, but i'll love slapping 640 tanks to 0 in 12 seconds all the same with the buffs. Odd change with tank commander icon as opposed to tulips but either way didn't really matter for the firefly.

JLI are still uncounterable with brits without commandos.

Commandos are still OP because of their camo. Only weak to IR StG44s.

How'd you like the AEC and Bofors not being mutually exclusive? You think that's going to change anything in elite play?
27 Feb 2021, 01:20 AM
avatar of NorthWeapon
Donator 11

Posts: 615

Regarding sniper nerf. I like that sniper is nerfed, but it has not been nerfed properly.

I think the purpose behind the sniper nerf is to encourage combined arms w/ infantry support. I think the desired outcome is that snipers should not be able to engage enemies by themselves.

I like this, but the nerf changed nothing. All it did was nerf vet 0 and vet 1 snipers. At vet 2 and vet 3 they still can engage infantry on their own.

I THINK REMOVE ALL SIGHT BONUSES FROM SNIPERS AT VET and increase rate of fire (or something else) instead to truly obtain the desired outcome. This way, they can never self-spot without counter-fire.
27 Feb 2021, 01:41 AM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

How'd you like the AEC and Bofors not being mutually exclusive? You think that's going to change anything in elite play?

I didn't get to try it out. I don't think it's going to be a major factor though. Bofors are just really annoying to take down. It's going to be a more "win more" aspect rather then a game changer. AEC will still be the go-to. In teamgames now though it'll also just be nice to have AA that isn't the centaur, although as I stated the centaur is now incredible, so it's not like brits were lacking AA. Honestly it'll just be annoying in the lategame to just try and cap VPs and there will a bofors there that will take minutes to take down unless you have heavy arty.
27 Feb 2021, 02:34 AM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

I didn't get to try it out. I don't think it's going to be a major factor though. Bofors are just really annoying to take down. It's going to be a more "win more" aspect rather then a game changer. AEC will still be the go-to. In teamgames now though it'll also just be nice to have AA that isn't the centaur, although as I stated the centaur is now incredible, so it's not like brits were lacking AA. Honestly it'll just be annoying in the lategame to just try and cap VPs and there will a bofors there that will take minutes to take down unless you have heavy arty.

Brits are AIDS, news at 11.
27 Feb 2021, 03:20 AM
avatar of MMX

Posts: 999 | Subs: 1

what's up with the AoE changes for the pack howie barrage? sifting through the final patch notes i noticed the nerf now also affects the barrage instead of autofire only, in contrast to how it was implemented in the preview.
is that intentional or just a typo in the patch notes?

in any case, thanks a lot to everyone involved for putting this patch together!
27 Feb 2021, 03:32 AM
avatar of Support Sapper

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

Unit UI positions in the ukf's hq is messed up.

the new Churchill when upgrade with tank Commander have a binoculars slot item icon which look strange and over lap the vet1 vicker k icon, dont know why it was there since other tanks with Commander upgrade dont have it.

Also, the UI positions of crew self-defense and infantry support smoke is reverted,
27 Feb 2021, 12:55 PM
avatar of Senseo1990

Posts: 317

Why don't they just leave their game alone? It's just embarrassing at this point.
How many unnecessary redesigns has this game received in its life span now?

CoH2 stopped feeling like an AAA title years ago, now it has more similarities to a bad mod.

"Let's redesign this game for the nth time >7 years after its release, and introduce the most extraordinary bugs in the process", why Relic? I'd love to know.
27 Feb 2021, 13:22 PM
avatar of Universae

Posts: 1

I made an account just to voice my opinion. I am usually just the super casual player to plays AI or with a friend vs AI.

And with this Balance patch I kinda feel like the Osttruppen have been completely ruined for me :/
They have very little to absolutely no value anymore now you need the Infantry Building to build them. I might as well just build regular Grenadiers instead. Or opt for the Assault Grenadiers now since they are still Call-in.

