In this concept, Conscripts are the utility unit envisioned by the developers, building cover, holding the line, and reinforcing other units. Penals are expendable attackers, they get assigned the jobs that you don't often come home from (attacking Panzers with PTRS, or using a flamethrower (flamethrower troops had an exceptionally high mortality rate). Assault Troops grants them an offensive Submachine Gun squad which strongly fits the theme of the Red Army, as well as a real Grenade, and something for Conscripts to support if Shocks or Guards aren't available.
Penal Battalion:
The Penal Battalion is a point of contention in the community, starting off as a Panzergrenadier counterpart and eventually settling as an AI/AT unit that excels in neither capacity.
- Penals Troops are now a 5 men armed with Conscript Mosin-Nagants and priced in the 200-220 range.
- They can be upgraded with a Offensive Package or a PTRS Package. The Flamethrower will grant a single ROKS-3 Flamethrower and a full compliment of SVT Rifles. The PTRS Package will grant a pair of PTRS Anti-Tank Rifles and increase the squad size to 6, an additional pair of undroppable Guard's PTRS are available for free with Mobilize Reserves.
- Penals equipped with the Airborne Guard's Weapon Drop will be equipped with Shock Troop PPSh's and have their squad size increased to 6.
This gives the Penal Troops a role as an unit that is expected to take on the most dangerous objectives (using a flamethrower or attacking a tank with a rifle) and get results at the cost of their own lives.

Assault Troops:
The Soviets are a faction that is lacking in offensive infantry firepower, ironic considering they produced more SMG's than all other armies combined. This results on them crutching heavily on the T-70 to bridge the gap into SU-85's and Mobilize Reserves. Assault Troops are meant to give them an assault unit to help them succeed against upgraded enemy troops, and an offensive unit for defense-oriented Conscripts to support.
- Assault Troops are a 6 man squad armed with PPSh's slightly below Conscript PPSh effectiveness, priced around 270-290. They have Oorah and are also equipped with a weak F1 Grenade with stats similar to the Panzerfusilier Grenade. They gain Shock Troop PPSh's with Mobilize Reserves.
- Assault Troops armed equipped with the Airborne Guard's Weapon Drop will gain 2 SVT Rifles with Panzergrenadier G43 style DPS.
Although initially I wanted this to be an HQ unit, the idea is flawed as putting Assault Troops in an M3 would be far too powerful. Forcing them to buy their PPSh's helps to alleviate this, but then the unit crossed PPSh icon is misleading and something else has to be done for the Crate Drop. Given that T1 Flamethrower Penals should be sufficient for offense, I feel it is best to place these guys squarely in T2.