For 1v1, Angoville and Arnehm deserve to be thrown in the gutter. Add all the maps from the Cohrona Cup.
For 2v2, get rid of Lierneux. This abomination has no place in the ladder pool. Agree with Blvckdream. Remove the fences on Vaux, problem solved, map is good.
Add Wolfheze and Duclair, seeeing how these were used in previous tourneys.
All that, and the map pool is in good shape.
Wolfhetze yes, Duclair no.
I like Wolfhetze because it's a wide map that allows mobility but it probably still needs some fixes for the trains and garrisons. Could be added to automatch after that stuff is fixed.
Duclair is horrible IMO because it's basically like all these camper maps Minsk, Poltawa, Rails etc. There is only one VP that can be contested and every single game ends in a huge slugfest over that VP. Artillery spam + ISU/Ele. It's also severely lacking in basic fundamentals of map-making.