I am not biased towards anything. I like OKW, I like USF, I'm ok with UKF, I hate Soviets, I'm ok with OST... and I will say this, Axis players complain more about every unit the allies have. Allies usually complain about heavy tanks and tanks in general but Axis players are asking for nerfs to pretty much every single unit USF has.
because allies have the CLEAR infantry advantege... and when they get beaten with thier own blobb tactics(pfussis) there crying tears.
they have the clear atry advantege and the most options while most are mobile
they have better call in Units
And by far better Tankdestroyers.. so the only thing they can arue abaout are the Heavy Tanks.
Let's see major complains:
1) Pack How.: Slow movement, has to be properly positioned, good AOE and damage, behind Captain tech. How to counter? Flank/don't camp/mortar/any light veichle
U didint play ost or ? literally everthing OST has have to "properly positioned" or u get run over,
its a support weapon... it is slow where is the problem?
the damg is so good that even top player say ist too much ...
and is the cpt. tech bad?
so flank deep behind enemy lines ... sure why not
Mortar ??

ok and the light vehicle just drive through the frontline and one shot this thing?
2) Jackson: High range, fast, accurate tank destroyer. Counter? Maybe use infantry to scout ahead, Panther s**ts on Jackson and can easily dive it if Jackson is out of position (and don't BS with the moving accuracy on Panther, it's good enough for dives with it's HP and armour), pretty much anything that can damage tanks can counter it with it's abmyssal armour.
Inf play against the better USF is not so easy or would u led a 4Man unit with shrecks near u higly mobile Tankdestroyer... this is no Ele.
Panther loses to Jackson 1v1.... if ure not a braindead monkey
And thats why it get an armor nerf in the newest patch, maybe u think twice about that.
You people also complain about rifleman,
because there are the best inf in the game, they have a good cost effectivenes, good upgrades, they get much from doctrines and the whole playstye of the factions is build arround them.
sometimes shermans (LOL)
the HE shells, rip through 4Men Untis and support weapons. Selfrepaier...
, T-34/76s
the stuipd ram combo... where u trade ur t34 agsint an Tiger, Ele...
, T-34/85 (which has good hp, low armour and a s**t anti-tank gun, good vs infantry though)
. I remember seeing somebody write that T-34/85 can easily take on solo Panther and win (Don't know how many people have actually played the game and/or studied anything related to mathematics)
it can fight P4 head on with no Problem and when u the common guard motor doc. u can fight panthers with mark target. And or get buttend by the guards which ar also in this doc.... ( u know now why this is a meta since release)
. It's preety amazing how much BS is being spilled on these forums nowadays.
Stop complaining, start playing.
After all u should rly play some axsis games.
Once LEIG was as powerfull as the pack howie nowadays... And there where a HUGE SHITSTORM.
Just clone the Packhowie and give to OST/OKW and come back crying