Osttruppen were a great choice for getting a weak infantry presence on the map just as fast as the allied factions can. But like seriously? what's the point in them now when its going to take just as long to acquire them as it will the regular Grenadiers.

Having them built from the basic HQ with maybe a longer build time than at the Infantry Building would have been more viable.

Its a sad day.
I liked the Osttruppen for getting an early start as the Ostheer to counter Soviet conscripts.
But now I get to spawn in weak infantry when better infantry is also available....good one :/

27 Feb 2021, 13:32 PM
avatar of oootto92

Posts: 177

What was the reasoning behind leaving SVT cons unchanged?

In the current patch Vet 3 SVT cons beat vet 3 5men gren at long range. How is this deemed balanced ? Does any member of the balance team members actually play this game? Is this due to incompetence or result of blatant biased malevolence?
27 Feb 2021, 13:47 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

Assgren nerf seems too hard for me. Increase mun cost and/ or cool down for sprint but dont delay sprint after bp1.
27 Feb 2021, 14:36 PM
avatar of PatFenis

Posts: 239

A number of units will now have Prioritize Vehicle active at the start, reducing the amount of player input needed to ensure dedicated AT units do not engage infantry.

- All AT vehicles and mobile ATG squads start with prioritize vehicle active.

While I like this, I hate how the UI now changed. Pre patch the UI-button lit up when activating "Prioritize Vehicles", now its the other way around. Its quite confusing after the first couple of games, since for me its the first spot where I look if focus fire is on or off.
27 Feb 2021, 14:57 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

What was the reasoning behind leaving SVT cons unchanged?

In the current patch Vet 3 SVT cons beat vet 3 5men gren at long range. How is this deemed balanced ? Does any member of the balance team members actually play this game? Is this due to incompetence or result of blatant biased malevolence?

Vet3 accuracy was removed.
And if by "current patch" you mean the new live patch, VSL got also nerfed very rightfully.
27 Feb 2021, 15:00 PM
avatar of VonManteuffel

Posts: 97

I don't get the point behind Panzerwerfer alternate barrage. You pay 30 ammo for a low angle barrage with slower cooldown between rockets an no suppression. Why should I pay for that?

I know the difference between those 2 barrage types and their effect, but with the suppression beeing removed there is absolutely no need to put an extra 30 ammo cost on top. It just should be an alternative fire mode with Vet 1. So remove the ammo cost.
27 Feb 2021, 16:29 PM
avatar of 1st. Fallschirmjäger

Posts: 67

Brits fell like absolut shit to play against in 4x4 with both bofors and aec especially with ostheer.
27 Feb 2021, 16:32 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

I don't get the point behind Panzerwerfer alternate barrage. You pay 30 ammo for a low angle barrage with slower cooldown between rockets an no suppression. Why should I pay for that?

I know the difference between those 2 barrage types and their effect, but with the suppression beeing removed there is absolutely no need to put an extra 30 ammo cost on top. It just should be an alternative fire mode with Vet 1. So remove the ammo cost.

It gets the rockets on target a lot faster, which should make it significantly harder to dodge than the regular barrage. That should make it more useful especially for 1v1, where with the regular barrage it is relatively easy to hear it fire and move or retreat before the rockets land.
27 Feb 2021, 16:50 PM
avatar of VonManteuffel

Posts: 97

It gets the rockets on target a lot faster, which should make it significantly harder to dodge than the regular barrage. That should make it more useful especially for 1v1, where with the regular barrage it is relatively easy to hear it fire and move or retreat before the rockets land.

I understand your intention and I know the differences, but you removed supression for the low angle barrage. And it's a Vet 1 ability, so you have to shoot a few times in order to get access to this barrage ability. This already is a difference to compensate its more powerful impact. Why do you have to pay extra ammo on top? Katyusha and Calliope have the same barrage mechanism and don't pay anything. This low angle barrage seems more like an expensive downgrade atm.

Therefore I would suggest: Either add supression again or remove ammo cost. Both together make this ability useless in comparrison to the standard barrage.
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