1: Statistic library within the game. This would basically be a place after launching coh2.exe on the main menu where you can see each unit's stats such as RA, DPS, cost, manpower upkeep, and etc.
2: Grenade voice lines change. A lot of grenade voice lines in this game are plenty good but there are some that don't prioritize the word GRENADE. There's one line particular for tommies where they say "Bloody hell... GRENADE!" This to me is silly. By the time you register the word grenade in your head, the squad will basically already have ate the grenade. (Assuming ofc you aren't looking at the unit.) Sappers also don't have a throwing AT grenade line so it would be nice to have one for that too. As a general rule, I would like the GRENADE Part first. I guess the same with most other combat lines? Make the unit say what's attacking them first?
3: Better MG arc indicators. Too many times have a unit crawled out of the MG "Arc" and still were shot at by the enemy

4: Vehicle wreck pathing change. Has the stuck on the enemy vehicle wreck killed your light vehicles before? Then you know what I'm talking about. I don't know what has to change but it would be a blessing to have that wreck not make a tank turn 360 degrees trying to path out of it.
5: Commander Icon and UI icon changes. The Coh2 modders have been working hard on that one

6: Updated tutorials to help new players. Enough said about dat
7: Idk tell me what yall want to see! No balance changes please