So you referring the game of Creativename and Rutra where Deadbolt and Flap won against them? Can we get the opinion about the opponnents? I tried to explain the CPM issue in my document and even put games where he plays against me with higher CPM. Where are the analysis of the replays? If u referring the game where they lost to borobadger and toyvendor and i really don't think they are high level 2v2 players. You never really presented me the actual evidence.
At no point have either myself or Toyvendor stated we are high level 2s players, however with respect to Deadbolt and Flap we are both significantly better than either of those players. The game in question I got totally outplayed, which I expect from you but not from Deadbolt, therefore I can say with certainty that you were account sharing at that time.
If you are suggesting that Deadbolt and Flap beat CN and Rutra then you are just digging a hole for yourself for no reason and creating a web of lies that you will eventually trip yourself up with. It would be better for yourself if you stopped trying to lie to people and tried some honesty to protect what little of your reputation you still have.